Don't pass this one!

ATTENTION!  This one you simply have to watch, if you believe we do not have a tyrannical government, well, my friend think again.  Just watch the faces on some of the legislators in this, these people are laughing at you, the American citizen who elected their sorry asses to office!  If you don't get it you are just about as dumb as a stump!
GUNS (Virtual State of the Union 2013)
In this segment of his Virtual State of the Union, the Virtual President talks about why politicians want to talk about gun control rather than crime control...
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  • and I don't know who Bill Whittle is??? so Clearly some of us must be dumb in Barbara's book??

  • Yes, I was completely taken in as I want to believe our Congress would listen to this great talk.  Your all right many of us post after reading quickly through these TP Post which I'm commenting on several right now, it should have been made clear what it is??? my mistake!  

  • Barbara... not everyone knows who Bill Whittle is... or what the spoof was about.  Don didn't.

  •    Clearly, we can see what this is, when Bill Whittle is the guy giving the "speech."

  • Don... this was a spoof... a joke.  No speech was made to Congress.  Those posting such spoofs need to say so in clear bold type... this is a spoof a joke.  Many here have very little time to examine what they read in great detail and can miss such a well presented spoof for what it is... it looks real enough... so label it clearly as a spoof.  Again... THIS IS A SPOOF.. it is not real.

  • Great speech, but do I believe these jerks in office now were really listening to this great talk? NO! and John McCain sitting along side the Dems. smerking is sickening, if they try to take our guns that would be another reason for civil war if the dollar does not crash in the mean time??  or if there planning to have all this come down at the same time. We no there getting ready for something awefull which is about to happen in our Beloved Country?? God help US ALL!!

  • If only we could have such a President... who would address a joint session of Congress using this very same speech.  Then, direct the DOJ, FBI, and NSA to cooperate as they investigate every member of Congress for violations to their oaths of office.  You will see Washington become a ghost town overnight as Congress fled the US for locations where no extradition agreement existed.


    We have the most corrupt and dangerous Congress, Administration and Federal Judiciary in the history of the US and we must act too dismantle it now... before, they take our arms and fill those FEMA camps and plastic coffins with our bodies and those of our children.  This is no game and the government is playing for keeps... even though it is difficult for us to believe such treason could infect so many... in government. 

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