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Today's Top Stories

United States launches missile strikes on Syria

Obama gave Syria to Russia. Going military in Syria could very well escalate into a war against Russia. The United States should have taken action in 2012. Our organization called on President Obama and the United Nations to issue emergency asylum to Christians and other religious minorities to save them from the impending genocide. Nothing was done. Millions were slaughtered. And Obama gave Syria to Russia.  

Jihadis Declare War on Thailand on Eve of New Constitution: Scores of Mass Attacks, ‘Biggest Attack in Years’

Muslim insurgents carried out 11 almost simultaneous attacks in Pattani at midnight on Thursday and early Friday, causing several areas in the southern provinces to be hit by blackout. Other attacks ....

Russia recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Maybe President Trump will make good on his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Vehicular jihad Muslim Mows Down, Murders Jewish Soldier, a ‘Sweet Kid’ Who ‘Couldn’t Hurt a Fly’

Islamic Jew hatred, it’s in the Quran. Hamas terrorist group praised Hamad’s action, with a spokesperson characterizing the attack as a “heroic” response to “the continued crimes of the Zionist occupation. Their American satellite group, CAIR, has not condemned the attack. Slain Soldier Was ‘Sweet Kid’ Who ‘Couldn’t Hurt a Fly’ | BBC Editor Links...

.@Jack Sedition: Twitter sues US to protect treasonous account by federal employees

This is pretty rich coming from Twitter who shadowbans counter jihadists and conservatives.This is pretty rich coming from Twitter who suspends and bans conservatives with whom Jack Dorsey disagrees.This is pretty rich coming from Twitter, from Jack Dorsey who would have turned in his own mother if it was a federal anti-Trump account.

.@VogueMagazine ‏cover model MURDERED by devout Muslims for not wearing Islamic clothing #AnnaWintour

Where's Vogue's coverage of this? Where is the march for women living under the boot of sharia?Feminists and women's fashion magazines continue to pay tribute to this most vicious ideology. The garb of oppression has become the new symbol of the Western feminist movement.When is Anna Wintour, the long time editor of the world's largest Fashion magazine, going to address this issue -- the gravest threat to women worldwide? 

Don Rickles RIP: The end of era

Don Rickles would never make it today. He would never be allowed to. He mocked racism, sexism, and bigotry.

FINALLY SOME GONADS: Republicans Pull the Trigger on Nuke Option #SCOTUS

Finally, the Republicans dig deep for much needed testicular fortitude. The Democrats did it without so much as an iota of hesitation.

Outcry in Sweden as Muslim school segregates boys and girls

A Muslim elementary school in Sweden, which separated boys and girls on a bus and during sports lessons, sparked controversy on Tuesday with the prime minister condemning it as "despicable".

European Union Tells Hungary and Poland To Accept Mass Migration Or Leave

France and Germany, along with a host of up to 21 other countries, are set to demand Hungary and Poland either accept migrants under the quota system or leave the European Union (EU).

France: Muslim who murdered Jewish woman shouted “Allahu Akbar!” ‘They tried to cover up the terror attack’

66-year-old Halimi was attacked by the Muslim as she slept in her bed. He stabbed her and pushed her from her third-story apartment to her death while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” During the police investigation, the Muslim said that the Koran had commanded him to murder her.  

“Moderate” Malaysia: Muslim MP and former Sharia court judge says 9-year-olds can marry

The former Syariah court judge added that some girls who reached puberty when they were as young as nine years old were "physically and spiritually" ready for marriage.

Trump Doubles Down on Promise to Reform Veterans Affairs

President Donald Trump once again promised real reforms to Veterans Affairs and said his campaign vows to help America's military would be realized.

Illegal Immigration Plunges in Wake of Trump: John Kelly, DHS Chief

Department of Homeland Security chief John Kelly said President Donald Trump's border policies and rhetoric have resulted in significantly fewer illegal crossings in the last two months.

Cancun Spring Breakers Chanting ‘Build the Wall’ Turns Out to Be Fake News

A much-reported story about American spring breakers chanting "Build the Wall" while vacationing in Cancun lacks any concrete proof.

Security Guards Ordered to Remove Pro-Police Patch Donned Post-Terror Attack

Security guards wearing pro-police badges in the wake of the Westminster Palace terror attacks were told to remove them because an anonymous complainant found them offensive.

SPLC Repeatedly Violated Tax Exempt Status During 2016 Elections

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), the D.C.-based legal affiliate of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), filed the legal complaint with the IRS alleging that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit organization that monitors "activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists," engaged in prohibited activities during a "flagrant, continued and intentional campaign" against Donald Trump and other Republican candidates this past election cycle.

Merkel government says there’s no need to regulate Islamic organizations in Germany

Members of Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union party have called for a ban on foreign funding of Islamic organizations, and for Muslims to get statutory rights to pastoral care from an imam in prisons and hospitals.
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