FYI, if you care!

If you want to defend Freedom and Liberty in The United States of America you must be willing and prepared to sacrifice. This is the point where many start to question their commitment to our constitution. Sacrifice, true sacrifice, isn't something a great many people are willing to do. Freedom and Liberty are precious to the American Patriot. Much of my ancestry is Native American and I can promise you, my Freedom is as important to me as the blood that flows in my veins. There is no sacrifice so great I would not make it to protect my right to live as God intended me to.

The founding fathers of this great nation risked their wealth, their sacred Honor and their very lives to live as free men. I will do no less and I am willing to do much more for the same reason. I believe that the greatest threat to our Freedom at present is the President of the United States, Barak Obama, as well as his administration and those he has appointed or hired either directly or indirectly. Obama, as well as these people, must be purged from our government if Freedom is to have any future in America or the world. It makes no difference who wins the 2012 election this must come to pass if the America that offered Freedom to the world is to live on.

Electing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will go a long way to preserving our Freedom and Constitution but it will only be a beginning. Each and every individual placed by Barak Obama or any of those working for him must be identified and removed from their positions. Every piece of legislation passed in the term of Obama and the 111th and 112th congress must be questioned and most of it nullified. That leaves the worst outcome, the re-election of the greatest threat of Freedom, Barak Obama. Should this happen, something which is apparently impossible at this time, the people will have to demand congress impeach him immediately on grounds of which there are many to avoid law abiding Americans having to revolt against an illegal government.

At this time it is obvious that Obama will not win this election. This makes a win by him a much greater problem for the fact that it could only happen using fraud and dishonesty. Such an event would almost certainly invite a conflict not seen in America since the civil war. Many threaten riots if Obama looses, these are the people willing to cheat or even cause physical harm to get their way. They are the very reason we must have so many prisons and as much the enemy as Obama and his following. If Barak Obama or the Democrat party retain power in the United States the United Nations will try to take over our country and we will be faced with a war on our own soil defending Freedom and our God given rights.

The way I have always been taught, as well as the way I will act is: if you see foreign uniforms on your property your country has been invaded and you must use all force necessary to expel them IT IS YOUR DUTY TO YOUR COUNTRY. If individuals, acting outside the provisions of our Constitution, try to cause you any harm whatsoever you have the legal right and moral duty to resist. If it happens to your neighbor you have the same responsibility. This is sacrifice and what it means to be a patriotic American.

HONOR, DUTY, LOYALTY, MORALITY all American values.

Art Phillips (Elevengun)

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  • Since we have early voting in Nevada, I've already voted for Romney and every other Republican on the ballot.. What I hope happens on January 20, 2013 is shown in the following imgur picture..

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