View this article on CNBC'S Market Insider by Patti Domm:
So what can we do about the high unemployment rate which is really around 18 % instead of the rate that the government states, i.e. approximately 9 %? They do not count those who have stopped looking for a job and they don't count those who only have part time jobs.
So what can the people do to lower the unemployment rate.
1. Stop buying Chinese imports .... buy products made only in the USA. This will encourage the growth of higher paying jobs in the USA and the return of U.S. Corporations.
2. Demand that the Federal government lower the tax rate for corporations. Why? The high tax rates are the main reason they cannot compete on the world market. It is not the high salaries or any other reason it is mainly that U.S. corporations have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world. That has encouraged corporations to leave the U.S. instead of settling for a smaller profit margin. They used to be contented with a 5 % profit margin but not any more.
3. Demand that the government impose import taxes on imports from those countries who are not buying an equal dollar amount of our products to the amount of dollars of we spend for their products. That is called the balance of payments deficit. The USA has been running a Balance of Payments Deficit for 20 plus years. Can you imagine what would happen in your business life if you spent more money for products you use than for products you sold or if your family spent $100,000.00 a year and you only made $50,000.00. You would have a terrible deficit after 20 plus years....might even go bankrupt. Because the government can print money or tax the middle class it doesn't become obvious until someone like me points it out.
4. Demand that the 4000 plus factories that moved overseas return. If they do not, give them notice that they will not be under the protection of the American government if anything happens to them.
5. The fact that the factories have left the USA is a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT. Why? In a next World War we would be hard pressed to manufacture all of the equipment and supplies that we would need in a hurry as we were able to do in WWII. The South lost the crazy civil war not because they did not have good leadership or brave soldiers but because they did not have manufacturing capabilities as did the North.
6. In moving our factories overseas we have given away billions of dollars of high level technical knowledge and know how to the Chinese and in the past to the Russians. That does not count the incredible efforts and success they are achieving in Computer Hacking into our Corporations and Pentagon and Military Contractors companies. Their governments have schools set up to teach computer geeks how to hack into our computer systems.
7. Demand that this global One World Government and Global One World Business stop before we lose our nationhood and become part of a Global Government, i.e., no more USA. They are even talking about getting rid of the dollar and to replace it with a Global currency. Their nonsense has gone far enough. We took a beating in the stock market, in the housing market and in job market. Enough is Enough is Enough! These Globalist are not going to be happy until they impoverish the entire middle class. Then there will be only two classes, the poor and the filthy rich.
8. Stop aborting our children. Many of those already aborted could and would have solved our problems had they been allowed to live. How many geniuses have been aborted? How natural born leaders have been aborted? How many holy spiritual saints have been aborted? We are like the economic joke about the farmer who instead of planting his corn seed decides to eat the seed and does not plant anything and eventually is impoverished and lose his farm.
9. What about all of these tornadoes? Is it possible they are being caused by the Wrath of God (read the Old Testament) because we refuse to turn to Him, to worship Him, to praise Him and to be obedient to His 10 Commandments? He has already shown an infinite amount of patience with our never ending collective sins. It doesn't mean that those hit by the tornadoes are the ones who are sinning. They may be innocent but nevertheless are affected. You notice that all of the scourges we have experienced are hitting us in the pocket book first with other varying collateral damages also.
Isn't it funny that no one on TV or the Radio talks about bringing back the factories or how outrageous is the burden of Balance of Payments deficit to the U.S. So isn't it funny how they have taken our factories and our costly technology and our dollars in return for their cheap trinkets. We are allowing them to get away with it because we have sunk to a new low level of immorality. An immorality which discounts the 10 Commandments and the Bible. As a result we are getting what we deserve, in other words, we are self-destructing and are not even aware of it. To be so greedy and so unpatriotic as to move factories overseas when the people who make thses decision understand that it will destroy our middle class because of the resulting lack of jobs is indeed the height of extreme selfishness and immorality. I would not want to be any of those responsibile on JUDGEMENT DAY and have to answer to the Creator for all of the misery and suffering and collateral damage caused to the citizens of the USA. The Chinese and our other so called allies (or should I say enemies) must be having a great big fat belly laugh at how foolish we have been and continue to be.
We can be FREE again if we get on our collective knees and beg forgiveness from our Almighty Creator for our sins, especially abortion, and for snubbing our Creator and ignoring His 10 Commandments. We need to praise and thank Him for all that He done for us in the past and the fact that he created us. We need to ask for His mercy. Wake up and do the will of God!