For many years the President in the White House has been affilated with the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC).  It has been said that every Presidential candidate in both parties has been approved and placed in that Presidential election by the CFR.  So that the CFR does not care who you vote for because each candidate is their guy.  Every President who has occupied the White House has been surrounded by CFR and TC people who have advised and directed his decisions and actions.  Vote for Tweedle-dee or Tweedle-dum since it does not matter to these organizations.  Some call the CFR the Shadow Government who is really guiding and running the US for many years.  The question one has to ask oneself is if that journey has been a good one and are we moving in the right direction?  Or are we heading down the tubes, especially the middle class?  The results of the past 30 years speak for themselves:  more and more debt, more and more wars, less and less freedom, more and more government!!!  Debt that continures to grow, wars that can never be won or kept out of, continuous erosion of our freedoms fought for and won at a great expense by our Founding Fathers.  And a government that does not seem to be able to get out of our way so that we can be free to do those things which we ought to do as understood and well defined over hundreds of years by our great and fantastic Western Christian Civilization.  Citizens of the U.S. need to put the beer away, turn off the TV and get involved in finding out what is going on with their government.  After all it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.....OR IS IT?  If we are not involved, if we do not understand what is happening with our tax dollars, with our defense, with our freedom and our government then as the saying goes:  "We deserve the government we get."  Citizenship is an awesome responsibility and it requires our interest and attention each and every day.  We need to ask the question: What are they doing with our country?  And then we need to find out!  Most of all we need to understand how our monetary system works because that is the core and source of our problems.  We need to understand how money flows in the USA...where it comes from .....where it goes .....and who are the people orchestrating the process.  We need to understand how the Federal Reserve functions in our country and if the Federal Reserve is performing the tasks laid out in its Charter or are they doing other things other than what is defined in their Charter.  We need to know!  It is our responsibility to find out what is really going on!!!!!



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