Take a long hard look at the Obama Care organizational structure!

If you think for one minute this election is not important, the most important election in US history, you are sadly mistaken-dangerously mistaken. What makes this worse, it’s an Orwellian technical nightmare!

A "technical" nightmare? Yes! An Information Technology (IT) nightmare!


Take a very close and long look at this Obama Care structure

As an IT consultant to small and medium businesses, having implemented a great number of IT business solutions for an array of infrastructures. I have a personal glimpse into the IT nightmare ObamaCare will become. The single largest risk factor being one’s individual rights from government or I should say the loss of those rights.

Loss of Independence

Just like in IT when a business application is being implemented say for the finance department of a company, not everyone performs business processes in a similar manner and IT systems tend to force users into a limited number of options. Software systems treat most processes monolithically no matter the different needs usually handled outside the system. Unlike in business where the development team can make modules for specific needs this is NOT the case for health care when dealing with 300 million plus individuals and a limited government budget already exposed by the raiding of Medicare.

Basically the module will not be created - you will just be denied! This is what doctors will face and you will cope with. Not every patient can be addressed and the inevitable boilerplate template the government will need to create will disenfranchise both patient and doctor.

In order to manage healthcare in IT to this large of a volume of "individuals" - boilerplates are unavoidable, cost cutting is reality and outsourcing of IT infrastructure to established organizations (IRS, Visa, Keizer, etc.) is a nightmare reality. These organizations have extensive IT infrastructures in place but they are nowhere near a position to assume such a task. Percentages of people falling thru the cracks will be massive and unstoppable.  Death panels (similar to IT virus vaults) are inevitable.


Loss of R&D

Let’s say at 75 years of age you get a new strain of cancer, one in which our current system can study but will it be studied in the ObamaCare system or will they just considered you a virus to be "deleted"? You have to assume the worse based on governments record of “providing” anything. Perhaps you get an ailment unseen in medicine, like in the 80's with AIDS, the infrastructure is no longer in place for rapid R&D response nor is the budget available to ramp up for it. That budget is redirected toward massive costly IT infrastructure for client and medical record management. This isn't a simple Facebook user interface which can handle a billion users, Facebook isn't managing large extensive medical records or extensive patient visit databases.

Loss of Income

ObamaCare is an absolute compliance nightmare! The IRS admits ObamaCare’s small business tax credits will not work.

From a story by Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform the Heartlander digital magazine:

One aspect of President Obama’s health care law touted by its supporters is the inclusion of a small business health care tax credit. But recent testimony by a leading bureaucrat at the Internal Revenue Service shows this aspect of Obama’s law, like so many others, is destined to fail.

Small business employers have no incentive to participate in the tax credit plan. In order to comply, a small business owner has to file Form 8941 with the IRS. This 20-line form requires employers to report the number of employees they have, the average amount they are paying them, the total amount spent in premiums on them, and the average premiums for small-group coverage in their area. And that’s just if you have a simple situation.

So now add to the nightmare the IT financial system required presents. Who will handle that, the IRS? Take the time to see their failure rate. They allowed our own Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to avoid paying taxes!

From my professional opinion I am here to tell you it is far worse than this! See, there is this IT nightmare I am highlighting which coincides with this IRS nightmare and it is one they just admitted in the Ryan Ellis story. The IRS has admitted they cannot handle their current single aspect system now. What they inadvertently admitted is they do not have an IT infrastructure which could manage the current tax code let alone an additional 1/7th of an entire economy!

Managed in what IT system? I challenge anyone to show me any IT infrastructure that can manage a system as complex as health care, the taxes involved, the fees, the prescriptions and on the scale of 300 + million users! Facebook has more than 1 billion users. What it does manage is a simple list of functions (user accounts, images, friends list, video links and basic textual posting). This is in comparison simple data not a whole history of medical visits, surgeries, medications, extremely large x-ray scan images and you can finish your list. But here is the caveat; Facebook is managed by hundreds of thousands of servers across multiple continents which brings us to the final and most important point.

Loss of Privacy!

Do you want your most personal data spread out across the globe on servers - and here is the key - THE GOVERNMENT HAS ACCESS TO IT!

Forget about the inevitable security breaches that WILL happen by 3rd parties. God forbid its China or Russia which hacks this system. What about the free access our government will have of our medical record. Your son or daughter wants to run for president; his/her medical records are now front and center! Want to buy an old fashioned apple pie? NOPE! You swipe your ATM card, the merchant tells you it was denied, you get angry and explain you have money on the card at which point the person says; but it wasn't your bank that denied you, it was the federal government health care system! You have gained too much weight and you are restricted to a digitally enforced diet!

Your whole personal worth is at stake when you want a chocolate chip cookie because all your records are accessed and assessed by some faceless nameless bureaucrats who will decide your fate! Not your doctor or yourself. A BUREAUCRAT!

Now think about that and let it sink in!
Then vote to repeal Obama and his unconstitutional bill!

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