Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The Cuban Regime Is a Defeated Foe
Peggy Noonan
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Muslim Responsible for California Mosque Christmas Day Attack 
(By: Pamela Geller) - More faked hate. And still no media mea culpa. As I pointed out, yet again, last week when the latest FBI released the latest hate crime stats, claims about “Islamophobia” are false...Most religiously motivated hate crimes were anti-Jewish, and Muslims suffered fewer total incidents than many groups and fewer per capita than homosexuals or Jews. The myth of islamophobia is an industry, the big lie, to silence critics of jihad and Islam. And every time another mosque is “attacked,” media heads explode with cries of racism (Islam is not a race) and hate. They never report the follow-up story — the kicker — that the perp is Muslim. More often than not, the attacker is Muslim — so as to give proof to the lie of islamofauxbia.
 nObama’s “Peace Partner” Iran Hangs Seven on Christmas  
(By Adam Kredo, Washington Free beacon) - The Iranian regime hanged seven citizens on Christmas morning and at least 12 others in the days before and after the holiday, according to Iranian dissidents monitoring the human rights situation...The latest round of state-sanctioned killings—which have hit an all time high in the past year—came just days after President Barack nObama praised Iran in an interview at the White House and said that it could be a “successful” member of the international community.
 Krauthammer Rip the Race Rioters’ Myths to Shreds  
( - You may have heard the mainstream media’s narrative of a “war on young black men.” So has conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer. And he’s not buying it for a single minute... “The narrative about ‘it’s open season on young black men and police are responsible’ is preposterous,” Krauthammer said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report.” Krauthammer said that even in the Eric Garner case, for those who believe that the police were to be blamed for Garner’s death, there was “not a shred of evidence that race had anything to do with that event.” The same, he said, was true in Ferguson, Mo., where then-officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown.
 The Police Brutality ‘Epidemic’ Lie  
(By Jack Kerwick) - More specifically, they are responsible, obviously, not for intending or consciously encouraging the murder of police, but for creating a climate for police officers that’s even more hostile than that in which officers must spend their days and nights...After all, we don’t need Richard Weaver to inform us that “ideas have consequences.”  Even simpletons and liars will concede this much. And only simpletons and liars can deny that this idea—the idea of a “pandemic” of police brutality sweeping the nation—has the consequence of endangering police officers. Yet this idea isn’t just dangerous. It is also a lie.  And it is a huge lie at that.
 Return of the 1960s  
(By Ben Shapiro) - Like most of what President nObama said, this turned out to be a lie. President nObama isn’t merely a reflection of 1960s politics. He represents a return to those ugly politics...the nastiness of anti-cop sentiment, the divisiveness of generalized anti-Western foreign policy, the idiocy of a war between the sexes and against the exclusivity of the traditional family structure. President nObama isn’t representative of a new breed. He is the child of the 1960s politics he once claimed to abhor. Those politics, at least, had the excuse of an uglier America — one fresh with the wounds of Jim Crow, the sins of sexism, the controversy of Vietnam. Today’s 1960s reruns seem wildly out of context. But that’s the point: For the radicals of the 1960s, just as for the establishment nObamaites of today, context simply does not matter. When you are attempting to craft utopia, context is irrelevant — and human beings become either tools or obstacles toward the creation of that utopia. The vision never changes. Only the calendar does.
 nObama Frees a Nuclear Terrorist  
(By Daniel Greenfield) - Which terrorist will nObama set loose next from Gitmo? A better question might be is there any terrorist he won’t free?...Is there an Al Qaeda or Taliban Jihadist who poses too much of a threat to the United States for Obama to free with a lot of airline miles and Michelle nObama’s recipe for arugula fruitcake? If nObama has a red line when it comes to releasing terrorists, we haven’t seen it yet. There appears to be no threat that a terrorist can pose and no crime he has committed too severe to prevent him from getting a plane trip out of Gitmo at taxpayer expense.
 nObama Releases Five More Gitmo Prisoners 
(By Tim Brown) - He’s done it again. Barack nObama released five more Guantanamo Bay Prisoners overnight...The United States transferred five detainees from the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to Kazakhstan, the Defense Department announced late Tuesday. It was the last in a flurry of year-end moves as President nObama sought to fulfill his promise to close the American-run prison. The five former detainees — three Yemenis and two Tunisians — are “free men” for all intents and purposes after the transfer, a senior official in the nObama administration said. Officials declined to disclose the security assurances reached between the United States and Kazakhstan or detail how the men would be prevented from returning to battlefields in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
 HRC Targets Little Kids With Homosexual Indoctrination 
(By Gina Miller) - It’s bad enough that radical homosexualists are targeting Christian businesses, state laws protecting marriage and other “grown up” institutions...but what’s worse is that this evil movement has in its twisted cross-hairs your little children in public schools, children who are too young to be introduced to sex lessons, much less the perverse, abominable concept of homosexual behavior.  Brian Camenker of MassResistance has released a report about the militant homosexual advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), and its degenerate offensive of pro-homosexual indoctrination of school kids all across the nation.
 Stop Donating To The Wounded Warrior Project – It’s A Fraud  
( - During this Christmas and New Year’s season the gift of charity swells in the hearts of many. And who better to benefit from that charity than those who have literally given life and limb for the freedom and liberty we possess today than the veterans who stood tall when their nation called on them...When people donate money they expect that the majority of it will go to the actual cause and not line the pockets of some corporate hack or grease the wheels to enable extravagant parties. Unforunately, when it comes to the Wounded Warrior Project the people who have been so generous with their donations have been bamboozled and the veterans in need have been, as one veteran put into a “dog and pony show.”
 "Palestine" and the ICC  
(By Reuven Berko) - The Palestinian Authority's latest unilateral attempt to gain recognition as a state without negotiating any concessions failed Tuesday. But other mischief remains in play, including Wednesday's move to join the International Criminal Court (ICC)...Earlier this month, "Palestine" was upgraded from "observer entity" to "observer state" at the ICC. It was another milestone on the Palestinian Authority's road to international recognition as a state without having to negotiate directly with Israel, make any concessions, or commit to a genuine dialogue for peace, a unilateral stem directly violating both the Oslo Accords and UN Resolution 242. Countries supporting the move know – but are apathetic to the fact – that their actions only reinforce the PA's intransigence and destroy any motivation the Palestinians might have had to compromise on any issue that would bring about a just peace for both sides.
The Cuban Regime Is a Defeated Foe
Peggy Noonan

     (The Wall Street Journal) If a change in policy is in the American national interest, then it is a good idea. If it is not, then it is a bad idea, and something we should not do.

     In another era that would be so obvious as not to bear repeating. But seeing to our national interests (just as we expect other nations to see to theirs) has been rather lost along the way by our leaders the past dozen years, and now sounds almost touchingly quaint.

     But with that guiding principle, some questions on establishing new and closer ties with Cuba:

     Was it ever in our nation’s interests to have, 90 miles off our shore, an avowed and active enemy?


     Is it now in our nation’s interests to have, 90 miles off our shore, an avowed and active enemy?


     Is it in the national interest to attempt to change this circumstance, if only gradually and hopefully, but with a sense that breaking the status quo might yield rewards?

     Yes. If the new policy succeeds and leaves an old foe less active and avowed we will be better off, and it’s always possible, life being surprising, that we’ll be much better off. If the policy fails we’ll be no worse off than we were and can revert back to the old order, yanking out our embassy and re-erecting old barriers.

     Great nations are like people. We get in habits of affection and enmity. What is needed is a practice of detached realism. Sometimes those for whom you have affection are disappointing. Sometimes those toward whom you feel enmity are, you realize, an essentially defeated foe, and a new attitude might be constructive. The key is to keep eyes sharp for changed situations, and adapt.

     Fidel Castro is a bad man who took an almost-paradise and turned it into a floating prison. In replacing a dictatorship whose corruption was happily leavened by incompetence, he created a communist totalitarian state that made everything in his country worse. He robbed it of wealth, beauty and potential freedom. He was also a thorn and a threat to the United States, which he hated and moved against in myriad ways. He did all this for more than half a century.

     Soon he will die, and his brother supposedly has taken his place. That is a changed situation.

     Normalizing relations with Cuba will not, as Sen. Marco Rubio passionately put it in these pages, grant the Castro regime “legitimacy.”

Nothing can grant it legitimacy.

     Fidel Castro ruined his country for a dead ideology and the whole world knows it. It may be closer to the truth to see the Castro brothers’ eagerness for normalization as an admission that they’ve run out their string. They’ve lost everything that kept them alive, from the Soviet Union to once-oil-rich Venezuela. The Castro government is stuck. Their economy is nothing. They have no strength. They enjoy vestigial respect from certain quarters, but only vestigial. They’ve lost and they know it.

So why not move now?

     Nothing magical will immediately follow normalization. The Castro brothers will not say, “I can’t believe it, free markets and democracy really are better, I had no idea!” Nothing will make Cuba democratic overnight. But American involvement and presence—American tourists and businessmen, American diplomats, American money, American ways and technology—will likely in time have a freeing effect. With increased contact a certain amount of good feeling will build. And that could make Cuba, within a generation or even less, a friend.

     And that would be good for the American national interest, because it’s better to have a friend 90 miles away than an active and avowed enemy.

     The opening to Cuba may also spark a re-Christianizing effect among a people who’ve been denied freedom of religious worship for generations. That would be good too, for them and us.

     There is no reason to believe increased engagement between America and Cuba would encourage a post-Castro government to be more antagonistic or aggressive toward the U.S. More movement and commerce, including media presence, will not give that government more motive to embarrass itself by abusing and oppressing its people. As for the military, it wouldn’t be long, with lifted embargoes, before captains in the Cuban army found out what managers in the new Hilton were making, and jumped into hotel services.

     With a real opening, including lifted embargoes, all the pressure year by year would be toward more back-and-forth, greater prosperity, and more freedom squeaking in by Internet and television.

     In a rising Cuba all the pressure will be toward freedom. It will not be toward dictatorship.

     In America, attention has rightly been paid to the Cuban-Americans of Florida and their reaction. They were cruelly displaced by the communist regime and forced to flee Cuba. They lost everything, came here penniless, and through gifts and guts rose to economic and political power. The oldest, who came in 1960, feel bitterness—and are loyal to that bitterness. Their children, a little less so, and the next generation less still. Because everything changes. You can’t let a foreign policy be governed by bitterness even when that bitterness is legitimate. Advice to the U.S. government: Attempt in time to create some kind of U.S.-Cuban framework whereby those whose property was expropriated can reclaim it.

     President nObama’s opening seems so far cleverly done and well wired. He has major cover from the involvement of the most popular pope in recorded history, and also from the government of Canada, an ever-popular country whose prime minister, the sturdy, steady Stephen Harper , is the most quietly effective head of government in the Northern Hemisphere.

     It is to be stipulated that the particulars of the deal will prove, on inspection, to be unimpressive, because Mr nObama was the negotiator. Fair enough, but he said when he first ran for president, in 2008, that he hoped for a new kind of engagement with Cuba, and he is producing it.

     Something to watch out for: When an administration goes all in on a controversial policy it tends to spend most of its follow-up time not making sure the policy works but proving, through occasionally specious data and assertions, that it was the right policy. All who judge how the new opening proceeds will have to factor that in and see past it.

     A closing note: I always thought, life often being unfair, that Fidel Castro would die the death of a happy monster, old, in bed, a cigar jutting out from the pillows, a brandy on the bedside table. My dream the past few years was that this tranquil end would be disturbed by this scene: American tourists jumping up and down outside his window, snapping pictures on their smartphones. American tourists flooding the island, befriending his people, doing business with them, showing in their attitude and through a million conversations which system is, actually, preferable. Castro sees them through the window. He grits his teeth so hard the cigar snaps off. Money and sentiment defeat his life’s work. He leaves the world knowing that in history’s great game, he lost.

     Open the doors, let America flood the zone and snap those pictures. “Fidel! Look this way!” Snap. Flash. Gone.

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