
Jay Leno, standing beside a 1908 White Steamer, opting for a vintage vehicle over a sleek sports car, appears more interested in America’s heritage than the here and now. The picture reminds me of the message I have for America concerning values and principles. Hey Leno! I’ve got a funny story for you.

America turned thumbs down to Richard Nixon. My funny story begins with my understanding that Nixon’s corrupt government was stealing my power. The means, federal income tax, Nixon was robbing Peter to pay Paul. I studied the law and threw down the gauntlet by writing Attorney General William B. Saxbe a letter letting him know that I was coming after the corrupt government that hired him. We need to write millions of letters to Obama’s Attorney General letting him know we are coming after him.

Why does the current President of the United State say that the intrinsic principles and values that are behind all parts of America’s basic document are flawed and our liberties negative? I’m shocked. The course of destiny—which is it to be—yours or Barack Obama’s Marxist establishment?

Jesus came at the height of the Roman Empire with a new way to think. He was crucified. The Roman judge Cicero did the same. He was killed. When you are in Rome, as the saying goes, you do as the Romans do. Yes, and what happened to the Romans? The course of least resistance is to go along with the establishment. Over the years, the same as in every other establishment, America’s establishment has grown corrupt. It is on the verge of collapse.

You don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Why allow a minority of Marxist revolutionaries, Obama’s friends and associates, make the determination to do away with natural law and nature’s God, the background of America’s Constitution? America needs reform, not destruction.

America’s establishment began on July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence (from the British Crown). None like it had ever been tried before. The first miracle that occurred was that George Washington’s ragtag army beat the most powerful nation on earth. America grew to become the most productive nation the world had ever seen, as well as the most generous. The second miracle: America became the envy of the world.

I’m reading A miracle That Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap. America began when England’s King James established Jamestown in 1609, in what is now Virginia. The occupants of Jamestown, 400 years ago, had little more than those who began civilization 5000 years ago. The miracle was self-government. Success was up to the individual. The American people, who migrated from Europe, came to a wild land with two things in mind: freedom and opportunity. With those values in mind, the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution.

Early Americans were personally responsible and self-reliant—capable of self-government. In order for self-government to work, it takes men of virtue in control, men who place the nation’s interests ahead of their own. In that America was a government of the people, it required the same of the people.

As always, there were injustices in early America, and as always, wolves in sheep’s clothing in both the private and public sector conning the meek for the express purpose of building their own power bases. Money goes where money flows. Money and power are birds of a feather. Obama and Soros, birds of a feather, socialism is the form of government they desperately want, not for the good of all, but for their own benefit. The name of the Obama-Soros game—stealing the individual’s power and enhancing the power of the high and mighty.

Compare me to a flea attacking an elephant. Under the law, however, government and I were equals. The law allowed me to challenge the income tax, after I paid the tax. So called tax protesters don’t know that. Tax protesters are fleas. They give me a bad name. After I paid my income tax, I had the right to be heard in a meaningful way in a meaningful place.

The IRS and my wife, who was divorcing me, conspired to cheat me. The IRS doesn’t know the law. I took the case to the tax court and won. As soon as the case was closed, the IRS confiscated my property. The IRS claimed it didn’t know anything about my tax court order. The IRS doesn’t know that the law requires the IRS to obey court orders. Simply not knowing there was a court order does not hold water. It is lawless. The confiscation of my property, in violation of a court order, constituted a violation of the Constitution, and something for the higher courts to consider. The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled for the IRS. Attorney General Saxbe claimed that the IRS made a mistake that was corrected in tax court, failing to mention in his brief to the Supreme Court that the IRS made the mistake of violating the tax court’s order. Saxbe was lying; the U. S. Court of Appeals was lying. The Supreme Court looks the other way on such issues. The Taney Court ruled that whites owning blacks was constitutional. The IRS got away with an unconstitutional confiscation of property. All Americans are tax slaves. The result: an economic meltdown.

Federal income tax, according to the makers and keepers of America’s law, is constitutional no matter what. The undeniable fact that as far as my property is concerned I don’t have any constitutional protection, makes the United States lawless. Under the law in practice, I’m a flea. Government is an elephant.

I took the record to The Palm Beach Post. An investigation was made. The Palm Beach Post didn’t believe it is now the law of the jungle. It printed a front page story, the IRS admitting that it illegally confiscated my property. Nevertheless, the IRS, “for the good of all” is allowed unlimited mistakes. I remained a flea and the government an elephant. In America, might makes right. America, the same as Rome, is on the verge of being wiped out by barbarians.

My testimony here is not based on the actual fact: I’m a flea. Government is an elephant. My testimony is based on other facts from which deductions may be drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved. Under my Constitution, the one Obama says is flawed, I’m equal in rights to government. Under Obama’s notion of the Constitution, the good of all overrides the rights of the individual. With a big toothy smile, Prince Charming calls it “collective salvation.” We know all about that. He who laughs last laughs loudest.

Obama says, “Republicans treat me like a dog.” Millions of Tea Party fleas are hopping on Obama. Republicans better start thinking constitutional or millions of fleas will be hopping on them.

By the way, I see that newly appointed Justice Elena Kagan (M.I.A) wants to do the right thing. I congratulate her. Keegan told the Senate at her confirmation hearing that she stays strictly within the limits of the U. S. Constitution in her judgment calls. That’s something many of her colleagues have not done and are not going to do. America’s judges—I was before 18 in all—gave me no respect. They hung themselves with their own rope. To many judges, I can tell you from personal experience, the good of all uppermost in their minds, the individual a flea, the end result justifies the means, such as IRS confiscations of property, they are socialist frauds. The only way we are going to get the country back is to tie Obama and all of America’s activist judges up in constitutional rope.

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