Destroy and Make Worse

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"Those who seek to shortcut the hard work of meaningful debate, compromise, and disagreement in pursuit of concrete common goods in favor of grand plans that must be adhered to as matters of faith seek not the common good but their own satisfaction. They are no friends to the people as persons, communities, or constructive elements of a humane civil social order."--Bruce Frohnen
Neoliberal ideology's dangerous and prevalent doctrine actively undermining what is left of our civilization is its promise to liberate people from what it terms "the chains" of traditional institutions, beliefs, and practices(1). And it has not, contrary to what is claimed, been democratic in the sense of the rule by the many. Neoliberalism's central irony is namely its consistent hostility toward popular majorities as the "threat to democracy." In fact left-wing elites within government, finance, and technology, as well as their supporters among the media and nonprofit groups, seek to control ever-increasing areas of life in the name of the people, but generally against the express will of democratic majorities. The result a being the observed and felt massive growth in centralized governmental power, along with increasing delegitimization of our governing structures and way of life.

Neoliberals' ironic imposition of power uses undemocratic means to impose what they as feel correct, and therefore, according to them, democratic policies on the people. What kind of policies? Neoliberal radical ones that will remove people from their past by destroying traditions, habits, and associations such as families and churches that by nature bind them to specific, concrete communities and beliefs.

Accordingly, centralized government has worked for decades to enact left-wing agendas to capture or kill local associations and communities while transforming education into cultural indoctrination, so that "the people" may take on a character strikingly similar to the Soviet model of what's termed a "new socialist man."

For example, liberal ideology can be seen at work in the concentration of power by the ruling classes such as those that control our and news and means of communication. One of their tactics is to repeatedly declare emergencies and then point to these emergencies as justification for increased administrative power and campaigns censoring alleged misinformation that presents inconvenient evidence or evinces loyalty to traditional institutions, beliefs and practices. This in effort to deliberate push of moral and political issues to adopt a set of their abstract criteria, posing as common sense, to dictate the rejection of concrete moral language, categories, and traditions, through such procedures as so-called values clarification, in order to reprogram the masses into assumptions and values consistent with their agenda 

Neoliberal ideology in effect demands that the people be forced from the associations that make them fully human and, not coincidentally, that provide them with the means and motivation to resist the centralized powers radically transforming their lives, in order to serve abstract--and often in reality total contradictory--goals like diversity, equity, and inclusion. This ideology cannot allow tradition, laws, practices, and institutions, even biology itself to determine one's choices.

And since unanimity (which is impossible since humans are shaped by biology along with different experiences, interests, and viewpoints) is required, authoritarian rule, coercion and force is justified, imposing procedures and assumptions that twist reality and undermine moral action. Quite literally at war with reality, the theoretical goods this ideology seeks produces concrete harm.

Beliefs and traditions are not dead weight from the past but, the mental and social means necessary for us to take in and process new information. They may have moral or immoral implications but, cannot be simply ignored or rooted out in favor of abstract principles; they must be engaged by people who seek to understand one another and are servants to truth and reality. As P.. Christopher Smith said: "Knowledge is not socially constructed; the world does, indeed, exist on its own. But we can only reason about the world, understand it and the duties we owe within it, in the context of a concrete, experience-based community that has formed names and meanings for its elements."

If neoliberal ideology's general will of the public rests on the assumption that truth and moral action are to be found in abstract concepts they form of justice, rather than in concrete understandings such as that of justice as something lived in daily interactions or what in court are deemed reasonable expectations of the parties to a given dispute, if justice is a matter of phrasing things politically correct du' jour, of assuming the equal value of all choices, for example, then we have passed beyond a world in which people reason together about how to achieve a better life into one in which all that matters is what we mouth and pay homage to the correct platitudes as we assign our wills to those and trusted with the real power to make choices consistent with their agenda.

Yes, neoliberals reject reality because it rules out the special place they've assigned themselves--avatars of the people and holders of "the truth," to which all most conform or else, whose self-proclaimed intelligence and abstract vantage point entitle them to rule.

"Fruitful, authentic change can only result from a particular society trying to be more fully itself by living up to, and in the process also revising, its own true highest moral standards."--Claes Ryn


1. Based on their flawed ideological view that the masses can act rationally in political life without the aid of intermediary institutions in which formulations breed common feeling and cooperation.


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