Starting in the late fifties, the Democrats took God out of Schools, and also Prayer, because they aid the clause "Separation of Church and State". There is No Such thing in the Constitution. The real meaning of that, was done by the Founding Fathers', to mean that the State should never be able to set up one religion, and be run by the state, as it is in England.
The government knew that by not teaching the whole truth to children, they could tell them "News", that was actually mostly lies, and they would not know the difference.
When they took God out of the schools, Crime, crimes against women and children, murders and robberies shot up, because they were not being taught in the schools. The new way, is "If it feels good/right, do it. There is no right or wrong, because there is no God.
You do not have to take responsibility for your actions.
Prior to 1958, most crimes were very small, because God was being taught in the schools, and that everything had consequences.
There was prayer in the schools, and the Bible was actually taught in the schools.
Obama keeps saying that this has never been a Godly country. That is a lie right out of the pit of hell.
The problem is, the Liberals/Progressives in the country want nothing to do with God, but everything to do with atheism, and the communist ways of sharing thew wealth.
When we elect a new president, we want a GOD FEARING person, who worships the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
If you elect anyone who belongs to a cult, then they will preach their agenda, and it will be no better than just letting Obama stay in office for another eight years.
You should go to, or, and watch "The Obama Deception".
Go to :, this will explain what Thomas Jefferson meant, when he wrote the letter to the Baptist Assembly.
There are also a number of other files talking about the subject.
The Empress Theodora of Byzantium called together the high priests for an ecumenical council in Constantinople in the year 553, the purpose of which was to replace reincarnation with resurrection, spelled out to mean Christian. You can’t be “reborn” if you are not a Christian, by order of Empress Theodora. Theodore and her husband Justinian were control freaks.
Could it have been God’s will that Muslims flew jetliners into the World Trade Center and Pentagon?