Friday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Bring on 2015—We’re Ready and Hopeful
Peggy Noonan
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Here’s how it’s done -   Some advice for conservatives from John Hart, who as a senior staff member, helped execute the successful GOP leadership coup of 1998. He was not impressed by the failed effort. “In contrast, today’s effort gives rebellion a bad name. It is tepid, poorly planned and pretends to be conservative but is conventional Washington politics and posturing at its worst.”  -Fox News 
Detroit News: “President Barack nObama is warning Americans that cheap gas prices won’t last indefinitely, and he’s standing by his support of small, fuel-efficient vehicles. “I would strongly advise American consumers to continue to think about how you save money at the pump because it is good for the environment, it’s good for family pocketbooks and if you go back to old habits and suddenly gas is back at $3.50, you are going to not be real happy,” nObama said in an exclusive telephone interview with The Detroit News on Tuesday, the eve of his visit to Ford’s Michigan Assembly plant in Wayne.”
          Hang time - WashEx: “President nObama has invited the top four Democratic and Republican leaders in the House and Senate to a meeting at the White House next Tuesday, as nObama tries to build momentum for his legislative agenda at the start of the 2015 congressional session.”  -Fox News 
 Swing set -   The Hill: “Senate Republicans are reaching out to about nine Democrats they see as crucial swing votes in the new Congress. With his 54-seat majority, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) is six votes short of overcoming Democratic filibusters, making bipartisan support a necessity for getting most legislation to President nObama’s desk. Republicans have identified six go-to centrists: Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Mark Warner (Va.), Tim Kaine (Va.) and Joe Donnelly (Ind.) and independent Sen. Angus King (Maine), who caucuses with the Democrats. Several other Democrats, including Sens. Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Chris Coons (Del.), Tom Carper (Del.) and Martin Heinrich (N.M.), are also targets, though they are seen as riskier partners.”  -Fox News 
 CBC will feel the Love -   Daily Caller: “Utah Rep. Mia Love, who recently became the first black female Republican ever elected to Congress, joined the Congressional Black Caucus, according to a Tuesday announcement - potentially bad news for the group.  Love, the former mayor of Saratoga Springs, has stated that she would likely join the CBC but would attempt drastic change from within the group, which tends to lean to the left.”  -Fox News 
“The Paris terrorist attack is another stark example of the threat the Western world faces from radical Islamists of all names, acronyms, shapes, sizes, and locations – Muslim extremists who seek to impose their ‘law’ on everyone else.  Today’s version involved military style terrorist commandos dressed in black, armed with AK-47s, clearly trained and moving in a coordinated fashion. Multiple reports say the terrorists yelled ‘Allah Akbar’ as they shot reporters and cartoonists in the newsroom of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, which had written satirically about Islam and published cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad. Witnesses say the gunmen yelled, ‘We’ve avenged the honor of the prophet!’ in French- before escaping.
          The first public reaction from the White House was to ‘condemn this act of violence’. Pressed on why it wasn’t an act of terrorism, spokesman Josh Earnest said ‘it’s early’. ‘If it’s an act of terrorism we will condemn that too’. Then the French President put out a statement calling the onslaught a horrific act of terror.  Afterwards, Earnest, appearing on Fox, adjusted and called it an ‘act of terror’. What this semantics game shows is that the White House still seems reticent to speak out against radical Islamist terrorists in the strongest terms - early and often. We all understand the ‘fog’ of the early minutes of an ‘attack’, but after a short time this seemed cut and dry. And the French certainly understood it early. We’ll see how forceful the president is about it today as he touts the U.S. economy in Detroit.” – Bret Baier-Fox News 
 This Woman has a Message, needs to be heard in America today! 
(Tim Brown - - As I post this, I realize that as soon as people see that this is a woman they will immediately not listen to what is said...I understand that sentiment as men are God’s design to lead and speak with authority to the people of God. However, men have become so feminized in our culture and particularly in the Church (just take a look at Billy Graham’s grandson as Exhibit A) that women, much like Deborah of the Old Testament, are standing up and doing what men should be doing. With that in mind, take a listen to a video I watched this morning. The speaker is Iona Locke. I don’t know Ms. Locke’s theology and I certainly don’t agree with her being a “bishop” as the Bible is clear that a bishop in the Church is to be a man (1 Tim. 3:1-7). Her theology may be horrible, but I can tell you that the meat of the words she states in this video are spot on and her message is right in line with Jesus the Christ, His apostles and His prophets. That message to a sinful people is to repent.
 Federal Judge Halts Sheriff Joe’s Workplace Raids  
(USA Today) – A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction Monday blocking Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery from enforcing two state laws...that make it a felony for undocumented immigrants to use stolen identities to obtain work. The injunction essentially prevents Arpaio from continuing to conduct his controversial worksite raids to arrest undocumented workers and Montgomery from prosecuting them. However, Arpaio had already announced in December that he planned to disband his worksite unit at the end of January or in early February once they completed an ongoing investigation.
 Amid Bowl Game Pageantry, Troubling Signs for Army Recruiting  
(Sig Christenson) - When the annual All-American Bowl kicks off at noon Saturday at the Alamodome, the fans and a national TV audience will see some of the country's best high school football players and immerse themselves in pomp, pageantry and patriotic fervor...It's the Army's splashiest recruiting and marketing event. Beyond four quarters of football, it is part of a critical task of getting enough new soldiers into boot camp each year -- something that has never been easy to do and is getting harder.
 Arson Jihad: Muslim ‘Refugee’ to US Burns Down Buildings  
(Pamela Geller) - Under the Refugee Resettlement Programs, whole Muslim communities are imported into the US from jihad nations. Under this highly questionable program, the UN determines who is designated a “refugee.”...These programs are disastrous to the gateway cities designated for settlement. Lewiston, Maine is one such city. The only “refugees” the US should be bringing in are Christians and other religious minorities who are being oppressed, ethnically cleansed and murdered in Syria, Iraq and other Muslim countries under Islamic rule. But nObama has long abandoned religious minorities under Islamic rule. Instead, nObama continues to import jihad. The consequences of Muslim immigration on free societies are ruinous.
 Hilly’s Presidential Campaign Just Got Some Major Bad News  
( - So they turned, logically enough, to Iowa, where the first major electoral event of that election — the Iowa caucuses — will take place, to find out what Clinton supporters thought about their chances next year...There was only one teeny, tiny problem with that research plan. They couldn’t find any Clinton supporters in Iowa. According to Daily Surge, Iowans are interested in learning more about Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jim Webb — really, anybody but the presumed Democrat nominee.
 Judge Nap Makes Massive Announcement About Benghazi  
( - Speaking last year about the subpoena power of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano told Megyn Kelly that congressional investigators could demand practically any information from practically anyone...And that, he said, is exactly what had the White House “terrified.” “The Select Committee cannot prosecute, it cannot charge, it cannot indict,” Napolitano conceded. “But it has extraordinary subpoena power.” If the nObama administration were to resist such a subpoena, the judge added, there was already existing legal precedent that suggested the courts would force compliance.
 The ‘Equality’ Racket  
(Thomas Sowell) - Some time ago, burglars in England scrawled a message on the wall of a home they had looted: “RICH BASTARDS.” Those two words captured the spirit of the politicized vision of equality — that it was a grievance when someone was better off than themselves...That, of course, is not the only meaning of equality, but it is the predominant political meaning in practice, where economic “disparities” and “gaps” are automatically treated as “inequities.” If one racial or ethnic group has a lower income than another, that is automatically called “discrimination” by many people in politics, the media and academia.
 UCLA’s Embarrassment: Prof. Abou El Fadl  
(Daniel Pipes) - The once-promising career of UCLA law professor Khaled Medhat Abou El Fadl has faded over the past decade. Gone are the pleasures of glowing attention of the media, the invitations to join important government bodies and to offer expert testimony at high-profile trials...It’s not clear that this downward spiral resulted solely from my 2004 article demonstrating him to be a “stealth Islamist,” but that exposé, read more than 30,000 times, surely diminished his stature. In it, I showed how, despite Abou El Fadl’s once-vaunted reputation as a moderate Muslim, he wants Muslims to live by Islamic law (the Shari’a), the law that among other things endorses slavery, execution for apostasy, and the repression of women, and which treats non-Muslims as second-class citizens. “Shariah and Islam are inseparable,” he has written, “and one cannot be without the other.” In a revealing passage, he confesses that his “primary loyalty, after God, is to the Shariah."
 Land of Dynasties  
(JAY COST) - In mid-December, Jeb Bush announced his intention to explore a presidential bid. If he runs and wins the Republican nomination and then the election, he will be the third President Bush in 25 years...That unprecedented prospect has left many wondering: In a republic like ours, is it proper for one family to fill the executive seat so often? While we might fret about this for cultural reasons, we must acknowledge that it has not come about by accident. In fact, dynasties make a lot of sense for practical politicians. Acquiring the presidency is enormously challenging, and political dynasties ease at least some of the difficulties either in securing the nomination or in winning the general election. To put it bluntly, dynasties endure because they are politically useful. Not surprisingly, then, political dynasties have actually been quite common in American history, though not always family-based. From the early 19th century into the 20th, there were three state-based political dynasties that were even more dominant than the Bushes.
 Iranian General: Our Ideal is the Destruction of the White House  
(Reza Kahlili) - The commander of Iran’s notorious Basij forces declared Monday that the Islamic Republic’s ultimate goal is the destruction of America and Israel... “Today there is no mandate to end our fight because Iran’s greatness in the region and the repeated losses by the Zionists and America are the proof of our fight up to today,” Gen. Mohammad Naghdi said, according to Fars News Agency. “Our ideal is not [nuclear] centrifuges but the destruction of the White House and the annihilation of Zionism [Israel].” The regime’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has also called for the continuation of the fight to destroy America, saying: “This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought. … This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and a need for great strides.”
Bring on 2015—We’re Ready and Hopeful
Peggy Noonan

     ( -How are we feeling about 2015? With what attitude are people approaching the new year? What do they expect from it?

Let’s ask.

      Yuval Levin, founding editor of National Affairs, says, “Maybe you know the old joke that a Jewish optimist is one who says, ‘Surely things can’t get worse than this,’ and a Jewish pessimist is one who answers: ‘Sure they can!’ Those are the two sides of my thinking about 2015. But that said, I’m approaching the new year with hope, which is not the same as optimism. Hope is not the expectation that things will turn around for the better, but the belief that they can. It invites not passive anticipation but active repair and restoration. Our country has shown an amazing capacity to recover from setbacks because we’ve shown an ability to act on hope.”

     Purdue University President Mitch Daniels says New Year’s is like opening day at the ballpark. “Optimism comes naturally, and that’s a good thing, as no other operating philosophy makes any sense,” he says. You can be “wary” about the economy, Mr. Daniels adds, “worried” about terror threats or “weary” of partisan animus, but you still return to the questions: “What nation would you like to trade problems with? What era of history would you like to move to?”

     The historian Amity Shlaes, presidential scholar at The King’s College in New York, is looking forward by looking back. “The Coco Chanel Rule is worth recalling in 2015: ‘Nothing is new, it is just forgotten.’ It’s sometimes rendered as ‘Nothing is original except what is forgotten.’ ” Ms. Shlaes calls this “an astounding statement from a creator universally venerated for her originality.” She adds, “A good resolution for 2015: Humility in art. A second resolution: Cause the forgotten to be remembered.”


     Former Florida governor and possible presidential aspirant Jeb Bush sounded joyful in an evening email. “Regarding 2015, I am very optimistic. I think the DC political process might go back to working as it has for most of our nation’s existence. Regular order! Passing a budget. Allowing amendments to bills. Allowing the ‘ Nixon to China’ moments to go forward.” He said that he is “incredibly optimistic” about “our future because of the acceleration of innovation and technology in our lives. In spite of dysfunction in Washington, we are on the verge of being an emerging nation once again . . . dynamic, aspirational and young at heart.”

     Ohio Sen. Rob Portman is also in an up mood. He says a confluence of factors makes 2015 “the best opportunity to help the American people through legislating” since the 1990s. “First is the new GOP majority in the Senate, which happened with voters looking for a change in partisan gridlock. Second is the accumulation of big and obvious structural problems to address, from a nonsensical tax code to a self-defeating trade policy to regulatory overreach and a fiscal time-bomb. And, finally, a realization by both parties that although the recovery may finally be here, it is leaving too many behind and these structural problems are a major reason.”

     My Wall Street Journal colleague Mary Kissel says: “I feel an overwhelming sense of relief to say adieu to 2014. I’m optimistic that next year will be better—how could it be worse?” She sees the possibility for “incremental reforms in the 114th Congress. Some reform will be better than nothing.”


     We got peppery energy pioneer and business magnate Boone Pickens on the phone from his office in Dallas.

He cleared his throat: “The media has given this goofy president a walk.”

     He offered context for his mood: “What was it that did the most for the economy and got no credit? We had the cheapest energy in the world!” Also: “That’s a huge tax break for the consumer in America.”

     He declared that he’s in an “upbeat” mood: “I’m a geologist and geologists are always optimistic because they drill so many dry holes, they better be optimistic.” The November election’s clear results raised his spirits considerably. “Then the goofball says ‘65% didn’t vote and those are the ones I represent!’ ”

     Mr. Pickens said that, before the election, he was worried—“Have we lost America?” Asked if the country is rediscovering itself, he said, “Sure! America still belongs to America,” adding: “We have only another year of this bird to go.”


     Legendary editor, now historian Harry Evans is bullish on 2015 because of technology. A high point in 2014: He and his book, “They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine,” were a question on “Jeopardy!” “Now I’m excited by what’s called ‘the intelligence of things,’ machines talking to machines. Just watch!”

     We caught former White House Press Secretary Dana Perino in a mellow, reflective mood. What she is feeling right now is “abundance of gratitude, and gratitude for the abundance we have in America—our freedom, opportunity, conveniences.” She is thinking that from abundance and gratitude must come generosity—“being generous in thought and word to all who cross my path. The more grateful I am for the abundance available in America, the more generous I can be—which lifts my spirits and brings me more love, friends and opportunities.”

     The great Vanity Fair special correspondent Maureen Orth reports, “I am feeling good about 2015,” in part because of Pope Francis . “I am looking forward to the follow-up to the phrase ‘spiritual Alzheimer’s.’ How will he top that zinger?” She’s looking forward to witnessing “the jockeying” among leaders on Capitol Hill if Francis accepts their invitation to address a joint session of Congress when he visits the U.S. this fall.

     New York attorney Lloyd Green says he’s approaching the new year “extra hopefully.” At the end of a list of reasons, he adds, “Fishing. Heck, everyone should give fishing a shot. It’s about more than just the fish. There’s nothing like sunrise on the Atlantic on the open water. At that moment it lets me see the jolt of Creation, His majesty and sweep. And nothing beats fighting a fish and not knowing who is going to win.”

     The writer Stephen Smith, former executive editor of Newsweek and editor of the Washington Examiner, is approaching 2015 seeing a return to social traditions. “I am heartened by the surge of young and old back to the cities, and by the radio-listening parties prompted by ‘Serial.’ People still want to be connected physically and culturally even as they connect online.”

     Jeremy Shane, a Washington-based entrepreneur who has worked in energy, health and education, doesn’t characterize his attitude toward 2015, but shares some prophecies, saying that it will be “a clarifying year. The chaff will be separated from the wheat. The potentially vibrant will rise above the demonstrably decrepit, or be swallowed by it.”

     We are seeing a confrontation “between new and old orders,” Mr. Shane says. Keep your eye on the anticorruption campaign in China—President Xi Jinping “will either professionalize the economic and local government elite” or not, but 2015 is the year “Xi breaks through or is neutered.” The outcome “will determine how the next 20 years go.” Another confrontation between new and old orders: “Pope Francis versus the Curia.”

     Father Gerald Murray, pastor of Church of the Holy Family in New York City, sees the new year as, at bottom, another chance: “I look at 2015 as a new opportunity to make up for the wasted opportunities of the previous year. That prospect makes me glad that God has given me more time to get things right.”

Yes. Here’s to getting things right.

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