Coward George Soros Turned in his Fellow Jews to Hitler Nazi's so he could stay free.
Coward George Soros is ashamed to be a Jew so he changed his name from "Schwartz" to "Soros". What a rotten dispicable man.
Now Coward George Soros who is American Citizen is trying to bring AMERICA down. He has brought other Couyntries down and he wants to bring down America now. Obama is his puppet. Obama is affraid to say anything that Soros does not want him to say. Soros is Terrified if Obama is off of teleprompters.

This is a disgrace. Only you can stop this putrid excuse of a man.
Soros is financining a matriad of Marxist Left Wing Organizations that ate trying to turn America into Marxist state. Soros gets his jollies off at hurting people and families.

He is a sick demented pervert.

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