Glenn Beck is onto Something Big

Glenn is very religious.  He spent two days in Israel and has brought back an important message, a message far bigger than Glenn realizes. The Islamic Brotherhood and Marxist revolutionaries, says Glenn, are joining forces.  They plan on doing away with Israel—“Little Satin.” 


Israel, says Glenn, is an emblem of freedom. Marxist Barack Obama gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden. His popularity soared, as did the anger of the Brotherhood.   Osama was responsible for destroying the World Trade Center, an emblem of capitalism.   Osama was responsible for damaging the Pentagon, an emblem of military might.  Obama, master of duplicity, calls the Mid-East revolution a democratic movement. The best organized, says Glen, is the Brotherhood, whose aim is to destroy “Little Satan.”  The United States is “Big Satin,” says Glenn.   If you listen of Glenn, there is a sinister connection in killing Osama bin Laden with the Brotherhood and Marxism—getting rid of Israel and American freedom; turn the world into a totalitarian Marxist-Islamic dictatorship.  


Glenn, like most of the world’s present population, sees the world the same as the ancients saw the world.  We don’t live in the ancient world.  When you view a TV screen, you see a picture. What you actually see is a small dot of light traveling across the screen, lighting it up.  What you see is photons, tiny packets of energy. When physicists observe light waves, they collapse and become photons.  The optic nerve carries photons to the brain. What you see is a tree.  What you see and believe is not the complete reality.


Einstein informed us that everything can be reduced to vibrations.  Vibrations can be reduced to numbers, so many vibrations per second.  What we can’t see can be explained with numbers.  Neither Obama, the Brotherhood, Mid-East revolutionaries, the American people, or Beck understand what the ancient sages of India understood: so is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.


Moreover, none of the above understand what the “wise men” of Persia understood. The Bible refers to “wise men” who followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birthplace of Christ.  The so-called “wise men” were skilled mathematicians.  In addition to being engineers, they invented the zodiac; they reduced the universe to numbers—and predicted events and human characteristics through the zodiac, a map of the heavens.  Their zodiac was a circle, a clockworks divided into 12 pie shaped parts they called ages, each with a sign, each lasting about 2,000 years. Christ was born under the sign of Pisces. The Age of Pisces produced people who tended to be easily influenced, subject to external influences, and generally not strong willed. The sign of Pisces is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions.  Does Pisces have a familiar ring? Jesus said to his disciples that before the cock crowed they would deny him three times, which is characteristic of the Pisces nature.


With the thoughts I’ve laid before you, when we read the ending chapters of the “Old Testament,” especially in Habakkuk 2:2, “O Lord how long shall I cry, and thou will not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!”  And even the very last words of the “Old Testament,” in Malichi 4:6, “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heard of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse,” I think of Israel, its doctrines and dogmas clinging to the past.  Will they never learn? After what Joshua did to the Canaanites, really Glenn!  And the Muslims cling to the past, too.  It has been a continuing holy war.  Enough!


Glen tells us Jerusalem is divided into four sections, including an Arab section, and all the sections peaceful.  Why call Israel the Promsed Land, Glenn?    You are Christian.


From Malichi to Matthew, the first of the four Gospels of “The New Testament,”  Jesus had your answers, Glenn.  Also, I would add, the end of the Age of Pisces, our time, and the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, when he said in Matthew 6:10, “Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. In 6:24, he said, “No man can serve two masters.” In 6:33, he said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God.”  Where is the kingdom of God? Pisceans are attached to external factors. As you have said many times, Glenn, God is in you and I. Earth and heaven are places.  So, where is the heart of Israel, in a Promised Land? No, Glenn. God has never promised land to anybody.   We, the people, are being misled. 


God said, in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image.”  When Moses asked God who to tell his people God’s name was, God said I AM THAT I AM.  We have greater awareness than other life; we are capable of being in direct communication with the consciousness of the universe.  Glenn, we hold within us the intelligence to control any situation, to make ourselves anything we will.  So, when you say “keep the faith,” you leave out something very important.


Coincidentally, at the exact time of my birth, today’s “wise men” say, my rising sign is Aquarius, and that I would be gifted in being able to see the future.  Besides that, since Saturn is trine Pluto in my astrological chart,  today’s “wise men” say, it means I’m cognizant of the more subtle workings of the universe, that I would work to improve my own life and the lives of others.


When Obama was elected President in November 2008, Saturn and Pluto went into their worst alignment.  Says distinguished philosopher and cultural historian Richard Tarnas in Cosmos and Psyche, this alignment means “intense contraction,” “international crises,” empowerment of reactionary forces,” and “totalitarianism.”  The book was published in 2006.  In truth, Obama lied.  The book was a prophecy based on the undeniable evidence, as Jesus said, that “in earth as it is in heaven. . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God.”


In Astrologer’s Handbook, we read that Aquarians are stubborn and determined.  They are annoyed when people are unreceptive.  They hate hypocrisy and double talk.  Aquarians operate as equals among equals.  They are independent.

On my Web site,  , under  “Comes a New Cosmology,” today, May 12th, Rea Roode Says:  “Many thanks for your energy to have decided to put these things together on this blog site. John and I very much loved your insight through the articles about certain things. I understand that you have quite a few demands on your own timetable, therefore, the fact that you took all the time to steer people really like us through this article is also highly treasured.”

May 12th, kataskeyh istoselidon Says:  I regard something truly special in this web site .

May 12th Luvenia Gleeson Says:  You’ve got an awesome blog right here!

May 12th dating Says: Thanks this is a ton of information you have!

At this writing, and only since early February when I started blogging on my own domain, there have been 5,265 comments, mostly favorable.  I connect with people. I’m bringing them a message of the future. They are responding.  The information I’m giving people is info they don’t get anywhere else.

The present dark time marks the death throes of the Age of Pisces. But something more than the Age of Aquarius enters. The Mayan Calendar combines the zodiac with a greater clockworks. We approach the end of the end, the beginning of the beginning. In birth, there is always pain. We are at the threshold of human evolvement. We become galactic in our consciousness.   

You need to bone up on the latest science, Glenn. In the year and month of my birth, September 1925, a sign of the time, physicist Werner Heisenberg published his uncertainty principle, the forerunner of quantum mechanics.  Quantum mechanics looked into the microcosmic world. Using today’s mathematics, the cutting edge of science came up with mathematics that disagreed with Einstein’s, and by reason that deductions can be made from their mathematics.  And why not?  Juries convict people on circumstantial evidence.  I’ll tell you why not, Glenn.  The powers that be do not accept the new evidence of reality because it replaces their power with individual power.

Newton’s  immutable laws of motion don’t take into consideration that something more exists, something non-physical: consciousness.   Consciousness can involve observation and the human will. Glenn, you should read The Physics of Consciousness by brain doctor and quantum physicist Evan Harris Walker.  Under “A God for Tomorrow,” he writes: “In the development of quantum theory, the observer emerges as a co-equal in the foundry of creation. . . The observer interacts with matter.  Consciousness, the substance of this newfound reality that defines the observer, has fundamental existence.  It is the quantum mind that is the basic reality.”  









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