This is a blog that freely discusses God and country. Reverend Jerry L. Robertson, a contributor on this blog, has an issue with me: my faith in God. I think it is worthy of discussion. It's an issue that affects the course of the world at this time. Says Robertson, publically: “There is only one way to God.” I assume he meant his comment to apply to everyone. He goes on to say, “and that is by walking in faith, accepting God’s Word as Truth.” I agree, so what is his beef? “You are still moving in your fleshly desires and have wrongly concluded that by your intellect you are able to discern answers to your questions and consequently know about God.” Is that so?
What distinguishes humans from animals is intellect. Desire is animal. Robertson’s accusation is divided into two parts: human and animal. Humans are concerned with such things as the welfare of humans and other human values, including the dignity of the individual; animals with survival. The Bible speaks of Cain and Able. Cain killed his brother Able because he feared that God favored his brother. Fear is animal. Where does the Reverend walk?
Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God.” Where is God’s kingdom? God’s kingdom is spiritual. The errors in religious doctrines and dogmas are too numerous to count. The kingdom of God “comes not with outward show” (Luke 17:20). The Bible does not say what it says to Reverend Robertson. It seems to me that what the Reverend is trying to get across is that he is an authority; I am not. This is the real issue. We are prone to allow authorities to run our lives. I’m not here to help Robertson. I’m here to help you live the life you were intended to live, by looking within for your answers.
In 1975, I decided to challenge the IRS. What greater authority is there than the IRS? I’m not a lawyer. I went to the county law library and miraculously went to the exact parts of the law that applied to my beef with the income tax IRS said I owed. How could that be? I felt that voices of the past were speaking to me. It was no longer me challenging the IRS. I had a bigger than life calling. From that time on, I’ve lived a charmed life.
Who is the proper authority to run our lives? In the Bible, we read, “And God said, Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26). I don’t interpret that to mean the authorities. The Bible says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” From whence came man’s soul? The Reverend says God will not tolerate my debating his reality.
For sure, we did not come from nothing. Quoting the editor of my Scofield Study Bible, Rev. C. I. Scofield, “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealings of God with humanity.” We are not debating God’s reality. Writes Scofield, “exhibiting the majestic progressive order of the divine dealing of God with humanity, ‘the increasing purpose’ which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of men to the end in eternity,” the collective soul of man is involved with the consciousness of the universe—everlasting, eternal, with no beginning and no end. Anything else is manmade.
Reverend Robertson has a manmade idea. His thousand year-old idea: “GOD had to turn HIS Eyes away, as HIS Son was crucified upon the cross, for all of our sins!” Alas, it’s my “fleshly desires.” The flesh desires. It’s natural. My Christian teaching said if I even thought about my “fleshly desires,” I was a sinner and should get on my knees and beg God’s forgiveness. Really! God sits on his throne frowning down on the likes of me. This idea drove me away from Christianity. I remain with “fleshly desires,” but also with a bigger than life calling. Robertson puts the cart before the horse for his own self-serving purpose—he’s an authority. Too bad. I’m my own authority.
We are from dust to dust. No, you are not going to hell. Don’t buy that guilt trip. We come with an immortal soul. Distinguish the progressive order of the universe and our increasing purpose. We are each here with a special purpose and a life to call our own. You have no idea of the potential power that lies within you. Do not allow the authorities to divert your life and purpose.
Note: Obama is far too smug. His current acts are not helping him win the election. I’ve been thinking for a year that Obama is secretly planning with America’s enemies to turn America into communist dictatorship. My thinking keeps getting stronger that if Obama sees that he is going to lose the election, a number of things could happen that could justify his declaring martial law and calling off the election, such as rioting in the streets of major American cities, such as a weapon of mass destruction being set off. Obama has already signed an executive order that gives him the right to take dictatorial control. There have been too many coincidences to be coincidence.
The question arises: will the dumbed down American people allow this to happen. Just by coincidence my book is to be published in June 2012, with much personal experience revealed in how I dealt with authority.