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  • The gas prices have up but because of Obama.  The reason for the refining and sending overseas is because they do not have the capacity to refine the oil into gas in most countries. It is not our local oil they are sending back overseas it is oil that was purchased by the oil companies to be distributed to other countries. It is true that we have enough oil that if developed would supply all our needs for at least a hundred years, but because Obama wants to make sweetheart deals with the Arab Nations (his muslim brothers) he buys half  of our oil supply from them at a higher price than it would cost to bring in our own wells. You can also thank the environmentalists for the problems we face with obtaining drilling permits and not having access to our own oil. That is why gas is so much higher under Obama's watch. We have to get him out of the Whitehouse in November and get a good Constitutional President in that will turn this mess around. Being from Louisiana Oil is very important to us and the other Gulf Coast States. We lost thousands of high paying oil related jobs since Obama took office and even more after the BP Oil Spill.

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