Posted by HABIB OSTA on January 21, 2010 at 9:06am
In general, I vote for the Republican party candidates because I am conservative and I feel America is safer with the Republican hands. Yet, deep inside me, I always feel that we need a third party or a movement to correct what has been going wrong in our nation for the last 21 years.Today, more than ever, I feel that we are shifting away from the core of our basic principals and the future of our nation as a leading super power in the world, is in jeopardy.Our President forgot that the American constitution was based on the BIBLE and we should not eliminate the Ten Commandments, the Christmas Holiday, or any sign of Christian faith.Our economy is deteriorating because of the non sense bail out policy and other spending policy that is going to put a heavy load on our new generation.Our social life should be embraced with liberty, freedom, and free enterprise. We are the leading nation in capitalism and we can not afford to go backward to socialism.I am very delighted to see the Tea Party is on the rise.Habib Osta