Freedom or Slavery....the choice is ours!

The U.S. was a Republic with a limited government, but for the past 60 years we have been moving leftward across the spectrum towards total government with each new piece of socialist legislation.  What was considered conservative 60 years ago is now considered far right crazy radical.  The public has been brainwashed thoroughly by the media and the socialists and the big money boys who are behind the socialist movement.  You would think they would be against the socialist movement but not so.  The socialist movement provides them an opportunity to ultimately grab control of the government and to implement their one world government wherein they are sitting in the cat bird seat dictating to the population who at that point in time have become no better than slaves.  The bottom line is that both the democrats and the republicans are pushing the socialist agenda on purpose or unknowingly.  The politicans know what is going on and as FDR once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."  Why did they push our factories out of the country?  They want us to think that it was a coincident and that no one really understood the terrible unemployment ramifications.  If anyone believes that I have a bridge for sale for a bargain basement price.   Why did they establish the Federal Reserve?  So we can pay interest on the money and run up the debt?  Who gets this interest money that we pay on the debt?  Why are we continually pushed into more and more debt?  Who benefits from this increasing debt?  We need to seriously think about these things and to discuss them with our associates. 

When someone like Sarah Palin stands up for God, Pro Life and Country it blows them away.  They can't handle it.  But the reverse was true 60 years ago.  If you were anti-God or anti-baby you were considered a screwball and would be shunned.  The socialists are winning!  They are achieving one victory after another!  The end result will be tragedy for allHistorically, socialism leads to tragedy, death and destruction.  Remember WWII!  We all need to wake up and make each other aware that we are all being cooked slowly in the socialist crock pot even though it is warm and comfy in there for the time being.  But eventually we will be thoroughly cooked and served up to the One Worlders to be devoured and enslaved.

WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  Wake up and pray with all your might to the Lord God to save us from these misguided socialists.  God can do anything!  He can stop them in their tracks and even reverse their thinking and ideas but the price to be paid is our intense and never ending adoration, praise and worship of our beloved and merciful Creator.  Eventually He will hear our prays and pleas and he will deliver but not until we humble ourselves and become obedient to His Commandments.  These revolutionaries have the money but God is more powerful than any amount of money they can bring to bear in their socialistic efforts.  They have brainwashed two generations of college graduates who are now confused.  It takes years to unravel the socialist propaganda that was fed to them piecemeal over the past 60 years.  It is hard for them to think for themselves and to reject the wonderful opportunities that are presented to them by those who have the money.  No revolution was ever successful without a huge amount of financing from those who want to achieve control.  But no amount of money can defeat God the Almighty and All Powerful.  His love and support are free.  His mercy and assistance know no end.  We need to wake up and turn our lives over to Him in order to save ourselves and our loved one from future destruction that is closing in on us daily.  Why are the socialist against the Churches?  They know that they cannot ultimately control those who have a deep and abiding faith in the Almighty.  That is why historically in their past revolutions they have destroyed Churches, killed Priests, Ministers and Rabbis without hesitation.  That is why they are always on the outlook for any little mistake that the Churches may make and they are not adverse to making up charges or expanding and blowing up existing human errors made by Church going folks.  Pray...Pray...Pray...


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