Ron Paul on Fair Tax Folks I have been a supporter of Ron Paul for most of my adult life ( I'm 75 ), mostly because of my passion for the Fair Tax Law but I am also pragmatic,We must keep the pressure on through the groups our movement has spawned, we have weeded out some of the big government types and we must be ever vigilant on our Reps. To keep our movement alive, the Republican Party has some Constitutional Conservatives and is the only viable option we have to build on ! If we get enough Ron Pauls, Rand Pauls, Tom Coburns Jim Inhoffs,Michelle Bachmans etc. In Congress it won't matter who ts in the White House, we had 15 senators and 105 Representatives voted against TARP ( and none of them voted for obama to use it for paying off his cronies, stealing from GM shareholders and giving it it the UAW) . Since then we have elected a number of Reps., Senators and Governors .In my humble opinion the Republican Party is our only viable option , we must continue to build. There is a world of difference in Romney/Paul and the Soros Alinskyites in there now, with Romney/Paul we can hang on, 4 more yrs. Of the bunch in there now it's over ! |
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