get rid of speaker boehner

hey all speaker boehner sold us all out last night.  He and the republican rhino's broke their promise to us in their pledge to american and instead of getting 100 billion dollars of cuts, or 61 billion because 6 months are gone he came away with 39.1 billion and no approval of any of the rides.  he is no leader, he talk with fork tongue and gave the democrates everything the wanted.  He speaks weel but his actions speak louder, he is no leader and has no guts and we need to get rid of him and get a true leader that will fight to get spending reduced alot to save our country.  If he could stand up now he will not stand up when the debit ceiling is going to be increase and ryans 2012 budget will get pushed aside because the democrates know he is weak and will not fight.


I have been a republican for 57 years but on monday i am going down and re register as an independent.  We need a third party made up of independents, discourage republicans and tea party and we would win.  The american people are ready because they are fed up with both parties, the promises they make and the lack of guts and leadership they show.  The rhinos need to go and all those republicans that betray us need to go also.

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  • Unfortunately Mr. Seigfreid,  Dingy Harry Reid was being a good litlte Obama foot soldier and would have made sure the troop funding bill died in the Senate so Obama would not have to officially veto it on record.  Believe me I wanted that veto on record but it became obvious we were not getting it.
  • William, I believe Speaker Boehner did the best he could given the circumstances, although I would have much preferred he kept a tougher line and made the traitors own up to their treason, and Obamalinsky in particular, by vetoing a bill designed to fund the troops while keeping the obscenely bloated government running for another week until a better solution was presented.  It was, at best, a small eensy beensy step forward, so there's that, anyway.  As for re-registering, do however the Lord leads you, friend, but be aware of the fact that a 3rd party is nothing more than a distraction, and a fatal draw against a formidable foe.  Always will be...

  • You are back on track Leah with the Sharia Law threat. 100% correct there.  But the National Democratic Party does not care about the Sharia Law threat and as we know Obama deep down supports Sharia Law and needs to be put on the official record either way.  The goal of the Democratic Party is to keep people dependent on Government and they play wealth envy, class envy, and racial divide games to further their strength and they toss bones of Entitlements and Union deals to further their base with the brainwashing support of the Main Stream Media and Hollywood left to get the lemmings in line.
  • Please listen Leah I did not say all I said two-thirds of Jews vote Democrat. That is a fact. Most Jewish politicians are liberal Democrats.  I said Hollywood has big liberal Jewish influence not Unions. I said Union are big in Democratic base.  Face it, the Truman Democrat can not win the nomination anymore.  Blue Dogs are a small group that need to stop fence sitting because their number will dwindle.   Trust me.  The party favors and is loaded with the liberal special interests and money and large bases.  When I say women rights I mean the man hating women as Rush Limbaugh calls feminazis  that are very liberal.  These many liberal Jewish politicians do not question Obama's Muslim Background.  They are Obama lemmings and it baffles me how they can support him.  I am on your side in trying to save Israel.  To have Steve send me a E-Mail about Jew bashing is insulting.  I love Levin and Savage.  I wish Levin was President.  He worked for Reagan and is brilliant and strong and knocks all liberals and really gives it to the Jewish ones like Schmuck Schumer (his words) and Weiner.  I hate Pelosi, Cuomo. and all the Obama liberal suckups no matter what there religions.  But how a Jew can support Obama baffles my mind.  A tough Jew like you needs to open their eyes and needs to open their eyes wide now and get them off the Obama worship.  Obama should get a minority of the Jewish vote not a majority like he did.  Look it up.  I am trying to save Israel and not stab it in the back like the liberal clan who follow Obama blindly are.  I never linked Jews and Unions you misunderstood that completely.  But you need to slap Schumer and Wasserman-Schultz and their ilk they are just as liberal as Weiner but didn't marry Muslims.  Mark Levin is The Great One.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • I know you mean well Leah and I hope you aggrevate and expose Obama more and soften him a little for November but the Democratic Party is now and will be controlled by liberals on the national level and has been for years and it is not going to change.  Why would they leave and go to a 3rd Party communist/socialist/ Marxist/etc. when they know that a 3rd Party can not win and the Republican will benefit.  When it comes to politics they are NOT stupid.   It is all about money and power used to keep the agenda and control flowing.  The base of the Democratic Party is Unions, liberal media, Hollywood left, minorities, teachers, environmental (Green) people, people who rely of Government Entitlements,  woman and gay rights, and Leah they get two-thirds of the Jews.  Please Leah join Levin and nail Weiner, Schumer, Wasserman-Schultz, Feinstein, and many other liberal big name Jews in politics and nail the Hollywood left which has high Jewish influence.  They brainwash through TV and Movies.  If Obama lets Israel fall and turns his back on them will these Jews finally wake up or still support the Muslim because he is the head of the Democratic Party.  That is why I say any Democratic Presidential nominee has at least 40% in the bank because their Party is very loyal.  You Leah, are in the minority and you will support and vote for the Republican against Obama hopefully instead of a wasted vote like I did with Perot.  Conservative Democrats are becoming dinosaurs because of all of special interests I mentioned before which keeps the Party left and even lefter on the national scale.
  • Not a 3rd Party.  Battle in the Republican Primaries like in 2010.  A strong 3rd party means the Dems win like in 1992 with Perot.  Trust me I made that mistake backing Ross. I have to live with it.  Clinton won with 43%.  Obama like it or not has a guaranteed 41 to 47 percent period.  The offical GOP candidate has a 31 to 37 guaranteed percent period.  Those are facts because of special interests and just the way our politics are period.  State and local races are different than National.  Parties mean more when voting President.  At most an independent can get is around 30 percent and that is high I believe in the 20's.  Obama will win then.  A big Republican field in 2012 is a good thing even though then knock each other they still all knock Obama.  Whoever wins.  SUPPORT THAT CANDIDATE  even if it is not your favorite.  Remember the big picture.  Controlling House, Senate, and Presidency.  Then change can occur.  Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
  • Remember Republicans must take the high road and not look wacko because the majority of the press is against us. This is crucial to win in 2012. In this latest batlle, we made them look wacko and have them saying Republicans want to kill women on record.  We got the troops paid.  I prefer Ryan, but be patient and I give The Boner a B+ becuase politics is big now (like it or not) so we can win the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2012.  Then real positive change can occur and we would have won all 3 if all 100 Senate seats were up in 2010 and the Presidency too.  Keep the 2010 game plan (unite after the Primaries) and make the Dems look Radical not us.  They have the Real Radicals like Obama's Pentagon Bomber buddy Bill Ayers and follow Commie Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals.  We must make the 2012 election like the 1980 election.  A vote for any other party in November 2012 (Libertarian or Even Tea if on the ballot that way, etc) is an  Obama vote because it is one less his only real challenger has.  I am guilty of that in 1992 with Ross Perot and in hindsight realize I indirecty helped Bill Clinton get elected.  Please forgive me and I do not want you carrying possibly the same guilt.   Sincerely, Angelo Mule'
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