Forgive me if I ramble a bit like Diane Sawyer, I was born a rambling man...
Did you know God rejected Cain's wonderful vegetables and fruits because they were produced via the sweat of Cain's brow?(I'm keeping it simple,like me.) And when ticked-off Cain murdered(the FIRST murder) Able, Able became a martyr with his blood connected to Jesus'. Blood flows from cover to cover of THEGOODBOOK and Able's Lamb offering is part of that blood. (My version of part of Adrian Rogers,Love Worth Finding Ministries Recent sermon).
The Angels got ticked-off when GOD gave humans souls and everlasting life (Angels don't have souls and everlasting life!) I had no idea, but sometimes I listen-up to my Air Force Vet Big Brother, who,when working for
various oil-related companies in places like Algeria, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan(sp?),Kuwait,Venezuela,
Alaska, Texas, etc...,Reads THEBIBLE a lot among other literature...and he KNOWS whatof he speaks...
GOD also gave humans CHOICE...I believe the TENCOMMANDMENTS are THEIDIOTSGUIDETORIGHTANDWRONG, i.e. if you need the 10 Guide you are in trouble already...
Recently I watched a game between dog killers and human maimers. The human maimers("SAINTS") won over the dog killers("EAGLES")...I wanted both to lose but GOD(?) chose human maimers over dog killers...
THEBIBLE says GOD gave Satan the run of the earth or words to that effect, which means all the folks who don't need the 10 Guide will have to do the best we can until THETIMEISRIGHT!!!!!