The Front Page Cover
~ Featuring ~
Ivy League Profs to Students: 'Think for Yourself'
by Thomas Gallatin
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The North Korean Conundrum
by Lewis Morris: Kim Jung Un continues to stir up trouble in Asia and danger for the entire world. The attention-starved North Korean dictator fired off another missile, sending this one over northern Japan and warning that it was a “meaningful prelude to containing Guam.”
Japanese were startled by the launch and were sent running for cover by air raid sirens. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump both condemned the action. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley called upon the Security Council to take strong action. What that might look like is still unknown, though the UNSC did issue a condemnation of North Korea’s “outrageous” launch.
The Security Council heaped sanctions on North Korea already for its missile launches earlier this month. Keeping China on board for tougher measures will be vital, as Kim’s fellow communists are pretty much the only friends he has — well, besides the Iranian mullahs.
PJ Media’s Claudia Rosett recaps the history briefly: “North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japan on Tuesday, an act that all by itself qualifies as a stunning provocation. This followed a bout of North Korean threats earlier this month to girdle Guam with missile strikes. Those threats followed North Korea’s successful tests last month of two intercontinental ballistic missiles. Those tests followed an 11-year span from 2006-2016 in which North Korea conducted five nuclear tests, prepared to conduct a sixth — which could come anytime now — and in 2010 unveiled a uranium-enrichment program to complement its production of plutonium for bomb fuel.”
Some have speculated that Kim is trying to push the U.S. and its allies to sit down for negotiations, though he almost certainly won’t come to the table without first sufficiently demonstrating his capability of striking the U.S. mainland. It’s hard to see anything coming of negotiations, though — at least not anything better than has come out of a quarter century of such dialogue. Trump has vowed to keep North Korea from developing long-range nuclear capability. And Kim has sworn he won’t give up his nuclear program. Beyond that, what else is there left to discuss?
We’ve been to this rodeo many times. The stakes are higher now, though, with North Korea’s growing nuclear capability. As The Wall Street Journal observes, “The intermediate-range missile test will further roil the politics of security in Northeast Asia and is another prod toward Japan acquiring its own nuclear deterrent.” Trump recognizes that, but what’s to be done about it?
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was short-sighted enough to say just days before this latest launch that we were actually making progress with North Korea. “I am pleased to see that the regime in Pyongyang has certainly demonstrated some level of restraint that we’ve not seen in the past,” he said last week. “We hope that this is the beginning of this signal that we’ve been looking for that they are ready to restrain their level of tensions, they’re ready to restrain their provocative acts, and that perhaps we are seeing our pathway to sometime in the near future having some dialogue.” His boss was little better. Trump declared last week that Kim was “starting to respect” the U.S.
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon went so far as to say there is no military solution to the problem in North Korea because of the inevitable damage to Seoul, South Korea, just 30 miles from the border. Bannon may be right that it’s at least a costly option, but it’s one of those things an administration shouldn’t say out loud.
Trump has noted that “all options” remain on the table, and in order for that threat to deter Kim, he has to believe it. Force is the only language dictators understand. A display of power in Asia will let North Korea know that we will protect our allies. Trump standing side by side with South Korea and Japan will also demonstrate that we will protect our allies. After eight years of “leading from behind” and apologizing for American greatness, the international community needs to be reminded that we will not tolerate acts of aggression. ~The Patriot Post
TRUMP Tells Missouri – If SENATOR
Doesn’t Support TAX CUTS, Vote Her OUT
{} ~ President Trump addressed the prospects of tax reform, what should be a no-brainer win for the American people and Congress were it not for the obstructionist bent of the anti-American Democrats... He was speaking in Missouri, and gave his comments a local flavor at the expense of their Democrat Senator. President Trump said, “We must, we have no choice. We must lower our taxes. And your Senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you and if she doesn’t do it for you, you have to vote her out of office.” The crowd cheered, there probably weren’t a lot of Democrats or libtards in the room. As the applause dies down President Trump says, “She’s got to make that commitment, she’s got to make that commitment. If she doesn’t do it, we just can’t do this anymore with the obstruction and the obstructionists.”...
USS Kearsarge, USS Oak Hill Leave Thursday
for Hurricane Harvey Relief Operation
by Ben Werner
{} ~ Amphibious warships USS Kearsarge (LHD-3) and USS Oak Hill (LSD-51) are set to set sail on Thursday under orders Wednesday from Adm. Phil Davidson, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, to provide humanitarian aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey... Both ships are sailing from Virginia to the Texas and Louisiana gulf coast tomorrow. Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will depart aboard Kearsarge when it sails from Naval Station Norfolk and Oak Hill is departing from Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, according to a Navy statement. “State and local agencies are in the lead for this response effort. We recognize recovery from this catastrophic disaster will be a long-term effort,” the statement said. “We are leaning forward to fully support FEMA and Texas with DoD assistance as requested.”...
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke resigns
{} ~ Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke resigned from his position on Thursday, local media reported. The County Clerk says he received a resignation letter at 3:16 p.m... In June Clarke announced that he had rescinded his acceptance of a Homeland Security post. That followed an initial acceptance of a job as assistant secretary in DHS’s Office of Public Engagement. Clarke was supposed to serve as a liaison between DHS and state and local law enforcement. Clarke, a tough-on-crime conservative Democrat, had built a following among conservatives with his provocative social media presence and for his support of President Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign (he also spoke at the Republican National Convention last summer). But he was later accused of plagiarism in his master’s thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School...
Feds Quickly Release Trump Lawyer’s
Emails To Liberal Group, Bury Dem Records For" />
by Ethan Barton
{} ~ A liberal news outlet waited just four months before a federal agency gave it more than 1,000 pages of a Republican’s emails, while conservative groups’ requests have been ignored for years... according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. Records show the Federal Election Commission (FEC) reviewed more than 4,400 pages of emails related to a Freedom Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Andy Kroll, a reporter with the liberal news outlet Mother Jones. Kroll sought all emails Don McGahn sent between July 2008 through September 2013 while he was an FEC commissioner. The FEC received Kroll’s request Jan. 30, 2017, and released more than 1,000 pages of McGahn’s emails in June. McGahn became White House counsel 10 days before the request was received...
COMEY SHAM – Never Intended To Prosecute
liar-CLINTON – Decision Made Before 17 KEY Interviews
{} ~ If we Americans had an actual Department of Justice or an FBI that was impartial and prosecuted the big criminals who reside inside of our government... with the same zeal it does the lowly commoners, this revelation would result in some immediate action. As it is, with the DOJ still apparently in the hands of Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder and Hussein liar-nObama, with Jeff Sessions little more than a plantation worker dressed up in whiteface, nothing more than nods and affirmations of “see, I told you Comey was a dirty cop,” will be forthcoming. It turns out that former FBI director, James Comey had made his decision not to prosecute liar-Hillary Clinton long before she was “interviewed” on July 5th by the FBI and before that emergency grandkids and golf discussion was held between liar-Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac...
Ivy League Profs to Students: 'Think for Yourself'
by Thomas Gallatin: Several Ivy League professors from the universities of Harvard, Princeton and Yale sent out a letter of advice to all incoming college students this week. Their message: “Think for yourself.” In the letter they challenge students to avoid “the vice of conformism” and to avoid the trap of “what John Stuart Mill called ‘the tyranny of public opinion.’”
Over the years, the once-high ideal of America’s institutions of higher learning being bastions of tolerance for the expression of freedom in thought and speech has eroded into them being little more than “safe space” echo chambers of leftist ideology and propaganda. In the past couple of years in particular Americans have witnessed various university and college campuses produce some of the most intolerant policies, voices and behaviors. The list includes the banning of various religious and social groups based on their supposed “bigoted” (non-leftist) ideology, the dis-invitation of various conservative speakers and the creation of “safe spaces” designed to prohibit and limit the freedom of speech in public places on campus. And finally, the growth of leftist social justice warriors who have advocated and engaged in violence in places like UC Berkeley and Middlebury, and most recently the takeover of Evergreen State College by a mob of these leftist SJW students.
The sad thing is that only 15 professors signed the letter. This letter should have garnered near universal support from Ivy League faculty. When concerns over offending another individual’s feelings prohibit someone, specifically one whose career is based on educating and challenging others to learn about and engage new ideas or concepts, from honestly expressing their knowledge and thoughtful opinions without fear of reprisal, we have a problem. The concept that equates unpopular speech to literal violence against individuals with opposing views is a fallacy that has unfortunately gone unchallenged by many on the Left.
Leftists’ argument for engaging in physical violence against others (like “punching a Nazi”) because they find their views repugnant or bigoted is the antithesis of tolerance and objective reasoning. Just yesterday a visiting assistant professor at the University of Tampa was fired for tweeting that he believed residents of Texas suffering from Hurricane Harvey were getting what they deserved because they voted for Donald Trump. His tweet read, “I don’t believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesn’t care about them.” It is this type