Executive Lies

Obama said that the two Seals killed were part of Stevens security force. That statement was a outright lie, they were not there to protect Stevens or anyone else. They did what soldiers do they tried to save lives of innocent people. Obama made the statement trying to cast his personal failure on the Seals. It truly bothers me that so many people believe there is some socially redeemable value w
ith regard to Barak Obama. He has been called smart when in fact any intelligent individual is aware of his ignorance. He has been called articulate when in fact he can't make a coherent sentence without someone writing it out for him to read, then it must be in simple words. One simple fact has protected Obama his entire life, he is black. However for the first time people are beginning to learn that a person's skin shades should earn them no favor. Any man or woman who defines themselves by the shade of their skin is pathetic. The only, and I mean only measure of a man is their character and values.
By they way, Biden called him clean, I have heard from personal friends who have been in positions close to him this isn't exactly true either.

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