Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Media Cowards and the Cartoon Jihad
Michelle Malkin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 UVA Frat Cleared of Rape Charge  
The fraternity accused of gang rape in the grossly irresponsible fable Rolling Stone published in December has been cleared by the Charlottesville Police Department of wrongdoing and has been reinstated by the University of Virginia. It seems the fraternity will do anything to get out of the spotlight. In a statement released by the university, the president of UVA's Phi Kappa Psi chapter, Stephen Scipione, said the fraternity is working with the university to help enact new measures to prevent what never happened at the fraternity to begin with. "In today's 24-hour news cycle, we must guard against a rush to judgment as we often don't have all of the facts in front of us," he said, adding, "We believe that in the midst of this ordeal, there is an opportunity to move forward with important safety improvements. This has prompted us to take a closer look at ourselves and what role organizations like ours may play in this problem." There you have it. A group of young men were nationally labeled as rapists, but as the police proved their innocence the leftist university president sees the group as champions for her new anti-rape rules. So where's her apology? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 New DC Mayor: I Hate Guns  
Forget taxation without representation -- for years, some residents of the District of Columbia have fought for the basic right to keep and bear arms. Former Mayor Vincent Gray long stonewalled against that basic right. Now, just as the courts have ordered the District to allow its citizens access to handguns, the new mayor has vowed to be as bad as or even worse than her predecessor. In her first week as mayor, Muriel Bower told a gathering at a District church, "You have a mayor who hates guns. If it was up to me, we wouldn't have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swear to protect the Constitution and what the courts say, but I will do it in the most restrictive way as possible." According to The Washington Post, the mayor has bungled the city's response to a snowstorm and went back on her word that DC would look to host the 2024 Olympics. The Second Amendment, however, is far more consequential. More… 
 Income Redistribution Gets New Packaging  
If you thought Democrats were going to change their class warfare strategy after being resoundingly rejected at the polls in November, think again. On Monday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), ranking member of the House Budget Committee, announced a proposal to address what leftists believe is the root cause of America's economic malaise -- income inequality. The proposal, billed by The Washington Post as a "stark shift in messaging," is an attempt to redistribute wealth from the rich to the middle class. Just how this represents a shift from previous leftist attempts to rewrite the laws of economics is unclear, but the details sound familiar enough. The first step of Van Hollen's proposal is a paycheck bonus tax credit worth $1,000 to individuals earning less than $100,000 and worth $2,000 for couples earning less than $200,000. This is a significant jump from Barack nObama's "Make Work Pay" tax credit from the 2009 stimulus, which paid out $400 per worker.  -The Patriot Post 
 The Next Big Lie: 'Free' Community College  
The community organizer in chief has a plan to offer "free" community college. It's a terrible idea and one that, as with every other federal program, isn't free at all. While the idea of "free" higher education may sound appealing to high school graduates, taxpayers will be on the hook for an almost surely underestimated $60 billion over 10 years. According to The Hill, "[T]he federal government would pay three quarters of tuition for students enrolled at least half-time who maintain a 2.5 GPA. States would be required to chip in the remainder of the cost -- an additional $20 billion over the next 10 years. Full-time students would save an average of $3,800 per year." Barack nObama, while speaking lecturing at a community college in Knoxville, Tennessee -- which is funded by the state's lottery -- tried to frame the issue as being fundamentally American and urged both parties to come together. He quipped, "If a state with Republican leadership is doing this, and a city with Democratic leadership is doing it, how about we all do it?" A better question is that if a state or a city is doing this, and it's working (a debatable assertion), then why does this president want to ruin it by nationalizing it? Has the former constitutional professor never heard of federalism?  -The Patriot Post 
 The nObama Regime, CAIR, and the Doctrine of Taqiyya  
(nicedeb) - The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, claims to support “freedom expression” but is asking Fox News to drop “Islamophobes like...Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Brigitte Gabriel, and Zuhdi Jasser from its programming. If that sounds strangely inconsistent, welcome to Taqiyya, the doctrine of tactical deception that is practiced by radical Islam and the Alinsky-trained radical left.
 What Do You Think the Left is All About?  
(Gina Cassini) - If this doesn’t say it all about how Democrats put the welfare of illegal aliens — even the most vile among them — above the interests of American citizens, nothing will...More than 80% of House Democrats today voted against a legislative proposal to prioritize the deportation of illegal aliens convicted of domestic violence, sexual abuse or child abuse. The vote makes crystal clear that immigration-related issues trump the supposed concern of Democrats regarding “violence against women,” and protecting “the children.” All of that takes a back seat to raw, race-baiting politics.
 Rep. Gowdy's Speech on Stopping Executive Action on Immigration   
(The Right Scoop) - Rep. Trey Gowdy gave a floor speech today on stopping the President’s executive action on immigration...saying it’s about damn time the House uses the Power of the Purse to stop Obama. He even got an ovation when he said this is a “fight over whether this branch of government will ever find the courage to stand up for itself.”
 Muslim Brotherhood Starts a Political Party in Chicago  
(Sara Noble) - The Muslim Brotherhood, named a terrorist organization by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE and favored by Barack nObama, formed the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations to build the framework for a political party...which has as its ultimate aim to elect Islamists to D.C. so they can institutionalize policies favorable to Shariah law. The Center for Security Policy reported last week that the United States Council of Muslim Organizations will be the first political party in the United States to be openly connected to the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood from which most of the Muslim terrorist organizations were spawned. The idea only gave root last year but it’s rapidly growing and politicians including the Governor of Illinois seek them out to gain their votes. Didn't I tell you this was coming.
 US transfer of 5 Gitmo detainees; 4 to Oman, 1 to Estonia  
( - The Department of Defense announced Wednesday that five Yemeni terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay had been transferred out of the facility, despite renewed concerns from lawmakers about the risks of releasing detainees...The newly transferred prisoners had been held for more than a dozen years. The men had been cleared for release since at least 2009, but the U.S. has balked at repatriating Guantanamo prisoners back to Yemen, where the government is battling an Al Qaeda insurgency.
 Ralph Peters: nObama Would Have “Easier Time Dealing...   
(nicedeb) - On Hannity, Wednesday night, the host wanted to talk about the apparent snubs by French President Hollande toward Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu...which Peters felt was bad judgement but could be explained by France’s geopolitical interests. “What I find inexplicable is President nObama and his cabinet’s refusal to go – to participate – the apparent order to even Eric Holder not to show up even though he was in Paris,” Peters said, repeating a suggestion he made earlier this week, that cabinet members were ordered not to go. Sean pressed Peters to explain what possible reason nObama had to behave this way.
 “New Information” from State Dept. on Benghazi  
( - Most of the work done by the House Select Committee on Benghazi is happening behind closed doors. Today, Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. announced that members have just wrapped up a classified briefing with State Department... “The Department of State provided new information to the committee and answered questions raised by committee members,” said Gowdy in a press statement. In addition to questioning State Department officials, the Benghazi Committee has had a closed-door meeting with Justice Department officials regarding document product and potential witnesses.
 Jihad Jane, she became a jihad terrorist “for love” of Muhammad  
(Robert Spencer) - For love, she gave herself over to hate. For love, she gave herself over to rage. For love, she gave herself over to murder, and became a would-be jihad killer... “‘I became a terrorist out of love': American housewife ‘Jihad Jane’ who converted to Islam and tried to kill a Swedish cartoonist a year before Charlie Hebdo. A white Islamic militant who christened herself ‘Jihad Jane’ and was convicted of plotting to kill a cartoonist who satirized the Prophet Muhammad, has claimed her actions were motivated our of love. Colleen LaRose, 51, of Pennsberg, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to charges including planning a jihad and conspiring to kill Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks in 2011 and was convicted in 2014.
 Conservatives Battling Comcast Turn to Left-Wing Pressure Tactics  
(Lachlan Markay) - As Comcast pursues an acquisition of competitor Time Warner, some conservatives are adopting corporate pressure tactics pioneered by the left designed to punish the cable giant for what they regard as its support for a liberal policy agenda...Generally averse to targeting businesses over their political affiliations, conservatives are increasingly attempting to exact an economic toll on companies that they see as enablers of their political adversaries and the policies they favor. A right-leaning super PAC called Conservative War Chest PAC is taking out a five-figure ad buy in five battleground states criticizing Comcast for its ownership of NBC and its liberal cable news arm MSNBC.
 Four Secret Service Executives Fired  
(Ken Kurson) - Today, four more top United States Secret Service executives have been forced from their posts in a stunning shake-up that the Washington Post, whose Carol Leonnig has unearthed scoop after scoop on this unfolding story...said would “gut much of the Secret Service’s upper management.” Maybe so, but a high-ranking former agent interviewed by the Observer this evening thinks this shocking change will jumpstart morale and begin the healing process. Speaking to the Observer on the condition of anonymity, the agent, who knows and worked with all four of the demoted agents, described a sedentary, low morale culture that had been allowed to fester by lifers who no longer cared to innovate. Former agent: 'Jane Murphy should have never been in the position she was in'.
Media Cowards and the Cartoon Jihad
Michelle Malkin

     ( - I have never laughed so bitterly as I did while reading Thursday's lead editorial by the great pretender-defenders of free speech at The New York Times.

     Paying obligatory lip service to the 10 cartoonists and staffers of the Paris satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo who were slaughtered for offending Islam, the Times intoned: "It is absurd to suggest that the way to avoid terrorist attacks is to let the terrorists dictate standards in a democracy."

     My GPS tracker of journalistic hypocrisy immediately identified the Times editorial board's high-altitude location -- ensconced atop their own Mt. Everest of absurdity and self-unawareness.

     The Fishwrap of Record priggishly refuses to print any of the Islam-provoking art that cost the brave French journalists their lives. In case you forgot (as its own editorialists have), the Times cowered in 2005-2006 when the Mohammed Cartoons conflagration first ignited. And the publication is capitulating again.

Behold this groveling bow to terrorists dictating democracy's standards:

     "Under Times standards," a newspaper spokesman said in a statement this week, "we do not normally publish images or other material deliberately intended to offend religious sensibilities. After careful consideration, Times editors decided that describing the cartoons in question would give readers sufficient information to understand today's story."

     So says the paper that blithely published a Catholic-bashing photo of the Virgin Mary covered in elephant dung and defended the taxpayer-funded "Piss Christ" exhibit thusly: "A museum is obliged to challenge the public as well as to placate it, or else the museum becomes a chamber of attractive ghosts, an institution completely disconnected from art in our time."

     While they feign free-speech fortitude, what Times editorialists really don't want to see is their heads completely disconnected from their necks. Neither do editors at The Boston Globe, ABC News, NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC, who won't publish any possibly, remotely upsetting images of Mohammed, either.

     But these quivering double-talkers aren't even the most laughable of Cartoon Jihad cowards.

     The Associated Press wins the pusillanimity prize after invoking the sensitivity card to explain why it refrained from publishing "deliberately provocative" Mo toons -- even though the media conglomerate had been selling deliberately provocative "Piss Christ" photos on its website. After the Washington Examiner's Tim Carney pointed out the double standards, AP tried to cover its tracks by yanking the pic.

     More absurdity? The New York Daily News pixelated a Mo toon carried by Charlie Hebdo as if it were pornography. CNN did the same in 2006, when it explained it was censoring the offending images "in respect for Islam" and "because the network believes its role is to cover the events surrounding the publication of the cartoons while not unnecessarily adding fuel to the controversy itself."

    And therein lies the cartoon capitulationists' grand self-delusion. This isn't about cartoons.

     Reminder: The First Mo Toons Wars were instigated in 2005 by demagogue imams who toured Egypt stoking hysteria with faked anti-Islam comic strips attributed to the Danish Jyllands-Posten newspaper (whose actual cartoons criticizing Islam were far more innocuous). The real agenda: Islamist thugs were attempting to pressure Denmark over the International Atomic Energy Agency's decision to report Iran to the U.N. Security Council for continuing with its nuclear research program. From Afghanistan to Egypt to Lebanon to Libya, Pakistan, Turkey and in between, hundreds died in insane riots under the pretext of protecting Mohammed from Western slight. Courageous journalists who stood up to the madness were silenced, jailed and threatened with beheading.

     Cartoons did not start militant Islam's fire. Neither did the Bushes, Israel, the Satanic Verses, the Pope, beauty pageants, KFC restaurants in the Middle East, Mohammed teddy bears or a YouTube video.

     The Religion of Perpetual Outrage hates all infidels for all reasons for all time. The targeting of Mohammed cartoonists is a convenient excuse to feed the eternal flame of radical Islamists' hatred of the West. If it isn't cartoons, it's something else. The grudge is everlasting.

     Instead of acknowledging their gutlessness in the face of Koran-inspired Muslim vigilantes, press pontificators cloak their fear in the mumbo-jumbo of "tolerance." They demand that the rest of us pledge fealty to their selective multi-culti sensitivities lest we be branded "Islamophobes."

     And then they have the audacity to play "I am free-speech Spartacus" with those who risked life and limb to speak truth to Islamic supremacist power.

Sit down, fakers. You fakin'.

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