Faith in our Fathers

The NYC flap over a mosque near ground zero, which marks the death of 2,000 innocent men, women, and children Muslims killed upon orders from Allah, the issue is further complicated by the reactionary Reverend Terry Jones’ threat to burn the Quran. Thousands of Afghans staged a protest. We are due to see much more of this. Feisal Abul Rauf, who insists on building a headquarters for Islamic activities at ground zero, refuses to discuss his source of finances, and little wonder. His financier is known to be connected with Hamas, a Muslim terrorist organization. This is faith in our fathers at its worst. We’re being intimidated by living-in-the past Muslims bent on taking control of the world by the harshest of means. Rauf, by the way, is all for it. President Obama, who is supporting Rauf, who says he is transforming America, should be investigated. Rauf is being paid by American taxpayers to spread his rot in the Mid East, while Obama pushes “collective salvation.” Collective salvation is the radical leftist stand of Reverend Wright, Obama’s former pastor for 20 years. Rev. Wright “God damned” America. This Muslim move in the U.S., backed by Obama, is a deadly threat to American liberties.

My father told me I asked too many questions. He also pulled the Adam-disobeyed-God routine on me. My father put me on a guilt trip that took years to overcome. The point is that I did overcome, and my life turned better. I say that Obama should be investigated for treasonous activities.

Our ancient fathers wrote the Bible and the Quran. They gave us an Almighty in far-away Heaven, an Almighty we don’t question. This Almighty, we’re told in the Bible, forbid the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, from partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this tree lived a serpent that tempted Eve, with the promise that if she ate the fruit she would know good and evil. The object lesson: Do not question authority. (Do not question Obama.) By eating the forbidden fruit and knowing good and evil, the punishment was being kicked out of the Almighty’s Garden, being forced to plow the earth for an existence. And not only that, everyone born after that would be born with Adam’s and Eve’s sin. This is written by men in authority. I question that it comes from God.

Salvation, we are informed, comes from confessing our sins and receiving the Almighty’s grace. Otherwise, we are condemned to eternal suffering. Nice work if you can get it. Our fathers have different opinions. Why should we have faith in our fathers? This perfectly good question is either ignored or sidestepped. Did God make a mistake when he created man or did man make a mistake when he created God? This was philosopher Nietzsche’s question, who gets credit for the “God is dead” idea. Let us discuss this idea of God being dead. Do we really need a God who orders Muslims to kill infidels? I want to question Rauf, who supports Sharif law, which goes for torture and murder. I don’t want a center for Sharif law next door to the place where Sharif law killed 2,000 Americans. What a victory that would be for terrorists.

Speaking for myself, when I concluded that faith in our fathers was not the way to go, but to go on Nietzsche’s idea that we are self-determining and responsible for our own well-being, my life turned better. Not only that, my faith that Jesus is my personal redeemer, apart from the artificial, apart from being told, became real. After I hit rock-bottom and went on my own, I had convincing personal experiences.

My faith is not in an external Almighty in a place called Heaven. That place was inaccessible. I had to take for granted that the Almighty knows best. We see now that that idea is deadly. Would man be ordered by God to horribly persecute and kill his own creation? It was misguided men who brought down the World Trade Center. It was Sharif law. It is misguided men bent on taking over the world, which happens to be with Obama’s support, who want to build a mosque near hallowed ground. This has nothing at all to do with freedom of religion. It’s asking for the death and destruction of America’s liberties. It is appalling how many Americans fall for this. It is horrifying to witness. We are in a war that could spell the end of America and freedom, and our President on the wrong side. So much for Obama, collective salvation, Muslim Sharif law—hello the kiss of death for the free world.

The cutting edge of science spends its time taking apart matter in order to know how it all comes together. It has been discovered that subatomic particles communicate, and once connected communicate even if separated and on opposite sides of the universe, and instantaneously, proving that beyond the space-time universe there is a not yet completed universe, a state of infinite possibility.

A thought doesn’t have figure and form. Thoughts originate in our minds. Our minds are in a state, not a place. Our minds, the same as our souls, Webster’s: our immaterial essence, our animating principal, or actuating cause of life. I asked a geneticist from whence the genetic code. His answer: “We don’t get into that.” There you have the answer: faith in our fathers has zero credibility. It’s hazardous to our continued existence.

Basic to human life is mind. We are made, according to the Bible, in the image of God—co-equals in the foundry of creation. Man’s increasing purpose over the ages has been through observing and questioning. Realize that the Almighty in Heaven is dead. It makes utterly no sense in today’s world. We are presently creating a new image of ourselves and God. Now at the threshold of a quantum leap forward, on earth as it is in heaven, welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Learn the wave of the future. I recommend reading The Physics of Consciousness: The Quantum Mind and the Meaning of Life by Evan Harris Walker.

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