
Entitlement: giving someone the right to a privilege others don’t receive, like health care. Millionaires are receiving taxpayer financed health care on the notion that said millionaires are buying insurance with their FICA tax. The government claims that forcing people to buy health care insurance is the same as tax. A federal judge has ruled that government can’t call health insurance tax.  What about the  Federal Insurance Contributions Act, known as FICA tax?  The Supreme Court ruled that Roosevelt’s Social Security tax could not be called insurance.  It had to be called welfare.  During World War II federal withholding tax was called Victory Tax.


The grandfather of government entitlement, Franklin D. Roosevelt, admitted that government entitlement was not written in the Constitution, but that government had the duty to keep people from starving with individual grants in aid.  There is no comparison in giving people able to care for their own needs grants in aid. Politicians use government entitlement as their means of buying votes. Government entitlement has proven to be unaffordable.  It is welfare and only those who are unable to care for their own needs, as determined by a qualified professional, under the Constitution, according to court ruling, are qualified to receive taxpayer money.  For the sake of America’s children, government entitlements must be phased out.  Don’t expect politicians to act in our best interests.  It will take a grassroots movement.


Without government entitlements, many of our current problems would be solved.  People illegally in the United States would not be living on the taxpayers backs.  Before government entitled health care the cost of health care was a small fraction of today’s cost.  Before government entitlement, nobody but the rich paid any tax on their incomes. It took only one breadwinner.   Without government entitlement, the number of government workers would be a fraction of today’s number, and as well in the private sector.  All of those people would be employed making goods or providing services for us.  The economy would soar.


Government entitlement is strictly for government. It is unconstitutional.  The courts have ruled against it. Do your kids a favor. Get rid of government entitlement.  


In Knockout, Suzanne Somers asks how you heal a damaged soul.  Hers was damaged by the brutal treatment she got in a hospital.  She maintains that hospitals are not safe.


Our bodies are the temples of our souls, left to us to protect, which is not what government entitlement does.  It’s the cookie cutter approach.  Somers says understand the past to understand the future. In Knockout, you will find that anyone trying to get out of the establishment box is intimidated, the same as I was when I challenged the IRS.


Somers had breast cancer. She was offered a chemotherapy treatment that was known to be ineffective 92 percent of the time. Knowing that, she turned it down.  There is a way of testing the effectiveness of chemo drugs.  But it requires the doctor to spend his time on the individual. Chemotherapy is mass production.  Oncologists are not interested individualization. Ever since government got in the health care act, the individual has been getting less and less care for more and more cost. Big bucks sets the course.  That’s government for you.


Politicians can’t be concerned about individual needs.  The income tax and redistribution is the cookie cutter approach.  What did Jesus do about the problem?  He turned over the money changers tables.  The Tea Party is the answer, individuals turning the tables on politicians.  

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  • The problem is that we've been diverted, allowed our wills to be manipulated.  My experience has been that when I've conformed to established ideas I've not done as well. If everyone thought like I think, the result would be anarchy. In my view, this would be great. Anarchy: Theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode or organized society.  It's the kind of anarchy the manipulated bring us that is bad.
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