Friday AM ~ thefrontpagecover

~ Featuring ~  
Violent MS-13 Crossing Border, 
Spreading Throughout U.S.
Louis DeBroux  
Thomas Sowell Sounds Warning Bell: US May 
Give In to Socialism, ‘We May Not Make It’
N3l6YaZ8BlEqorpPxkxd6xXS75reS46f7I8L8v5l6GsBZ4LpgPHcIX8RxwdhdvTELY0cCFlrQolVnJvNDEOAG5P2IS9ifw-w3zdI8xb-mDeuV-OQiYcB4c777ImkQc9bVX9ZF20=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Randy DeSoto
{} ~ Renowned economist Thomas Sowell expressed significant concern that enough Americans might be persuaded by the siren call of socialism... to take the country down that route. The author of “Basic Economics” told Fox Business Network on Tuesday, “I do have a great fear that, in the long run, we may not make it. “I hate to say that,” Sowell continued. “The one thing that keeps me from being despairing is that we don’t know. There are so many things that we can’t possibly know. And so, we may make it, but I wouldn’t bet on it.”The Hoover Institution senior fellow argued people seem to ignore what is happening in the world. “So many people today, including in the leading universities, don’t pay much attention to evidence,” Sowell said. “When you see people starving in Venezuela and fleeing into neighboring countries and realize that this is a country that once had the world’s largest oil reserves, you realize that they’ve ruined a very good prospect with ideas that sounded good but didn’t turn out well.”... I really hope you are wrong Sowell.
House Democrats Eye Ditching Procedure 
That Gives Republicans a Voice
wMBLTITPlKQAGr9PQqcBtvhLJ4kSwfE0L5zbE7LrxdJvJwp7eM0W3hqo8o2lJ3kXBzWX9iIL4A30xSNOJAS870Tb7iAxK_f36QVgLYccC-Av8Lu9nbKZ4FJ3INBLArnn9dGJlOU=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Rachel del Guidice
{} ~ House Republicans’ use of a century-old legislative procedure that helps the minority party alter or oppose measures advanced by the majority has exposed significant divisions among Democrats... Now some House Democrats want to do away with the procedure, called a motion to recommit. It allows a lawmaker in the minority to move that a bill be sent back to a committee for a particular reason. In a letter to Pulosi and three other Democrat leaders, 17 freshman Democrats ask them to “end abuse of the MTR,” referring to the motion to recommit. The two freshmen, Reps. Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania and Lori Trahan of Massachusetts, originally suggested in a draft of the letter that Pulosi and leadership do away entirely with the motion to recommit before a House vote, expected this week, on election legislation. Conservatives say that bill would inhibit states’ powers to set qualifications for voters, remove safeguards on voter registration rolls, and undermine the integrity of elections...
New Tax Proposal Could Devastate 
Americans’ Retirement Accounts
B8mIZPLUhuomI22brq797DpWjfumHSRtQEqFoJZ_pHIw5RyRvFRfLnbpiN1AN-fd85yE5f1TTpQv4m27YjOw9_hPEcObwtYDTUBAIFOD6R_20ppE_A9JHrBE1v4SnrUEJa2ZMgLx4i-a1P6JjI99mZRP7BJeki0wxTs4p-RlRWM-JV2HWIC9j9yRs4EaHuBRwtbO3z0VoqjDuYJWxfYJ=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=by Adam Michel
{} ~ A new tax proposal in Congress aims to stick it to the rich. But if passed, it could devastate the U.S. financial system and ruin the value of ordinary Americans’ retirement accounts... The proposal, introduced by a team of Democrats in the House and Senate, would assess a penalty each time someone sells a stock, bond, or other financial instrument. It would tax each of the roughly 10 billion U.S. equity market trades each year, among other transactions. The goal, presumably, is to hit the rich. But the stock market is not just a tool for the wealthy. Some of the largest shareholders and beneficiaries of our modern financial system are pension funds for public-sector employees and private retirement account holders. Firefighters, teachers, university endowments, and private retirement savings all benefit from sophisticated equity markets. Many employers issue short-term debt to cover payroll and young start-ups sell securities to fund their growth. The stock market may seem opaque to the average American, but they still benefit from it through new jobs, advances in productivity, and increases in retirement and other invested savings. This proposal  would handicap markets for U.S. saving and investment. It would levy a tax of 0.1 percent on the value of every stock, bond, and derivative transaction in the U.S. or made by a U.S. resident... You stupid dems think long and hard on what you are doing. You can  do this, cut budgets and stop spending.
House Dems Cave In to Islamist Lobby
by Meira Svirsky
{} ~ Democratic members of the House have missed an opportunity to stand tall against bigotry and its public perpetrator – anti-Semitism and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar... Beginning with the correct intention to swiftly pass a resolution against Omar’s recent spewing of vile anti-Semitic tropes, they have now stalled – and instead shown their true colors. Resolution 2.0 will now be watered down. It will not call out Omar by name and most likely contain condemnations of anti-Muslim sentiment, among other possible modern-day crimes. The new resolution will be proposed at some undisclosed time in the future, thus rendering virtually meaningless if it even happens. If our politically correct world won’t allow a condemnation of the oldest bigotry in the book as a stand alone, then whatever does end up being passed will be disingenuous. The stall on the resolution was just the opening the Islamist front in America needed to jump into the fray, distorting the conversation and making it all about Islamophobia. As if there is some balance – or a push-pull between Judaism and Islam. Yet for Islamists there is. No matter what Omar’s real words were, Islamists and their enablers are now busy reframing Congress’ now-failed condemnation of Omar. It is now “anti-Muslim sentiment that is driving the attacks on her.” Never to miss an opportunity to bring in as many victim groups as possible to lap up the sympathy,  sharia-apologist Linda Sarsour stated about Speaker of the House Nancy Pulosi perceived to be one of the driving forces behind the condemnation, “Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset – no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos.” Nihad Awad, founder and executive director of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),  whines about Israel and the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC having “undue influence in our Congress and on our foreign policy,”  playing the victim card again...
Socialism Is a Rigid Ideology 
That Always Ends in Tyranny
88sUcnJzR9xX2PrHsHvrQ6WDjxn1CmdMekjUJjUzcF_oOHmAIu-JZ7YWTetuP85ETTk9dAKyOqz-X4hoW-ukLl0UCneXCSiqioTHG2GQWzyw17yiu5VK-k5-rvaF8weZDDNhi-w=s0-d-e1-ft#%3Ca%20rel%3Dnofollow%20href=?profile=RESIZE_710xby Lee Edwards
{} ~ Q: What did socialists use before candles? A: Electricity. It’s an old joke, sure. But it’s no laughing matter. Just ask the people of Venezuela... The socialist regime there nationalized the electricity sector a dozen years ago. Today, blackouts in the once-prosperous Latin American nation have become routine. Electricity isn’t all that’s in short supply. Gasoline is scarce in the oil-rich nation, as are food and medicine. Meanwhile, the regime concentrates on violently repressing protests and burning humanitarian aid as it approaches its borders. After 20 years of socialism, Venezuela is a failed state. And that should surprise no one. Socialism is a rigid ideology that always ends in tyranny...
Violent MS-13 Crossing Border, Spreading Throughout U.S.
Louis DeBroux:  Sex trafficking, child prostitution, murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, money laundering, prostitution, racketeering, assault, kidnapping, and arms trafficking.

This is just a sampling of the criminal, often violent activities engaged in by Mara Salvatrucha, otherwise known as MS-13; a vicious, brutal El Salvadoran street gang now firmly rooted in the U.S.

MS-13 was formed in Los Angeles in the late 1970s by El Salvadorans fleeing their own country’s civil war. Today, there are an estimated 30,000-50,000 MS-13 gang members, having spread from LA into nearly every state in the U.S., and throughout Central and South America.

The horrific violence waged by MS-13 in El Salvador has become so bad that El Salvadoran police officers are fleeing their own country and seeking asylum in the U.S., fearing for their lives and the lives of their families.

In an effort to bring stability to the region south of our border, the U.S. government spent nearly $50 million opening a law-enforcement academy in San Salvador, with the FBI and other U.S. law-enforcement agencies training nearly a thousand police officers in El Salvador, as well as Honduras and Guatemala, between 2014 and 2017.

The government tried an “iron fist” strategy of heavy crackdowns on MS-13, but it ultimately failed, leading the government to enter a truce with the gang to stem the bloodshed. The effort helped, bringing the El Salvadoran murder rate down from a staggering 60.8 murders per 100,000 residents to a slightly less staggering 50.3 murders per 100,000.

Unfortunately, the truce was soon broken, the violence surged again, and now the murder rate includes a frightening number of police officers. The murder of police officers has become a sort of gang “currency,” earning those who kill cops more respect, prestige, and power within the gang. But MS-13 no longer targets just the cops; they now target their families as well.

Police officers in El Salvador only earn between $300 and $400 per month, which means they often live in the same poor, gang-infested areas they are policing. This puts them and their families at extreme risk, and MS-13 is now so brazen that they murder police officers and their families in their own homes.

As one anonymous anti-gang unit officer — awaiting refugee status after being threatened at home by MS-13 gang members — explained, “They have more control than we do. When we go home, we’re in neighborhoods where there’s one police [officer] to 100 gang members. We’re easy victims.” Another officer, shot 12 times in two separate attacks, filed a refugee application that included a letter from his commander, telling him “There’s nothing we can do for you. You need to protect yourself.”

Just how much control does MS-13 have? Earlier this year, El Salvador’s police chief warned officers not to return to their homes because they could not be protected there. In response, El Salvadoran police officers are fleeing their homeland by the dozens, seeking asylum in the United States and other countries.

MS-13 is no longer just an El Salvador or Los Angeles problem. It is a cancer that has metastasized and spread throughout the country; it’s a threat we must take seriously.

Last year, Democrats berated President Trump for calling MS-13 gang members “animals.” Then-House Minority Leader (now Speaker) Nancy Pelosi scolded Trump, calling his comments “inhumane,” and asserting, “We’re all God’s children.” She then asked, “Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?”

This was after a string of violent crimes in which two MS-13 gang members violently murdered a teenage girl in Texas as an offering to Satan, and after MS-13 gang members in Maryland stabbed a man more than 100 times before cutting out his heart and cutting off his head. Other gang members stoned an 18-year-old boy to death and dumped his body under a bridge.

As conservative columnist Dennis Prager wisely rebutted, “Biologically, of course, we are all human. But if ‘human’ is to mean anything moral — anything beyond the purely biological — then some people who have committed particularly heinous acts of evil against other human beings are not to be considered human. Otherwise ‘human’ has no moral being.”

Despite indisputable evidence that MS-13 gang members have infiltrated migrant caravans and used them as cover for drug smuggling, human trafficking, and murder, the Democrats dishonestly distort the issue, claiming migrants are just good people seeking work and a better life. Many are, but some are bloodthirsty killers.

And the problem gets worse by the day, aided by the Democrats not only refusing to help President Trump secure our border, but actively seeking to prevent him from doing so.

In New York, police officers have been warned to be vigilant while off-duty because it appears MS-13 gang members have been scouting out where they live to prepare for future attacks. In Texas, in February alone, at least seven MS-13 gang members were captured illegally crossing the border in a single sector.

If that many were apprehended, how many more got through to engage in the rape, murder, kidnapping, and sex trafficking of American girls and women?

From Maryland middle schools to Boston streets to Virginia suburbs to Houston neighborhoods, MS-13 now stalks our wives, our children, our neighbors, and our friends.

This threat must be taken seriously and acted on immediately. The blood of future innocent victims is on Democrat hands if they block that action.  ~The Patriot Post
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  • Bonnie

    You bet it would be ours to dream of, what we didn't do.


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