We as americans and patriots won a great battle in november but the war isnt over, now our weapons and borders, we must be unrelenting.  i am starting now making call, we cannot let the stupidity of another country control our laws, PISS ON MEXICO< that is a mexican problem, we need to be more concerned about that crap comming up north.  Why doesnt our gov have guns at our border protecting us from their trash, i mean the gun fire is alittle close dont we all think. Why dont the All Mighty liberal god Obammatry to win the war instead of making us look like half ass combat soldiers that have too consult some jackball behind a desk in washington half the earth away, we should be kicking the hell out of these idiots. Then he says all this good stuff about our military and how we are so great turn around and knifes us in the back, homos, lesbos, and trans gender military wtf, im out im done, i have been halfway around the world come back and its all gone too hell, i dont know if these people know it or not but a transgender whatever you want to call it has mental issues,they are not ready to hold a weapon steady while a mad russian or chinaman is comming fast and hard firing a weapon on them, im sick to my guts at where people here have let our country get, Gates, obamma that sorry ass navy jackball need to go.   COME ON GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET BUSY YOUR COUNTRY IS GETTING STOLD FROM U, WAKE UP AND LETS KICK SOME ASS. OR WE WILL BELONG TO ANOTHER COUNTRY. The start treaty wth that means we cant retaliate if we are hit with a speacal weapon, are you kidding me!!!!!
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  • Mike, as usual, I am right there with you...and, yes, this is exactly what this administration is trying to do to us...they  will not rest until the average american citizen has to be like a child and ask them please for everything that we receive, they want to to remain broke and unable to fend for ourselves, leaving us to depend on them for our very existence.  These are the worst enemies that this country has ever known...Germany, during WWII, had no greater enemy in Adolph Hitler, than we do in Barack Hussein Obama.  His road map for this country is in essence no different than Hitler's.  He first needed to gain the support of the people to get into office...hold on to that support by keeping them broke and offering food, medical and so forth to those that joined the party.  Then comes the disarming of the citizens, you are already aware of the direction that is going.  OH yes, do not doubt for one single second that there is not a conspiracy to crumble this society.  It couldn't be any clearer...oh hell...even Stevie Wonder can see this one coming....
  • Patton    the top of the line, this was a great leader.... Wow the economy this is a tough one to choke down, i am still in aww, was it us with our eyes closed or did we have so much faith in leaders that we thought we would not be betrayed. I hate too sound like a cospericy person but its damn hard not to believe it part of a bigger picture to really inslave us all.   This is where the leadership of our past has to come in, we must look to the past to gain a greater good and if it means to fight for this country well im ready for those calls but my aim i am sad to say may not lie for the leaders in office now.........they are career cowards.... but for men like yourselves i will fight along side........and i believe it will come too this if our direction is not changed.....
  • What's the Alan Greene parallel???  I missed something...........
  • Alan Greene
  • Douglas,  We all have the skeletons and I am sure that in this economy, the finances are a common issue with most of, my skeletons have skeletons, and my finances are rock bottom.  Yet, I would never back down from the mission.. Now you and I , and every other living soul, know that none of us on here stand a snowball's chance of even getting a foot in the door to even get gossiped about.  We are merely the miniscule particles in which the compostion of this nation are comprised .... Singularly, we are nothing more than a single grain of sand in a vast desert.  Yet, when we bond together and solidify with each other,  weathering the metamorphesis that strengthen our composition, withstanding the upheavals that raise our once loosely associated existence into the solid, granite like mountains that stand, joined in resistence to the indiscriminate weathering of the random forces that come our way..............Unity will be our salvation........
  • Yeah. I hear you.


    And I have kind of thought the same thing myself. I have even been told so in so many words.


    Unfortunately. I would not be a good candidate and I know it.


    Skeletons and Finances are the first draw backs. But even overcoming that, I could no longer meet the physical demands.


    I have to settle for finding someone better able to perform.

  • Oh yes they were subject to those same retarded orders....the difference between some of them though is that they would at least express their opinion of just how retarded some of these orders were....and that is why they were held to be contemptuous by their commander in chief.  Like anything don't have to really like a particular employee...still when that is the employee that can get the job done  and get it done like it should be...then that is the employee that you task... Douglas after your brief list of questions, you have simply sealed the case as to exactly why we are even asking ourselves who and where he or she is to get the job done like it should be.  That is the million dollar question....though I my self still believe in "If you wanna job done right,..........."
  • Sorry to point this out, but even they were subjected to those same retarded orders.


    Why do you think the Soviets reached Berlin First? Do you think Patton really wanted to allow that to happen?


    Why do you think there ever WAS a Soviet Bloc.


    And what of MacArthur?


    Why do you think we had a Korea or a Vietnam.


    For that matter, why do you think the OTTOMAN Empire (ISLAM) is still giving the world such grief today?


    My dad was in the Pacific and he once told me that on VJ day, all eyes turned "East" (toward Russia) just awaiting the orders that never came.


    I believe, or at least sincerely hope, that person is out there today and we must try to find him or her.

  • They exist but if they are presently active you can bet that they are going to do absolutely nothing that would damage their career.....And that is where they differ from the names that have been thrown out there...I am not saying that these men were not career minded, but they held steadfast and acted on their beliefs, which in fact is what engraved these names so deeply in the history of this nation.  Their deeds and victories were only possible because of their convictions and their personal beliefs.  Not the case anymore.....In this age it is more along the lines of "Whatever you say, sir".  Regardless of how dumb and retarded the Operation Order is.
  • Patton, Jackson, Eisenhower, Washington. Where is, WHO is, he or she today.


    (Started to use "he/she", but that didn't look right) LOL

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