The Divide of a Nation and its Potential Downfall
Our nation was founded by a group of men who were willing to fight and die for what believed in. These men are known today as the ‘founding fathers’ of this nation; men who included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Hancock just to name a few. These men were Godly Bible believing, Christians who believed every word of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and from the values taught by through their beliefs wanted more for this nation than just mere freedom, they wanted civil liberty for all who entered this nation and wanted the same freedoms.
Some may ask what freedom is and what are civil liberties? Well Freedom as described by Merriam-Webster (Merriam-Webster online learners dictionary) is the quality or state of being free as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice and/or action. Civil Liberties (Merriam-Webster online learners dictionary) are the freedom from arbitrary government interference specifically by denial of government power and in the US especially guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
Through the signing of our Declaration of Independence to the signing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, these documents provide the outline of our governmental policies much like the Ten Commandments provide to the outline policies of the Christian faith. Comparably though I have not found any documentation proving that our Bill of Rights are based off of the Ten Commandments but you also have to remember that these men were deeply rooted Christians with a love for what they believed this nation could be.
Sadly from the beginning foundations there has always been a dividing line between the northern states and the southern states. Whether it was over commerce, slavery, political views, or just a different way of thinking people from the Virginias westward to the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers had and some still have a difference of opinion and view than that north of the Ohio River. The farther you go south from Georgia to Louisiana the culture itself is different than anything else in the world. It contains the area known as the ‘Bible Belt’ where the largest populations of Christians, in the United States, are found. During the early years of this country it was also the largest population of Democrats but in more modern times the roles have reversed and it is becoming a more Republican to Independent area, this is probably due to the difference in world view compared to the Christian world view.
With these many differences there has always been some of these states that have wanted to separate itself from the Union in some shape, form or fashion and to this date there are still some states that have a difference of opinion and view than that of the federal government especially now in the Bible belt area with our current President and his administration. Today we are seeing Federal Judges who take the law into their own hands and overturn laws that a majority of the people have voted on and passed such as most recently a judge overturned a law that requires a valid photo id in order to vote or in another case where a judge overturned a vote of the majority to allow same sex marriage.
Where has the government our founding fathers originally planned for this country gone? We have seen in the last four years a tremendous overlook of the Constitution of the United States we have seen Executive orders that are made that do not abide by the Constitution, we’ve seen legislature pass that is questionable to the point of pushing the boundaries of government overrule. We’ve seen a President push his agenda and policy changes to the point he doesn’t look like a president but a near dictatorship and yet no one in his own political party will stand up to him when they no he’s doing wrong. The people in his own party would rather try to defend him than to admit the truth. Within the first year of his presidency he has fallen to the point that no one wanted to admit they had voted for him and yet there are still die hard democrats out there with their blinders on following the lead horse and supporting him no matter what it does to our nation in the future, the future our kids and grandkids will have to inherit if the Lord doesn’t come soon.
For an example of the Executive-national Defense Resource Preparedness order on March 16th, 2012 there was an Executive order released that allows the Federal Government to take over farms, small businesses, and other privately owned entities that can produce raw natural resources this includes all equipment that is pertained to the company or farm. President Obama passed this and this includes all property owned by US citizens on foreign soils as well. The issues have gone from public to private property owners the sad thing here is no even looks at this stuff anymore.
Very few people under the age of 40 are even keeping up with national politics yet alone what goes on in their own state and local government. This disregard for politics can and seems to be leading to a fall from the Republican governmental process that our nation’s founding father’s intended. The one biggest problem this nation faces is the fall from God. Kerby Anderson with Probe Ministries wrote in a paper that the average lifespan of a nation is only about 200 years, with ten stages from birth to death. We appear to be in stages seven to eight a movement from complacency to apathy from apathy to moral decay. Complacency is where a majority of Americans were at, but by biblical standards moral decay is where we are today. I say this because we have parents killing their children or selling them as prostitutes, we have a government that says it is ok to steal what belongs to someone else if it pleases, we also have federal officials who take it upon themselves to rule against the majority in favor of same sex marriage, and we have a church leaders taking advantage of their understudies. This type of behavior is not what America was built on nor is it the type of behavior our constitution was based on.
As Christians we must not give up hope in this nation nor in its founding principles. We must stand up and vote our beliefs and morals not political party. If we don’t take a stand within the next two months we will be heading for a pitfall that will devastate this nation. What will be left of this great nation God only knows? Our kids and grandchildren will reap the ill benefit of a national debt reached and set by our generation’s presidential administrations short comings. Author and Apologist Ravi Zacharias done a radio show on June 23, 2012 entitled is ‘America Abandoning God’; he confronts this issue and states that many people are looking for something higher but are not turning to God, instead people are turning to Hollywood or other forms of religion such as self-worship, Buddhism, Hinduism, and no religion atheism. Mr. Zacharias also goes on to explain that the tower of Babel is being rebuilt with America as a key instrument in it, people all over the world are speaking the same language via the internet and web. I agree totally America is falling from God it is obvious all around us with many people following their path not God’s path
Dale Lynn