Make sure to join us on Tea Party Radio Wednesday evening @ 9 pm EST! Attorney Orly Taitz will be joining us for what should be a very interesting program. Dr. Taitz has been all over the eligibility issue now for over 3 years, and has been at the forefront of the most valid-and-controversial issue this nation has ever ineligible foreigner in the White House, with the exception of Chester Arthur, and Chester Arthur was not a Communist/Marxist/Islamofascist/community organizer. Tell your friends, get on your blogs, whatever...Dr. Taitz will be filling us in on her latest excursion to Hawaii with Doug Voght, who was on the program just over a month ago talking about his analysis of the forged BC and how it was done with Adobe Illustrator, among other things. This is one hour you don't want to miss!
Link to the show from the Command page, or go to
Our call-in # is 1-646-200-4032.
C ya then!
Jim Seigfreid
co-host Tea Party Radio