Equal Opportunity and Capitalism

I received a couple of email notices today that tell me something big is about to happen, and as it happens, the time I’ve been thinking it would happen.  Michael G. Booth Sr. commented on my blog post "The Full Truth and Nothing but the Truth" on Tea Party Command Center‏. “In reply to john smithson. Amen Brother. I believe the very same thing and very soon now so will the entire world. The King of Kings and LORD of Lords is coming with power and great glory and this generation now living WILL SEE IT!! Woe to those who don't believe.” 

A groundswell is building that is going to sweep the world.

From TeaParty.org: “Obama is a FRAUD, a LIAR and a SOCIALIST PIG in pinstripe. We’re about to PROVE IT once and for all, taking our message far and wide. But we need your help.” Amen brother!  

My friends, the Tea Party doesn’t not know the half of it. My help is coming in a book I’ve written, In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012. My publisher says it will be available this June.  

We are called upon to make the choice between capitalism and socialism. You will read in my book my choice and the outcome.

When it is difficult or impossible for equal opportunity to work, government interference is required. But there is a great difference in equal opportunity and capitalism and equal distribution and socialism.  Socialism is opposed to Higher Law—the law of all times.  Socialism makes the statement that the group with the most power determines the law.  Under socialism, government makes might right; or you might say the law of the jungle (where America’s fraud president is coming from); or you might say Higher Law from the “King of Kings and LORD of Lords” is going to win the battle.”   You best believe it. You will be left at the switch if you don’t.

All of my dreams came true. I’m a messenger of glad tidings.


America’s greatest enemy at the moment, imposter Obama, he is campaigning furiously to divide America, his only hope of being reelected; he has nothing positive to offer, the Tea Party’s task is to bring the American people together under the Higher Law, that which my book attempts to do. I’m a voice of experience.  I beat Uncle Sam at his own game. The IRS hung itself with its own rope. 

In The Rising Sign, under “Aquarius Rising,” Jeanne Avery, describing me: “The person with Aquarius on the rise can be very avant-garde. He is a forerunner in setting style, discovering new methods, and showing the rest of humanity the way. He may be especially enlightened, metaphysical, scientific, and inventive. He can be a rolling stone, gathering no moss. He is a chance-taker. He is willing to let go of the trunk of the tree to walk out on the edge of a limb. He knows where the fruit grows and where the spotlight can hit. He is not one to hide his light under a bushel” (Matthew 4:15).   I’m thirty-seven years ahead of this moment in history.

 Astrologer Jeanne Avery is a transactional analysis professional, who lectures, teaches, and conducts workshops here and abroad for astrologers, psychologists, and non-professional groups.  Avery points out that the planet Uranus, my ruling planet, is on the ascendant of the chart of the United States, which means that our America was born under the sign of Aquarius.  In Astrologer’s Handbook, under “Aquarius,” we read: “Individuals born under the sign of brotherhood and fraternity have as their symbol the water-bearer, who spills out to mankind the life-force and spiritual energy. Since the planet Uranus rules Aquarius, friendship and companionship are extremely important to Aquarians…there is no affectation or snobbery in the Aquarian personality but a dislike of spurious imitation and hypocrisy in any form.”  That sounds like Jesus. 

The first day of my new life was spent in Miami, Florida, where I began from scratch to build a miraculous life.

Thirty-seven years ago I studied my Constitution and received a bigger than life calling.  I was determined to make a case for the inalienable rights my Constitution gave me.  My enemy was the IRS, whose lawyer was the Attorney General of the United States.  I’m not a lawyer, and a good thing. No lawyer would have done what I did. I took my issue to the U. S. Supreme Court. It gave me a record that I took to the press.  The powers that be bowed their heads in shame.  They cannot stand the light of day.  And to think, I did not know that my Lord and savior was with me from the beginning. In the story of my life, you will discover the prophecy is soon to become our reality. You are going to read a tale you have never before heard about the potential power that lies within you.  I’m here before my time. Read about my life and message. Spread the word.  Hasten the time when we cross the threshold to humanity’s next step in awareness.   


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