The headlines today tell us we need to know what the politicians have done, with the help of the privately owned and operated Federal Reserve Bank. This bank was snuck in while Congress was in recess. It was touted as the means of preventing bank runs. Now we’re finding out another purpose of this bank—to steal from us big time. Who are these people we vote for and what is their true purpose? With the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, to try to prevent the collapse of the federally manipulated housing boom, coupled with fraudulent lending practices, which was to help the financially unqualified to own a home, the Federal Reserve Bank came up with “Quantitative Easing 1,” the printing of $1.7 trillion in Federal Reserve Bank notes, which politicians would use to help out the faltering economy. They always have good intentions—help for the little guy, help for the economy.
Unfortunately, the help didn’t work. The housing market was collapsing. So, continuing with the policy of helping people who could not afford home ownership, the politicians, with the help of the Federal Reserve Bank, came up with “Quantitative Easing 2,” the printing of an additional $600 billion of monopoly money to pass out to certain people. The last of that money has been printed. The monopoly money will not completely end. The Federal Reserve Bank will continue to reinvest maturing securities, mainly mortgage related debt, which is estimated to be around $12 to $16 billion per month.
All of this monopoly money is watering down the world market value of the dollar. Foreign investors in America are paying a big price, which the American people don’t pay, since the dollar is the world standard. Nice work if you can get it. This political shell game, be aware, focused on people owning a home and stimulating the economy, while frauds in the lending business made a killing, while crooked politicians helped the little guy. QE1 and QE2 kept the public from focusing attention on the truth of the matter.
After the fact, when the American people wake up to the fact that they have been royally taken, the private fat cats and dirt bag politicians that caused it all will be there with the answer:. “Take from the rich and give to the poor.” The inflation QE1 and QE2 caused will be here, the dollar maybe buying 20 cents worth of food and fuel. The American people will be between a rock and a hard place. How many not so rich Americans are going to demand their independence?
Were you following my thinking, you too would be coming up with answers you don’t hear. While the gasping American establishment tries harder and harder to hang in there, but slowly slipping into oblivion, watch for the pace to quicken. Communist China allows capitalism to move in. The entrepreneurial spirit is high in China. The joke is on America. Water seeks its level. Communist dominated labor in America sits helplessly on outrageously high wages as we buy more and more of our goods from China. Billionaire Donald Trump digs me, but he is not running for President. How many candidates for President understand what is taking place? Herman Cain thoroughly understands free enterprise. Why is it that most blacks depend on government? Cain is a black man you have to admire. I wonder where Obama would be if Herman Cain won the Republican nomination? Black against black, Obama for collective salavtion, Cain for the individual. I kind of think that Cain would go for the black vote big time.
Are you going to pray to that almighty God somewhere out there in the sweet bye and bye? Well, good luck! In my case, God helped me after I read the Constitution, heard voices of the past speaking to me, and I had a bigger than life calling—when I ceased looking to the establishment for help, when I discovered the power that lies within us. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.