TO: United States Congress

 President of the United States

Washington DC


President, Congressmen, Senators,

Because I believe each of you are unsure of just how devoted many American citizens are with regard to protecting their Constitution, Freedoms and Rights.  I can't accurately speak for every Patriot in America, however I can convey the way I feel.  As you read what the following I am convinced that you would be safe to assume that what I write applies to them as well.

 If I were a part of the overt corruption and treason taking place in Washington DC I would be very concerned about any part I played in the betrayal of my country.  If I were innocent of criminal acts of my colleagues it would be of no consequence had I done nothing to counter it.   However if you are one of the few in congress who has tried to stem the corruption and treason or sound the alarm this has little to do you.

Again, as you each read this keep in mind I am but one of millions who feel and will act in much the same way. 

I am a very Loyal Patriotic American citizen.  I am duty bound by the oath I took to protect the Constitution.  Honor, something which escapes a large number of elected people, is a very important character trait I hold dear.  I have a steadfast belief in my God and will never compromise my faith or my values and I strive to be a moral individual.  Those of you in this administration and congress who ponder the question, "would American citizens really engage in an armed revolt against their government" have good reason to ask.  Only those guilty would consider this question, as they are the ones who will be the point of just such an action.  If you have the misguided assumption that American citizens do not possess the courage or the will to take such an action you  gravely deceiving yourselves.

 As I said before, I am a Loyal American citizen, I have never committed a crime or even been suspect of any.  I have served my country with Honor and bled for it as did every male in my family that I am aware of.  It is this which gives my words the ring of truth and display the fact that I, as well as the millions I mentioned before, will not accept tyranny and treason.  Many of us have put our lives on the line for America before to fight foreign enemies.  As dishonorable as the act of treason is just how far do you think we would go to confront a domestic enemy.  By now you are fully aware the acts many of you have committed are criminal and Patriots of America are aware of them all.  You would have to be insane to believe American citizens would allow you to subject them to  NDAA and treaties which, "you think will countermand Constitutional rights",  as well as other ill-conceived legislation by the 111th and 112th congresses without a fight.  As it stands the Democrat party along with some liberal republicans are at the threshold of being guilty of causing the greatest destructive evil ever brought upon this land.

 If any of you truly believe in God then you are aware of where you stand and that you have no chance.  If you are among those who are atheists, this is one time you would do well to listen to those who believe though your arrogance will never permit it.  I am not a member of any Militia though I support their efforts and sometimes contribute training for them.  There are a few refuse to help, I only help those truly committed to our nation and our laws and whose greatest concern is protecting the Constitution as well as the rights and Freedom it protects.  Those organizations acting out of a desire to play army or have an axe to grind are not what our Constitution calls Militia.  These types are merely camouflaged sociopaths.  I am relieved that these are few and far between.  Most new Militias are down to earth Honorable American citizens from every occupation including Law, Military, Medical, Mechanic, Store clerks, Teachers and so on.  They come from every religion and race.  They are the exact people America was built by, the exact people who make America work.   They are the people who are telling you in Washington DC to either stop your attempt to rule and take over their home or they are going to put in a place you are not going to like. 

Congressmen, Senators you live in the communities where these people live also, your continued corruption is going to make your going home very hard.  None of you are respected anymore.  You will have to earn your rights, our Constitution does not protect government.  This is the very reason you want to destroy it.  What you fail to realize is that your attacks on the Constitution makes each of you criminals. Obama is already a felon, though none of you have the courage to hold him accountable.  None of you do your duty or live up to your responsibilities or oath.  I am simply telling it like it honestly is, you in Congress are playing a very dangerous game with your own lives.  This is no threat it is a fact you will be held to answer for your actions and many of you will be in a prison cell.  I sincerely hope to see you there before you start a justified, legal and moral revolution.  A revolution even our founding fathers would bless and ask what took so long.  Congress, get this very clear in your minds, you have absolutely nothing to be proud of.  And never insult America by saying "you served" that is simply bull shit.  Soldiers serve, Police serve, firemen serve, you? huh, are a waste of breath thus far.

Art Phillips (Elevengun)      


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