One fact we must not forget is that the killers in the school shootings and the Portland mall shooting, etc., were using anti-depressants/anti-anxiety medications. One of the major side effects for these types of medications, which the public isn't well enough informed about, is "suicide". If the killers were not on these medications, or if the family/friends around these killers knew this horrible side effect, then we would not have all these mass murders.
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The minions crashing into the NRA news conference put up to these acts by Dianne Frankenstein and Holder/Obama the Chief Dictator that seized power by force of fraud election.
Obama will try to do this with the force of executive orders, like that monstero Oblammacare bill, and the puppet Pelosi who expounded to pass the bill first, then we can read what is in it!
We need laws to protect the honest people who choose to own firearms, regardless of what type, AR, mini, Remington rifles, pistols ect! The gunbanners are going to go full force to shove another one of their gunbanning antisecondamendment laws down our throats. Short of a miracle getting dictate Oblamea ousted, then we'd have to fight tooth and nail, Bite me Biden. Worse than the Clinton Administration!
Medications, are part of it. I say they are learning it on TV and CD's and at home. Mom and Dad not
being together. And the Doctors also, Do they know what is going on.Are they on the meds or not, and
are they working for them. ~