Some people tell me they are not political. Kind words, I think, to say they do not agree with my politics. Don’t let it bother you that the Tea Party is being accused by the more outspoken of being misguided fools. In my opinion, not being political is the kiss of death. Nothing would suit liberal progressives more than to see the Tea Party done away with. They would like to see us all behind barbed wire and themselves in complete charge.

What would it be if we were taught we each have minds of our own? We’re not being taught that, you know. We don’t know what it would be with minds of our own. Our world has never experienced this.

This is a long story. I’ll make it as short as I can. It appears to me than man was created with a mind of his own. We’re not behavioral creatures. The object of those with a grant of power is to make us think like them. For instance, if you were a minister of the gospel, you wouldn’t tell your flock each had a mind of his own. If you were the President of the United States, you would not tell the people, each had a mind of his own.

I had the experience of physically cutting from the herd. I went strictly on my own. I went to sea on a 37 foot sloop, freed from all manmade restraints. In a storm at sea, I discovered a higher power in me, something I’d never before discovered.

Prior to my sea experience, after 49 years, I was going through my second divorce and jobless. After departure, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. When I returned, I found the right mate for life. I learned what love was all about. I’d never known before I went to sea. With a mind of my own, I found answers that worked. Strangely, shortly after my departure, an astrologer created my astrological chart. It didn’t fit. I grew into my chart. “On earth as it is in heaven,” from the Lord’s prayer, heaven is a state of mind.

What is it when someone says, “I found Jesus?” Jesus wasn’t a Christian. He was a Jew. His people voted to nail him to a cross. It was a mistake. It wasn’t the first nor the last mistake a people have made. In a sense, I believe Jesus is my savior. Jesus represents what I aspire to be. When I needed a higher power, it was there for me. My life changed for the better. I’m not a Christian. Jesus is not the exclusive property of Christians. With a mind of his own, say I, anyone can find Jesus.

Obama is trying to convince Christians that his social compact is the way to go. The Declaration of Independence states that we each have God-given rights. Do you have a God-given right to Omamacare? God doesn’t give you health care. Are government entitlements God-given or man-given? Government entitlements have proven to be a mistake, and one mistake leading to another, the nation is going bankrupt. History tells you what happens when a nation goes bankrupt. Government owns you. Does a mind of your own say the good of all, a social compact is the way to go? No. It says government is too big for its britches.

Why do we take for granted that those with grants of power don’t have desires that come before our desires? Why are we not political? Why did Jesus turn over the money changers’ tables? We were given minds to use, to see that the powerful don’t use and abuse us. The people didn’t understand the message Jesus was giving them. They listened to the authorities. We’re doing the same now. If you are not political—don’t question Obama’s transformation of America—in all likelihood, you are not into the cutting edge of scientific investigation either. You are not privy to the most amazing discovery of who we are and what we’re about. The wonder is why?

Light comes in waves, but without a medium like water or air. Light waves are self-contained. Peculiarly, when observed in lab experiments, light waves turn into subatomic particles: photons. Subatomic particles are aspects of matter—not yet reality. The microcosmic world is seen as a world of infinite possibility. The authorities do not want you to see infinite possibility. They want you to see them as the giver of good things. That’s fine. But you have the God-given ability to question. You are not of hive mentality.

When you want to know how something works, you examine the parts. The latest science gives us minds capable of unlimited expansion: mind interacting with matter. The latest science gives us consciousness, a state of awareness in the mix of things, and a superconsciousness of the universe with which we connect. Now there is scientific proof that we are more than matter. You can dispose of the idea of the supernatural. Everything is natural. Every human has within, the power, intelligence, and love to be the lord of his own thoughts. A thought, in and of itself, takes no form. But from our thoughts come manifestations. You and I have the regenerative power to turn our lives into anything we will. Were it not so, I would not be here telling you my life is as good as it gets.

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