The following are "Sorrowful Sunday thoughts" the Spirit has made me share. I'm normally very private about beliefs but it seems privacy may not help our country.
I wish kids today had real heroes like my grand parents; Jackie Robinson & Jessie Owens to look up to like I did!
I wish they had a two-parent home norm and a strong dollar to earn.
I wish they had still prayer in school with the pledge of alliance recited too!
I wish because I'm a life long visionary but wishing isn't enough.
The man who raised me got down on is knees every night until his dying days.
His wife, my grandmother, would always say, " Father, I stretch my hands out to Thee! " during trying times.
I stand upon their quiet, Christian example and beseech the Lord to please give us back our America!
I don't recognize this place today and know I'm not alone in this!
I think enough of us finally understand what we've lost not to repeat the national sins of the past.
As usual, my late grandmother pointed me in the right direction.
Father I stretch my hands out to Thee- for America!
Cap Black, The Hood Conservative
" Be your OWN Superhero!"
@jamesccocochran: God bless you Bro James & God bless America!
thank you cap , keep up the good post , god bless you