Obama picked Super Tuesday to hold a press conference. He informed the press that the Republican candidates talk war with Iran, but as Commander in Chief he must do everything he can to promote peace. The Obama Administration, through the VA, is conducting the “Million Veteran Program Baseline Survey.” Obama stops with our earthly makeup. A study of our genes before an understanding of earth connected with heaven, stops before understanding that God is in each of us and we are each here for a God-directed purpose.
When socialist Bill Clinton was president, he answered a reporter’s question with this: “because is is.” That didn’t help him. When he was about to be impeached, Clinton hired a conservative Republican to advise him. He was smarter than Obama.
We are only supposed to know good. The “Good Lord” knows best—like flying airliners into the World Trade Center. It was disobedience of God’s will that brought on the 9-11 attack, at least according to radical Islam—any way you cut it a religious belief. Iran’s leaders inform us that there was no Holocaust. It was disobedience of God’s will that brought about the death of six million Jews—a religious belief. Jews are evil people, you know. Iran vows to turn them into dust. We are born in sin, you know. That is also a religious belief.
The religious idea has been with us since the year one that God—that is, various gods—frown on us and punish us for our sins. Obama goes about the Islamic world bowing and apologizing for America. In the name of protecting the environment, he does all he can to punish free enterprise, and then to the press says he has increased oil production, because he knows the press will repeat what he says, because he knows that the majority of people in America are trained to do what their Commander in Chief says—for the good of all. After all, who am I to know? Why would anyone listen to me? I have no power to change anything.
Polly want a cracker? Whatever Obama says, the bird-brain liberal press repeats. We were created with reason and logic, but most of us learn to jump through establishment hoops. Only a small minority question. I happen to be one of those.
It was not the luck of the draw that my life is good and others not so good, or even departed. Thousands of Americans have given their lives for a worthless cause. If we had intelligent leadership, we would not be involved in the Middle-East’s problem. We’ve lost big time. Yet those in the know keep telling us we are winning. The facts say otherwise. All these years of lost lives and trillions of wasted dollars and we have nothing to show for it.
Why do we have a VA, so we can learn how our genes work? Our genes don’t know anything but the automatic functions of our bodies. God gave us reason and logic. Why don’t we use it? We wouldn't need a VA.
It was not by coincidence that I had a bigger than life calling when I studied the Constitution and acted. It was God’s calling. The IRS did not accomplish its goal. It was forced to eat crow—and on the front page of The Palm Beach Post.
Obama called a press conference to inform the parroting press that he was aware of high fuel prices hurting the recovering economy, but that increased local oil production, as if he was responsible for that, would cause prices to come down. It was a campaign speech.
“God fearing” people go to God’s temple to worship. The day I looked within for my answers is the day things began to get better for me. God does not live in temples. We are not born in sin, but with God’s blessings. For centuries, in God’s temple, people have repeated “in earth as it is in heaven” without the foggiest notion of what they are saying. Bell’s theorem has shown in lab experiments that down to the smallest excitation there is conscious awareness and communication, however limited. The unified field theory Einstein pondered has been proven. The universe is one whole. But for the sake of convenience, over the centuries we’ve adhered to departmentalization.
The Founding Fathers put together a union of thirteen colonies for defense, after which they wrote a Constitution and Bill of Rights, having already violated their principles by allowing for slaves in the South. The South’s temple worshipers had their answer. God was punishing blacks. Not too smart. We paid for that expedience and are still paying. So much for temple worship.
My great grandfather owned a plantation in Mississippi. He was a slave owner. He left Mississippi during the Civil War and established a new life in Comanche, Texas. He married and had a son, my grandfather. My grandfather refused to talk about what happened in Mississippi. Nobody in my family knows what happened. I think my great grandfather was one of those people who questioned. Perhaps he was one of the voices of the past speaking to me when I read the Constitution.
It took a strong belief in my God-self to challenge the IRS, and I didn’t get my belief from temple worship. I got it from studying the Constitution and believing that voices of the past were speaking to me.
As a lawyer, Obama studied the Constitution and believed something else, perhaps what the people in Kenya believe, or maybe what the people in Indonesia believe. At any rate, what Obama believes is a mystery. It has been proven that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. We know for a fact that Obama is a socialist, who believes in the will of the majority, the God-given rights of the individual, zero. Obama does not hold American values.
Obama sees rights as government entitlements—that the God I believe in has no place in government. Obama says to me that I’m a slave of the majority. The majority, non-thinkers that they are, take orders from Obama and associates.
If Islam were in the majority, Christians would not have the right to exist. Is that what Obama wants? We don’t know, but his stands indicate it. We know that Obama favors the Palestinian answer. Praying to God didn’t help Jews in Nazi Germany. If Obama wins the election, what we can expect is not pretty. The will of the majority gave the world Hitler. Hitler was a socialist, for the common good as he saw it.
If you are one of those who knows only the good of all, you don’t know Jesus. If you use the reason with which you were created, you know that Jesus talked about hypocrites and wolves in sheep’s clothing. Obama speaks of collective salvation. No socialist leader has ever brought the world anything but oppression. The only place socialism works is in Utopia. If you like socialism, that’s where you need to be. In Utopia, all anyone does is dream. Nobody acts. In America, you socialists have me and other actors with which to contend. We are told America is a Christian nation. Maybe Christians better quit repeating scriptures and start looking within for their answers.
PS. From Douglas Thomas, Ph.D.
Help me out here. We need to answer Douglas Thomas. Says Thomas:
"Much has been written about Barack Obama, but until now, no one has been able to capture the meaning behind his mystical rise to world prominence."
"He was searching for a place to call home and for someone who could assist him in how to embrace himself as a black male. He found both a sacred community and male guidance when he met Reverend Wright. In many ways, Reverend Wright is Obama’s biblical John the Baptist; the man who prepared peoples hearts and minds to receive Jesus. More than any other person, it was Reverend Wright who developed Obama into the person we now know and love. For this act of servitude, Reverend Wright must never be forgotten or dismissed. To do so would be equivalent to committing an abomination or an act of sacrilegious. For without a John the Baptist, who risked carrying the mystical fire, there would have been no light to shine on Jesus. Reverend Wright provided Obama with his entrance into manhood and politics. Because of this we cannot properly honor Obama without paying homage to Reverend Wright who will always remain the wind beneath Obama’s wings."
Reverend Wright "goddamed" America. Should everyone pay homage to Reverend Wright, the wind beneath Obama's wings? Now it is whites that God is punishing. Alas, we know where Obama is coming from.
There are so many of the teachings of Jesus that fundamentalist christians either dont understand or refuse to connect the dots that they are still stuck on John 3:16 . Jesus came for the purpose of freeing the Jews from religious dogma created by local synagogue authorities . The priests as in the later Roman Catholic christianity held and controlled the people through fear and manmade laws . God's Laws are the laws of nature . Minor violations of the laws are quickly forgiven by the law . Violations no matter how small of the laws of nature WILL bring consequences . Thes LAWS were built into nature at creation and are immutable and infinite . " I WILL NOT BE MOCKED " says God . Repentance meaning to change your mind and actions will bring total health ( forgiveness ) . Continuation of violations of the laws will bring nagative consequences into your life . THe more seroius or the higher the frequency of violation will determine by established law the severity and extent of your correction . When your in the position of violating the law the first indication is a feeling in your mind that something is not quite right . THAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT ( YOUR CONSCIENCE ) speaking to you . It's a quiet voice but it's a nagger . If you ignore it and continue your violation the next indication is DIS ease in your body . At first it's minor just feeling off . If you continue it will proceed in becoming a more serious and diagnosable illness . If you continue you will become seriously ill even to point of what we humans call death . These violations are shown in public health records , drugs , alcohol , promiscuousness , gays , lesbians , criminals of all types . Public health statistics show higher incidence of physical and mental health issues and shorter life spans for all these groups . THAT IS THE RESULT OF MOCKING THE CREATORS LAWS . CEASE AND DESIST ! You will lve longer healthier and happier lives if you obey GODS LAWS OF NATURE . Jesus said many things that were meant to guide towards a heathy happy life . Most basic / foundational teachings are these . " The KIngdom of GOD / Heaven is WITHIN YOU / AT HAND " . " THESE THINGS YOU SEE ME DO , YOU CAN DO ALSO . EVEN THINGS GREATER THAN THESE " . He asked the Jews when they were questioning him " Does not your scripture teach that YE ARE GODS ? He knew the answer to that . He was a scholar of Judahism and was referring to Gensis where God ( masculine CREATOR ) says to his partner The Holy Spirit ( feminine NURTURER , MOTHER NATURE ) " LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE " God has aMIND MADEUP OF ALL POSSIBLE INTELLIGENCE . When God speaks the manifestation of IT's thought begins , once spoken it becomes law to be CREATED and is not reversable by God ITSELF , it will manifest only we have the concept of time , it does not appy in the infinite time of the mind of God . It does apply in the material world of man and Mother Nature the NURTURER part of the HOLY SPIRIT . The HOLY SPIRIT is the TRANSLATOR of GODS TOUGHT /WORD into manifestation of the material world . Evolution does apply . So does INTELLIGENT DESIGN . Jesus told his disciples before he departed " I HAVE MANY THINGS TO TELL YOU OF WHICH YOU CANNOT BEAR " ( UNDERSTAND ) . His disciples and apostles were not metaphysically enlightened . GOD IS THE INFINITE AND ALL POWERFUL METAPHYSICIAN and as Jesus taught " GOD IS SPIRIT AND MUST BE WORSHIPPED IN SPIRIT " Translated , Your MIND which was created in GOD'S IMAGE must be consecrated ( set aside for and dedicated to the knowlege of GOD )
This " consecration " is how Jesus BECAME the SON OF GOD and this is how we all can BECOME a SON of GOD .