Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
'Palestinian' push for statehood
bombs at United Nations
Louis Charbonneau
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
The Daily Mail reports on the spectacular photos of Comet Lovejoy, which will pass Earth at its closest distance today. The comet was first spotted by amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy in August and is thought to be about 43 million miles away and traveling at 15 miles per second. Lovejoy has an extremely strong record in comet watching, discovering five thus far in with simple equipment. Slowly gaining brightness, the striking comet with its green glow from the cyanogen and diatomic carbon should allow viewers even in light-polluted suburbs to catch a glimpse. Comets are rock, gravel and dust held together by ice.  -Fox News 
The Hill: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D-Mass.] will fuel speculation that she’s plotting to challenge former Secretary of State Hilly Clinton in 2016 when she delivers a keynote address before the AFL-CIO National Summit on Raising Wages [today] in Washington D.C.. It’s her first major address this year and will likely only add to the growing questions about her plans for the upcoming election cycle. The address also comes as Senate Democrats are planning to make income inequality a focus in 2016.”
          Ready for Warren rallies set for Iowa - Des Moines Register: “House parties are planned Wednesday night in Des Moines and Iowa City by political activists encouraging U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, to run for president…Activists at both parties plan to write postcards to Warren to urge her enter the 2016 presidential campaign, organizers said. They described the Iowa parties as part of a national grassroots effort to draft Warren as a presidential candidate.”  -Fox News 
 nObama Celebrates Auto Bailout at Idle Factory  
Barack nObama celebrated his economic policies before 700 Ford employees Wednesday by congratulating himself for bailing out the auto industry in 2009. "There is no doubt thanks to the steps we took early on to rescue our economy," the president said. "America is coming back. The facts are the facts." But Investor's Business Daily had some inconvenient facts nObama overlooked. The company that got America on the road with the Model T didn't take the government's handout, though it still took a loan to comply with the government's onerous regulations telling it what kind of cars to make. The bailout was a carrot to entice the auto industry to agree to average fuel economy standards of 54.5 miles per gallon -- a standard IBD says that can only be met if automakers turn to hybrid, electric and compact cars. IBD writes, "The problem is that consumers have never been very interested in these kinds of cars, which is evidenced by the fact the plant will be idle when nObama visits. Slumping sales of the Focus and C-Max Hybrid models caused the plant to stop production for three weeks." nObama took a victory lap on his economic policies when behind him, an idle auto plant blasted his arguments. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Fire Chief Sacked Over Christian Book  
The Atlanta fire chief suspended for self-publishing a book that, in part, decried homosexuality has been fired by the city's mayor, Kasim Reed. Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran wrote "Who Told You That You Are Naked?" in 2013 as a way to explain his faith -- that men can be clothed with Christ. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, "The mayor said he decided to terminate Cochran not just because the fire chief didn't consult him before publishing the book, but also spoke out about his suspension despite being told to remain quiet during the investigation into his leadership. What's more, Reed said he believes Cochran opened up the city to the potential for litigation over future discrimination claims." The fire chief's personal beliefs didn't align with the mayor's office, so the "tolerant" leftist fired him. Imagine how Cochran would have been treated if he was a supporter of homosexuality, attending rallies and speaking out. Probably, the mayor of Atlanta would have lauded him. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 GLAAD Condemns Lifestyle Choice of Mormon Families  
So much for the pro-LGBT lobby group GLAAD sticking to its advice of living life however you please. The group is protesting a new TLC reality TV show called "My Husband's Not Gay," a show that follows the lives of several Mormon families where the husbands say they're battling same-sex attraction. GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis blasted the show, saying, "This show is downright irresponsible. No one can change who they love, and, more importantly, no one should have to. By investing in this dangerous programming, TLC is putting countless young LGBT people in harm's way." The intolerant leftists even put together a petition asking TLC to not air the show. But the families featured in the show made a decision about the best way to live their lives -- and GLAAD is condemning their decisions in a striking display of intolerance. More... 
-The Patriot Post 
 Charlie Hebdo: Martyrs for the Truth  
(Abigail R. Esman) - With the massacre of Charlie Hebdo magazine's editors and cartoonists in Paris by Islamic gunmen early Wednesday afternoon, the forces of radical Islam lay the gauntlet down...radical Islam is not just fighting against Western freedom, or the hegemony of Western powers. Their real enemy is truth. The killing of the Charlie Hebdo staff was not the first time Islamists have made a point of murdering journalists or commentators, or the first time they have risen up against satirists in the West. The record is rich with them: the slaughter in broad daylight of Theo van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam in November, 2004; the many attempts on the life of Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist responsible for the drawings of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban; the plot to kill Swedish cartoonist Lars Viks, for similar drawings; the kidnap and murder of American journalist Steven Vincent in response to his New York Times article exposing corruption in the Basra police force in 2005; the beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff in 2014; and the 2011 bombing of the Charlie Hebdo offices in response to the magazine's own publication of cartoons about Mohammed. Among others.
 Undetectable Bombs: The New Threat From Al Qaeda  
(By shawn) - While Americans fret about whether or not terrorists were given the red carpet treatment while in CIA custody, the terrorists themselves have been busy working up new ways to attack the U.S. According to the latest issue of Al Qaeda’s Inspire electronic magazine, they’ve come up with a doozy...A terrorist called the AQ Chef tells the mag that undetectable bombs are the group’s latest weapon against the West. Much of the issue is dedicated to a story called “The Hidden Bomb.” What’s most disturbing about the story is that the steps for creating such a bomb are detailed for anyone to follow at home. “We came up with these simple materials that are readily available around the globe, even inside America,” says the article’s writer. “We spared no effort in simplifying the idea in such we made it ‘another meal prepared in the kitchen’ so that every determined Muslim can prepare.”
 The Pipeline and the Damage Done  
(FRED BARNES) - For a symbolic issue, the Keystone pipeline has sure caused a lot of damage—to Canadian-American relations, to Democrats, to President nObama. And it feeds, underscores, or reflects a variety of political divisions, some of them quite bitter...I’ll get to Keystone’s victims shortly, but first the explanation of why the issue is purely symbolic. If the pipeline is built, it will carry oil from northern Alberta to refineries on the Gulf Coast. If it is not built, the crude oil will be transported either to Canada’s west coast or to New Brunswick, a maritime province in the east, where it will be refined for export. The point is the oil won’t remain underground. It will be extracted, turned into gasoline, and keep cars running all over the world. That means blocking the pipeline, should the president decide to do that, will have no effect on greenhouse gases. That appears to make little difference to the environmental movement. It opposes fossil fuels and anything that facilitates their use, period.
 California Motorists Pay Double-Tax Under Cap and Trade  
(Steve Byas) - While many now make jokes about the global warming alarmists (a group that includes former Vice President Al Gore) and their proposed solution of "cap-and-trade," events in California demonstrate that this is really no laughing matter...What originates on the "left coast" as an absurdity to many in the rest of the nation, far too often becomes conventional wisdom among the liberals in the mainstream media, popular culture, and academia. "Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," President nObama said while campaigning for the White House in 2008. "Coal-powered plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money." California motorists have now discovered the stark truth of nObama's ominous prediction, "That will cost money." And the consumers will pay it at the pump.
 House Members Introduce Bills to Undo nObama Amnesty Program  
(Warren Mass) - Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.) is prepared to introduce legislation in the 114th Congress that would reverse President nObama’s executive action to defer deportations and grant work permits for up to five million illegal aliens...Other members of Congress have introduced bills to prohibit the use of funds to carry out the nObama executive actions granting amnesty to illegal aliens. According to a report from Politico, which broke the story, the Aderholt bill would also reinstate Secure Communities, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation program that relies on partnership among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. The Secure Communities program was discontinued on November 20, 2014, by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
 UN Exploits Pseudo-“Human Rights” to Attack U.S  
(Alex Newman) - Despite the troubles in her country, “Elizabeth,” as she became known, was an otherwise happy 13-year-old girl living in the Ivory Coast...Then the United Nations’ “peacekeeping” troops arrived in her town wearing their bright blue helmets — ostensibly to “keep the peace.” Rather than protecting the villagers, however, the UN forces kidnapped and brutally gang-raped young Elizabeth. “They grabbed me and threw me to the ground and they forced themselves on me,” Elizabeth recounted to the BBC in 2008. But Elizabeth is merely one child victim of the UN among countless others — mostly in Africa, but all over the world, too. Just in the Ivorian town Toulepleu, for example, a poll conducted by the non-profit Save the Children revealed that eight out of 10 minor girls admitted to regularly being raped and forced into sexual acts by UN soldiers. Similar horror stories have emerged from virtually every nation occupied by the global body’s “peace” armies.
 Illegals from terrorist states caught trying to cross U.S border  
( - We keep hearing the border is as secure as it’s ever been. Is that a fact or a politicized pipe dream?...Most likely the latter, according to who says, “The Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection reports that in fiscal year 2014 (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30) agents apprehended 1,191 individuals from 12 of the 14 countries that DHS and the State Department have considered as countries that have problems with terrorism.” The breakdown of the apprehension of individuals from 12 countries designated as “countries of interest” is as follows, according to CBP: Afghanistan (4); Algeria (3); Cuba (1,061); Iran (4); Iraq (7); Lebanon (10); Nigeria (29); Pakistan (31); Saudi Arabia (16); Somalia (6); Syria (14); and Yemen (6).”
 Unsecured: A Dire Report on Immigration  
( - Senator Tom Coburn released his Senate Homeland Security Committee’s report on immigration this week, and the findings demonstrate the dire situation America is in...Though the report has been all but ignored by nObama’s cheerleaders in the mainstream media, anyone who cares about the future of the country should be interested in what Coburn has to say. According to the report, less than 3 percent of illegal aliens will ever be deported. Worse, we still have more than 700 miles of unsecured border between the United States and Mexico, meaning that the problem is far from solved. The report hints at serious corruption in the Border Patrol agency, but concludes that the worst of the problem is based in policy rather than enforcement.
 New York mayor's secret past comes to light 
(Aaron Klein) - Largely unreported in the news coverage of the recent race-related demonstrations is that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has a history of working with extremist activist groups to stir protests...Further, de Blasio has a largely unreported history with the controversial Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. ACORN’s renamed group, the New York Communities for Change, is one of the organizations helping to lead the protests over the death of Eric Garner, who was killed by police in July. De Blasio has been accused by critics, including New York police officers, of helping to fuel racial tension between police and protesters.
 Anti Gun Liars Keep on Lying!  
(Tim Brown) - Michael Bloomberg's useful idiot and founder of Moms Demand Action Shannon Watts kicked off 2015 with more anti-gun propaganda, claiming that if polls only asked questions right that polling would show 90 percent of Americans favor background checks in order to purchase a gun...Ms. Watts said the fact that America now has a whistleblower silencing, Fast and Furious cover up head of the unlawful federal agency known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and an anti-gun Surgeon General makes her and the "moms on the ground feel like we're winning." She failed to mention the anti-gun Attorney General and President in making her case. But winning what? Is this really a war against criminals or an emotional war against arms? I believe it is the latter.
'Palestinian' push for statehood
bombs at United Nations
Louis Charbonneau

     ( ) - The U.N. Security Council on Tuesday rejected a Palestinian resolution calling for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian territories by late 2017.

     Even if the draft had received the minimum nine votes in favor, it would have been defeated by Washington's vote against it. The United States is one of the five veto-wielding permanent members.

     There were eight votes in favor, two votes against and five abstentions. Australia joined the United States in voting against the measure.

     U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power defended her position against the draft in a speech to the 15-nation council.

     "The United States every day searches for new ways to take constructive steps to support the parties in making progress toward achieving a negotiated settlement," she said.

     "The Security Council resolution put before us today is not one of those constructive steps," she said, adding that it would undermine efforts to achieve a two-state solution. "This text addresses the concerns of only one side."

     Jordanian Ambassador Dina Kawar expressed regret that the resolution was voted down.

     "We had hoped that the Security Council will today adopt the draft Arab resolution because the council bears both the legal and moral responsibilities to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," she said.

     The defeat of the resolution was not surprising. Washington, council diplomats said, had made clear it did not want such a resolution put to a vote before Israel's election in March.

     But the Palestinians, the diplomats said, insisted on putting the resolution to a vote despite the fact that it was clear beforehand that Washington would not let it pass. Their sudden announcement last weekend that they wanted a vote before the new year surprised Western delegations on the council.

     In order to pass, a resolution needs nine votes in favor and no vetoes from the council's five permanent members.

     The Palestinian resolution called for negotiations to be based on territorial lines that existed before Israel captured the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war.

     It also called for a peace deal within 12 months and ending Israeli occupation by the end of 2017.

     An earlier Palestinian draft called for Jerusalem to be the shared capital of Israel and a Palestinian state. The draft that was voted on reverted to a harder line, saying only that East Jerusalem will be Palestine's capital and calling for an end to Israeli settlement building.

     The Israeli government had said that a Security Council vote, following the collapse in April of U.S.-brokered talks on Palestinian statehood, would only deepen the conflict.

     The Palestinians, frustrated by the lack of progress in peace talks, have sought to internationalize the issue by seeking U.N. membership and recognition of statehood via membership in international organizations.

     Israel, which pulled troops and settlers out of the Gaza Strip in 2005, has said its eastern border would be indefensible if it withdrew completely from the West Bank.

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