Don't Feed the Animals

4063507724?profile=originalTo say the least, the American people are neither as individually or socially secure as when socialist Obama took office. Is it Bush’s fault? Is it a Republican fault? Is it a fault of the greedy rich? No, it is an external fault, an on the surface fault, the blind leading the blind.  It is a for-the-good-of-all fault, a collective fault, a hive mentality fault.  The very idea that we, the American people, can’t control our spending is a dead give-away that we are addicted to living beyond our means.

We read, “Weaker-than-expected US jobs growth hit financial markets and cast a shadow over President Barack Obama’s plans for a formal launch of his re-election campaign this weekend.”

The idea that we can be government entitled, with a fundamental right to be our brother’s keeper by law leaves us zoo animals. We are voting for zoo keepers.  Our keepers put up signs saying don’t feed the animals and then feed us.  Jesus called them hypocrites.

The stars say that I came to earth equipped to see the future, and here as a messenger. The responsibility falls on me to inform you that your creator equipped you with the reason and logic to cope on your own; that is, most of you. For the few that can’t, we humans can take care of you. We don’t need zoo keepers.

How do we go back to the principles that made America great?  I have yet to hear. Forget looking to your elected representatives. They are the problem.  It is left up to me to inform you. I looked within for the answer. Low and behold, it worked.  “Neither shall they say; Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:12). So quit looking here and there for the answer.

America’s zoo keepers have not yet passed a law that forbids you from claiming that you have the constitutional right to be your own keeper.  No, they depend on making “mistakes” that keep your in line with their thinking.  With their double standard, they wear you down.

I’m here to tell you that they did not wear me down.  When the music stopped eleven years after their game began, they were left standing.  Unfortunately, I was the only one that gained.  And gained I did. Life doesn’t get any better than mine.

Don’t expect your keepers to adhere to the rules they impose on you.  You can read all about it in my book, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. When you are done, you will have been exposed to the Higher Law.  You will have answers you may never have thought before. We are all God’s children. God loves us all equally.  He does not want us kept in a zoo.

Rest assured that your representative will discover the answers for correcting the problems we face the moment you discover the truth about who you really are and your purpose in life.

We are entering a new age.  The answer for getting spending under control is simple as falling off a log.  Phase out government entitlements the same way they were phased in.  This puts the taxpayers back in control.  After all, without taxpayers, the powers that be could not be our keepers. The multitudinous problems they have created would vanish like mist in the morning sun.

Without our zoo keepers, we will mentally catch up with modern technology. Poverty, deprivation, and war will be a thing of the past.  I’m living proof of the good life that lies ahead.  My vision of our future: The people are destined to be self-governed.  Welcome the Age of Aquarius.  

I believe in our savior and redeemer, who ended his Sermon on the Mount with: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is you reward in heaven…”  Please allow me to explain what Jesus meant.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said, “in earth as it is in heaven,” and followed this with, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Let us turn again to the Gospel of St. Luke, to 17:21, “the kingdom of God is within you.”  It’s like a hand in a glove. “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26).                        


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