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  • The following quote was extracted from the ' The Times of Israel' link to the full article follows:

    The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday announced that it would open more combat roles to female fighters, beyond the mixed-gender light infantry units where some already serve.

    The decision means women joining the IDF will be able to serve in elite search and rescue and combat engineering units, and will likely serve as a litmus test for military planners who say more roles may be opened in the future depending on the success of integration in these units.

    The move follows the recommendations of an internal committee that called on the military to open new combat roles to female recruits, subject to them passing various special physical and mental screenings.

    The committee was formed by the IDF in 2020 to evaluate the integration of women in additional combat roles in the military, after four female recruits petitioned the High Court of Justice for the right to try out for combat units that are currently open only to men. It was led by then-commander of the IDF Ground Forces Maj. Gen. Yoel Strick.

    Women will now be able to serve in combat positions in the elite helicopter-borne search and rescue Unit 669 (which was announced last week), in the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit, and as drivers in an infantry brigade to be determined at a later date.

    The committee estimated that there were likely dozens of potential female recruits who meet the physiological thresholds required for certain roles in infantry units, but decided to allow them to serve first only as drivers, in order to put their theory to the test. The potential drivers will need to meet the requirements necessary for infantry troops.

    The panel, explaining the relatively modest expansion, said it did not think more than a handful of women would meet the tough physiological requirements for other roles in elite combat units.

    Soldiers from the Israeli Air Force’s elite Unit 669 take part in an exercise in an undated photograph. (Israel Defense Forces)
    In Unit 669, female troops must pass screenings “to ensure that the unit continues to meet its operational tasks at the required quality,” according to the IDF." End of Quote

    The IDF is not... I say again is not putting women in direct infantry combat roles... they are filling what is known as Combat Support and General Support roles. Leaving the heavy and direct combat roles to men.
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