
Digenova – Obama DOJ Dirty Cops Conspiracy To Frame President Trump, Clear Clinton

Joe Digenova, a former US Attorney, says the evidence is clear of a conspiracy by the dirty cops of the Obama DOJ and FBI to frame President Trump and clear Hillary Clinton. He

tucker carlson joe digenova

Former US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe Digenova, joined Tucker Carlson on Friday to discuss the rot and decay inside the DOJ and FBI.

He first is asked, beginning at approximately the 6:20 mark in the video, to comment on what looks to the non-professional, non-lawyers of this nation as blatant corruption and fraud in a different realm, the pimping of women willing to make accusations against people by Gloria Allred’s daughter, Lisa Bloom.

He agrees with Carlson’s previous guest, that the system won’t likely punish a crooked attorney like Bloom in any way, a damning assessment of the open sewer that in many instances is the legal system in this country. It’s not a surprise that from those contaminated roots arise such scumbags as those we find in power at DOJ and the FBI.

They move on to that topic, the corruption in the DOJ and the Mueller “investigation,” with Carlson asking Digenova if his own investigations ever included stacking them “with prosecutors who were personally hostile to the person being investigated.”

Digenova replies that he has not, adding, “And let me just say this right now, Tucker, what you have now unfolding inside the FBI and the Department of Justice under Obama is a brazen plot to do two things. To exonerate Hillary Clinton because of an animus toward Donald Trump, and then is she lost, to frame the incoming President for either a criminal act or impeachment.”

He says, “This is one of the most disgusting performances by the senior officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice and it demands that every one of these agents involved be fired and that the people who are still in the Justice Department be fired, including Mr. Ohr.”   [[VIDEO BELOW]]

Digenova recommends “That they impanel a federal grand jury to investigate the conduct of McCabe and Strzok and Page and Comey and Ohr and everybody in the Obama Justice Department who even touched this. Because it’s very clear that they conspired to frame the incoming President of the United States.”

“It’s a frightening and disgusting prospect,” says Digenova, “that FBI officials, senior FBI officials, would do this. And those text messages are frightening, they’re just frightening.” Carlson notes that the Trump administration is now over the Department of Justice and asks, “What would it take to call some of these people to account for their behavior, at least to get to the bottom of it, Mr. Ohr for example.

Digenova doesn’t expect Ohr to be around the DOJ for long, saying he is, in all likelihood being investigated by the Inspector General as part of their effort to “throw the case against Clinton, a bunch of dirty cops got together and decided to throw a case against the Democrat presidential nominee.”

Carlson asks Digenova a question that makes him laugh out of the sheer absurdity of the situation, whether or not it is unusual to come to a conclusion of innocence in a case before he ever interviewed Hillary Clinton.

Digenova says, “It is not only extremely unusual, it’s never happened before. James Comey threw the case against Hillary Clinton in conjunction with senior FBI officials and Justice Department officials in the Obama administration at the time. It’s never done. Comey sold his soul to the devil.”

“Believe me,” says Digenova, “you cannot believe the telephone calls we’re getting from current FBI people about how they cannot abide by what is going on. And one thing they can’t understand is why is Andrew McCabe still at Christopher Wray’s right hand inside the senior offices of the FBI.”

He says, “I mean McCabe and Strzok and Page are all out of the same cloth. They conspired to exonerate improperly and politically Hillary Clinton and also, if she lost, to frame the incoming President of the United States with a false crime. This is a constitutional crisis and Congress better stay on it until they get all the answers and then there needs to be a grand jury.”


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