Donald Trump Vows to ‘Solve North Korea’ Problem

Speaking from the Oval Office in an interview with the Financial Times, the US president gave China an ultimatum: “Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.”

In a separate interview with the publication, deputy White House national security adviser KT McFarland warned: “There is a real possibility that North Korea will be able to hit the US with a nuclear-armed missile by the end of the first Trump term.”

The US sees North Korea as its most pressing threat after former president Barack Obama warned Trump about the substantial advancements Pyongyang has made with their nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.

Trump confirmed he would be discussing the issue of North Korea with Chinese president Xi Jinping when he hosts the world leader at his resort this week.

The president added: “China has great influence over North Korea.” (Read more from “Donald Trump Vows to ‘Solve North Korea’ Problem” HERE)

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