Posted by Melvin Hill on November 26, 2009 at 10:04pm
1978 joined US Army, 3 combat deployments with the 82nd Airborne Division. Made a life out of being a patriot, and since my discharge from the military, my government has slowly sold the USA to chinese, almost put a halt to my ability to speak freely, and shredded the constitution into a rag that they continue to use to wipe their rectums with, as they spew lies from their collective asses. I'm pissed, and fed up with the fed politics. They have forgotten the old vets, crapped on the new vets, and the collective solcialists now in office have the balls to wonder why people all over america are freaking out. I'm tired, I'm mad, and I want my constitutional rights back please.
I am interested in getting our constitution back but I don't want to sound like we came from somewhere. Can we clean it up so women can come in like me..I had three brothers but they talked nice all the time.