Properly functioning Capitalism requires a moral people; just as our Government requires a moral people to operate properly. Is the government in America functioning as it was intended? Why not? The moral compass that once directed our ship of state and sat at the head of commerce has been lost.
A moral people must be guided by a set of tenants and percepts outside of their own nature; as man’s inhumanity toward man has clearly demonstrated there is no good or moral nature to be found within a man who acts alone. The 'God of Creation’ and the Judeo/Christian ethic is the moral compass our forefathers chose and the one we need to follow in government and business. It is the Creator that bestows the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It follows, that God's order (Word/Law) is necessary to the orderly maintenance of these rights.
When people deny the Creator's Law and reject His guidance, they abandon the Truth and suffer the ills of their own making. Whether, their abandonment be manifested in economic, political, or cultural decay; the sums of their calamity matter little, as the result is the loss of their liberty. Today, we see the result of a long and deteriorating relationship between God and America.
Can our Nation retain its founding principles without its Creator? It is not only the government that has strayed... It is the people themselves, and the damage is not only visible in government, but our homes and CORPORATE BOARD ROOMS of America.
America must return to the standards of equity that God demands in commerce… a just balance/scale and equal measure. God’s precepts of equity and justice must once again be the rule for engaging others... at home and work... in our schools and organizations. America must return to Nature's Creator if she desires fruit from the Tree of Liberty.
Capitalism and Democracy are empty shells that must be filled with the right measure of moral order and purpose, to be instruments of righteousness and a blessing to the people. Without God at the helm, Capitalism and Democracy soon become shipwrecked in a sea of despair and hopelessness. Where is God in our government and Corporate Board Rooms today? Does God sit in a seat of honor, as Lord, or has Mammon, the love of wealth and power, become lord in America?
There is no such thing as the separation of Church (God) and State… One's government and religion are a reflection of their faith… What they believe. What image does America reflect in its culture, commerce, and government? Is it God’s image? Can America separate God from its government and the engines of her commerce and still claim to be Christian (God-like, Christ-like)?
Board rooms and businesses that use an unjust scale or measure to conduct their commerce don't fool God... Equity is not blind, nor is a just contract or balance derived by taking undue advantage of others. Godly capitalism EARNS reasonable profits based on VALUE ADDED... not by the use of one's position, leverage, or raw power to exploit others.
A Godly people understand what I'm speaking about... However, the ungodly will never understand Godly commerce, or that we are ‘our brother's keeper'. The world considers windfalls and the exploitation of others justified as the tools of a free market. They don't see the exploitation of markets as the use of an unjust scale or measure…taking where they have not added value to the market… reaping where they have not sown or more than they have sown. Godly profit and wealth are gained honorably not at the inequitable expense of others. Using one's position, power, or wealth to extract more than is equitable from trade is unjust, ungodly, and immoral. One should not take simply because they can.
God doesn't support slothfulness in labor nor is he pleased when the Ox is muzzled. Labor and Capital must find an equitable arrangement where a just reward is earned by each... through an equitable exchange... just weights and measures. When Godly commerce is conducted, both parties are satisfied. This form of Capitalism results in prosperity for all and was once the traditional mode of exchange and commerce in America.
A Capital market that allows products manufactured at .12 Cents an hour, to be marketed where labor costs are 100 times greater, is a textbook example of the manipulation and exploitation of world markets… this is a clear example of commercial exchange used to achieve an unjust return on investment. Profits taken under these market conditions are not earned through value-added… or a just weight or measure. They are earned through the exploitation of unequal markets and are the tools of GREED and ARAVICE. God is not pleased and where such commerce is permitted the poor and working-class are being exploited and soon will find their neck under the heal of the despots… robber barons.
It is hypocrisy for the capitalist to point at the socialist to accuse him of robbery; when the same capitalist is engaged in the same act by another means. What difference is there between robbing the wage of the poor and unjustly taking (taxing - redistributing) the wealth of the rich? Both are WRONG and ungodly, immoral acts.
There can be no moral rationalization or argument that justifies slave wages. Capital that earns an exorbitant profit from labor through market position is using a form of unequal balances and weights in their commerce. God is not pleased and the result is a corrupt system of commerce for all.
The markets in America are no longer open or free; consumers, small businesses, and new enterprises are forced to compete with immoral businesses practices that exploit wages and the unregulated marketplaces of the third world. The unethical businessman takes advantage of market forces to achieve a market share that is unjustly earned. This makes it difficult for small businesses and labor to obtain an equitable share in the marketplace or a just return for their labor. At one time, such market exploitation was corrected through trade laws… the use of tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports. Tariffs were the champion of small business and labor... engaging a JUST BALANCE and Measure in commerce.
Tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports are not immoral or anti-trade; they seek to keep commerce on a moral keel. They deny unfettered access to our markets for those who would seek to exploit labor and small businesses by exploiting inequities (wages, taxes, business regulations, etc) in the world market. In fact, tariffs, duties, and import restrictions are Constitutional powers permitted to the Federal government for the regulation of commerce. It is time that we reengage these Constitutional powers to return balance and equity in our markets. Unfair trade serves no good purpose and is the enemy of legitimate small businesses and American labor… who are unable and unwilling to operate under third-world market conditions.
Obviously, these practices were considered both moral and necessary for the regulation of commerce by our founding fathers. Tariffs, import duties, and restrictions are the safeguards against the exploitation of markets, and the destruction of American small businesses, and labor. The use of these market tools was understood by our founding fathers as they battled to preserve US Commerce from global giants like the ‘East India Company’… who found nothing improper about the exploitation of world markets.
There exists such greed and avarice in the world today. The ‘East India Company’ lives in the embodiment of a thousand like corporations who would rather earn their profits by manipulation of markets than… hard work, intuitive marketing, and better ideas. No, the capitalist whose wealth is earned without producing ‘added value’ simply robs the wealth of others through market manipulation and raw power. He unjustly and unfairly manipulates the world markets to increase his own wealth at the expense of others.
It is time to reconsider our ‘Free Trade Agreements’ and Treaties… to bring back moral equity to our system of trade and commerce. Free trade is not the equivalent of fair or equitable trade; unless a just scale and equal measure is applied to every commercial transaction… they are immoral. Where our trading partners exploit cheap labor, poor environmental, manufacturing, and labor standards to reap windfall profits… America should impose heavy tariffs, imposts, and customs fees, as a matter of equity and fair trade. Not all ‘Free trade’ is moral or equitable… nor should it be allowed. Our markets have real value, it is time to charge for that value and to ensure that it is maintained… through the proper regulation of imports that originate outside of our well-regulated and prosperous markets.
America must reengage equity in commerce to expand its economy and return its citizens to full employment. Manufacturing is the engine of wealth… not a service-based industry. America’s wealth is the result of manufacturing goods not the product of McDonald’s or Sears. China did not gain its wealth thru selling hamburgers or insurance it prospered because of its manufacturing base… we must rebuild our manufacturing base, our heavy and light industry if America is to regain its world economic preeminence.
A moral people must be guided by a set of tenants and percepts outside of their own nature; as man’s inhumanity toward man has clearly demonstrated there is no good or moral nature to be found within a man who acts alone. The 'God of Creation’ and the Judeo/Christian ethic is the moral compass our forefathers chose and the one we need to follow in government and business. It is the Creator that bestows the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It follows, that God's order (Word/Law) is necessary to the orderly maintenance of these rights.
When people deny the Creator's Law and reject His guidance, they abandon the Truth and suffer the ills of their own making. Whether, their abandonment be manifested in economic, political, or cultural decay; the sums of their calamity matter little, as the result is the loss of their liberty. Today, we see the result of a long and deteriorating relationship between God and America.
Can our Nation retain its founding principles without its Creator? It is not only the government that has strayed... It is the people themselves, and the damage is not only visible in government, but our homes and CORPORATE BOARD ROOMS of America.
America must return to the standards of equity that God demands in commerce… a just balance/scale and equal measure. God’s precepts of equity and justice must once again be the rule for engaging others... at home and work... in our schools and organizations. America must return to Nature's Creator if she desires fruit from the Tree of Liberty.
Capitalism and Democracy are empty shells that must be filled with the right measure of moral order and purpose, to be instruments of righteousness and a blessing to the people. Without God at the helm, Capitalism and Democracy soon become shipwrecked in a sea of despair and hopelessness. Where is God in our government and Corporate Board Rooms today? Does God sit in a seat of honor, as Lord, or has Mammon, the love of wealth and power, become lord in America?
There is no such thing as the separation of Church (God) and State… One's government and religion are a reflection of their faith… What they believe. What image does America reflect in its culture, commerce, and government? Is it God’s image? Can America separate God from its government and the engines of her commerce and still claim to be Christian (God-like, Christ-like)?
Board rooms and businesses that use an unjust scale or measure to conduct their commerce don't fool God... Equity is not blind, nor is a just contract or balance derived by taking undue advantage of others. Godly capitalism EARNS reasonable profits based on VALUE ADDED... not by the use of one's position, leverage, or raw power to exploit others.
A Godly people understand what I'm speaking about... However, the ungodly will never understand Godly commerce, or that we are ‘our brother's keeper'. The world considers windfalls and the exploitation of others justified as the tools of a free market. They don't see the exploitation of markets as the use of an unjust scale or measure…taking where they have not added value to the market… reaping where they have not sown or more than they have sown. Godly profit and wealth are gained honorably not at the inequitable expense of others. Using one's position, power, or wealth to extract more than is equitable from trade is unjust, ungodly, and immoral. One should not take simply because they can.
God doesn't support slothfulness in labor nor is he pleased when the Ox is muzzled. Labor and Capital must find an equitable arrangement where a just reward is earned by each... through an equitable exchange... just weights and measures. When Godly commerce is conducted, both parties are satisfied. This form of Capitalism results in prosperity for all and was once the traditional mode of exchange and commerce in America.
A Capital market that allows products manufactured at .12 Cents an hour, to be marketed where labor costs are 100 times greater, is a textbook example of the manipulation and exploitation of world markets… this is a clear example of commercial exchange used to achieve an unjust return on investment. Profits taken under these market conditions are not earned through value-added… or a just weight or measure. They are earned through the exploitation of unequal markets and are the tools of GREED and ARAVICE. God is not pleased and where such commerce is permitted the poor and working-class are being exploited and soon will find their neck under the heal of the despots… robber barons.
It is hypocrisy for the capitalist to point at the socialist to accuse him of robbery; when the same capitalist is engaged in the same act by another means. What difference is there between robbing the wage of the poor and unjustly taking (taxing - redistributing) the wealth of the rich? Both are WRONG and ungodly, immoral acts.
There can be no moral rationalization or argument that justifies slave wages. Capital that earns an exorbitant profit from labor through market position is using a form of unequal balances and weights in their commerce. God is not pleased and the result is a corrupt system of commerce for all.
The markets in America are no longer open or free; consumers, small businesses, and new enterprises are forced to compete with immoral businesses practices that exploit wages and the unregulated marketplaces of the third world. The unethical businessman takes advantage of market forces to achieve a market share that is unjustly earned. This makes it difficult for small businesses and labor to obtain an equitable share in the marketplace or a just return for their labor. At one time, such market exploitation was corrected through trade laws… the use of tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports. Tariffs were the champion of small business and labor... engaging a JUST BALANCE and Measure in commerce.
Tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports are not immoral or anti-trade; they seek to keep commerce on a moral keel. They deny unfettered access to our markets for those who would seek to exploit labor and small businesses by exploiting inequities (wages, taxes, business regulations, etc) in the world market. In fact, tariffs, duties, and import restrictions are Constitutional powers permitted to the Federal government for the regulation of commerce. It is time that we reengage these Constitutional powers to return balance and equity in our markets. Unfair trade serves no good purpose and is the enemy of legitimate small businesses and American labor… who are unable and unwilling to operate under third-world market conditions.
Obviously, these practices were considered both moral and necessary for the regulation of commerce by our founding fathers. Tariffs, import duties, and restrictions are the safeguards against the exploitation of markets, and the destruction of American small businesses, and labor. The use of these market tools was understood by our founding fathers as they battled to preserve US Commerce from global giants like the ‘East India Company’… who found nothing improper about the exploitation of world markets.
There exists such greed and avarice in the world today. The ‘East India Company’ lives in the embodiment of a thousand like corporations who would rather earn their profits by manipulation of markets than… hard work, intuitive marketing, and better ideas. No, the capitalist whose wealth is earned without producing ‘added value’ simply robs the wealth of others through market manipulation and raw power. He unjustly and unfairly manipulates the world markets to increase his own wealth at the expense of others.
It is time to reconsider our ‘Free Trade Agreements’ and Treaties… to bring back moral equity to our system of trade and commerce. Free trade is not the equivalent of fair or equitable trade; unless a just scale and equal measure is applied to every commercial transaction… they are immoral. Where our trading partners exploit cheap labor, poor environmental, manufacturing, and labor standards to reap windfall profits… America should impose heavy tariffs, imposts, and customs fees, as a matter of equity and fair trade. Not all ‘Free trade’ is moral or equitable… nor should it be allowed. Our markets have real value, it is time to charge for that value and to ensure that it is maintained… through the proper regulation of imports that originate outside of our well-regulated and prosperous markets.
America must reengage equity in commerce to expand its economy and return its citizens to full employment. Manufacturing is the engine of wealth… not a service-based industry. America’s wealth is the result of manufacturing goods not the product of McDonald’s or Sears. China did not gain its wealth thru selling hamburgers or insurance it prospered because of its manufacturing base… we must rebuild our manufacturing base, our heavy and light industry if America is to regain its world economic preeminence.
In general, the elites are pitting the welfare state against the middle class... too, control both, thru the leverage of their standards of living and false promises to both poor and the middle class... promises they never intend on keeping. Promises that empower them as they pull off more of their fraudulent wizardry ... too, loot our national treasures and treasury. Big energy did not need to stop pumping oil from leases held or the construction of the PIpeline... they had lawful rights to both ... but use the illegal government mandates to shut down production, drive up prices, and more importantly create economic leverage to control the world markets and populations.
Fiat money... electronic currency, has eliminated the need to raise taxes... our government simply prints money as needed... the Debt Ceiling is SUPPOSED to stop or limit such wreckless conduct... but we shall see just how that works if congress refuses to raise it... and the US Treasury and the Fed ignore it and print money or create fiat bonds and other means to finance their theft of America's treasure.
The idea that we have FREE MARKETS IS LUDICROUS... at best we have MANAGED MARKETS ... as major corporations and financial houses control the exchange rates and the value of production (the wealth of nations) with electronic ease. A narrow based and mostly secret PLUTOCRACY of a few very wealthy families are working for a world economic RESET that will place them firmly in charge of who live, work, and prosper... a NEW AGE FEUDAL SYSTEM, where the LORDS of the Land control us peasants... regulating our very existence based on a modern version of the middle age feudal system.
I'd like to make a couple of points about government and religion. I don't want to see America as a Christian country, rather I want to see America as a Christian influenced country. When a nation adopts any religion as its official religion it often becomes intolerant and corrupt. But if good people of Biblical faith influence a country then that country is blessed by God.
As God pointed out, if people called by His name repent and turn to Him He'll heal their land. We don't need to convert America, although that's a good idea, we need to get the Church fixed.
As for separation of Church and State, it's a one way street. The Constitution is quite clear, government can't interfere with religion. However, people of faith have the right, and even duty, to participate in and influence government. This is a point we should be willing to go nose to nose on with any atheist or progressive.
Also, companies aren't Christian or godly. It's how their owners, be they groups or individuals, conduct them that's Christian or godly.
What do our families (extended and alternative) communities, government and commerce reflect today? Are they examples of Christ? Do they reflect Christ's image? Or, have we created a New World Order... in man's image after the ways of men.
Man's ways are not God's ways; God's ways... His ways are higher. Are we being lead down the path of righteousness or are we leaning unto our own understanding and walking the path of destruction... God's Word warns, lean not unto thine own understanding, but IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE the LORD and HE WILL LEAD THEE IN THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.