All talk about tax reform (flat tax, value added tax, etc.) is useless unless we stop the most ruinous tax of all--the inflation caused by the Federal Reserve which prints trillions of fiat money in so called "Quantitative Easing" ponzi schemes which is devaluing the dollar by the minute. No wonder gold is at $1800 an ounce. As some of you have said, the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished along with the IMF and World Bank. Edward Griffin has written the bible on this called The Creature from Jekyll Island. Please fellow Tea Party patriots read and digest this book. Obama and the radical Left know exactly what they are doing and that is pushing forward with the Fed's help the destruction of the dollar and capitalism so that we Americans will be forced to join the European march toward world wide socialism. Remember the banner flying in London after the markets collapsed a few years ago -- a banner that read "We are all Socialists now." The sooner we wake up and realize most Europeans hate us and our economic system the better chance we will have to preserve what so many in the world envy and hate and that is "American exceptionalism."
the main problem with the fed is that it is run by politicians, not financial experts, perhaps if it was run by a panel of financial intelectuals without the power to print money, it could be useful.