The past three weeks have been absolutely insane as Federal law-breaking and lying have erupted on many fronts, with the latest being the Edward Snowden leak exposing the NSA's mischief. To illustrate how bad it is inside the beltway, here is the former head of the NSA talking his trash at the Press Club just as he was stepping down from his job running the NSA to take another job running the CIA. This is a four-star General who would have the American press believe that "probable cause" is not found in the Fourth Amendment. Unbelievable? You bet! But watch this two minute vid and see him do it on film -
That is the caliber of genius who ran the NSA, which we're supposed to "trust". Done laughing yet? But this email is to be "good news", so after we realize how dire our situation under leaders like General Hayden, let's look at the good stuff.
We're getting there. James Jaeger has announced that he has filmed all the interviews for the upcoming documentary movie, "Molon Labe!: How The Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom". He has asked me to thank each of you who have sent in your support to make all that happen. I'm excited. Here's why.
I have just seen an hour of the rough-cut for the movie, with segments from each of the experts who are featured in the film, and it's awesome! I'm sure each of you who has contributed will be proud to be a part of this. I'm already seeing it as a great tool for RT&I in Oath Keepers outreach program. I'm sure we'll carry it at our online store, and other web operations have asked to carry it. Like James' "Fiat Empire", millions will see it.
Oath Keepers Founder, Stewart Rhodes, shines nicely in this movie.Stewart's footage was filmed on a very snowy day in the Swan Mountain range in northwest Montana, at a charming high-country retreat, and Stewart was relaxed and comfortable. His dialogue comes across the screen in as good a showing as I've seen. Our members will love his hard-hittlng matter-of-fact delivery of our principles and their relationship with the Second Amendment.
But also there to be interviewed on that wintry day was Oath Keepers' national chaplain, Pastor Chuck Baldwin. Chuck's scenes in the film are excellent. Both Stewart and Chuck lend a solid dignity to the movie.
From right: Larry Pratt, David Crowley, Elias Alias, Lexington Green April 19 2013 |
Can you imagine sitting in a room with Stewart Rhodes, Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, and Larry Pratt, all discussing the necessity for a return to the Constitutional Militia of the several States? The very thought of it is exciting! But James has included even more. His movie also features Pat Buchanan, G. Edward Griffin, Jack Rooney, David R. Gillie, Alex Jones, and Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr.
That is an impressive lineup of powerful men who are devoted to the entire U.S. Constitution, as written, with emphasis on the Second Amendment. These guys are dispensing knowledge and wisdom. For an hour and a half, anyone watching this film will have the nation's most knowledgeable gun rights advocates talking freely about America, our roots in freedom, and how the Second Amendment is the answer to today's tyrannical General government in Washington D.C.
That is an exciting thought.
The final word on the Second Amendment, and the inspiration for the movie Molon Labe!, has been written by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. Yes, James Jaeger has based his movie on Edwin Vieira's two-thousand-plus page tome, The Sword And Sovereignty". You may read a great review of that book by Nelson Hultberg < here>
You may find your own copy of the book - as a CD-Rom only, for the book is not in paper publication yet - at Amazon dot com.
Every American is duty-bound. We are the Militia, all of us, and as we'll see in the movie, the Constitution mandates it.
Molon Labe! shows how we as Americans can take our country back, get back to personal freedom and self-responsibility, by honoring and living up to the Constitution. It is the consciousness of this nation's founders, and it served us well until we let the General government grow too large and begin to run our lives.That is why James searched for the finest voices in America for this film. And now they are all filmed. As they say in film-making lore, "they're 'in the can'".
As you'll see below, this is a chance to get your chapter or group into the end credits of the movie. I would like to see every liberty-related organization in America pitch in and get their group's name in the credits on this film. Think about it - where else could one find an opportunity to receive end-credits recognition for good supportive work on a movie project with Pat Buchanan, Stewart Rhodes, Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin, and all those other guys?Now James Jaeger is putting all the interviews together. I feel very fortunate to have watched as the script was finalized and then the participants were scheduled and filmed. Now I'm happy knowing James is busily making it all come together in his Matrix Entertainment studio. Check out this seven minute trailer -
Official MOLON LABE Trailer |
The project has spent about fifty thousand dollars thus far, (I have not checked for exact figures), with most of that money coming from grassroots Americans like you who want to help make this movie happen. A lot of us have already given ten or twenty, and some have given more. Others, just as importantly, are supporting the movie's production by spreading around the link to the online home of the film - We are all doing what we can, and it's working.
For those who have not yet made a contribution, here is another opportunity to join this movement to reinstate the Constitutional Militia of the several States. Support money continues to come in, but the sooner it's in, the more quickly James can finish this film and make it available. So you are invited to take action by spreading around the film's website and trailer, and/or by sending in a donation to help cover the costs. Your help is appreciated by James Jaeger and by Oath Keepers.
Additionally, James is offering screen credits for donations of one hundred dollars or more. You can get your or your group's name in the end-credits of the movie for only a hundred dollars. As I work with Montana Oath Keepers, I'm going to ask our members in Montana to fork over a hundred dollars so "Montana Oath Keepers" will be listed in the credits. It would be cool to see otherState or County chapters and groups listed there too.How about you, Florida and Connecticut Oath Keepers, and New York and Alabama Oath Keepers, and Nevada and Nebraska Oath Keepers? Getting into the end credits will help finalize the movie and make us all look better while we're at it.Personally, before the NSA reads one more word I write, I want to be publicly known for having supported this film. You should too - Hoo-aahh!
I would like to pass along an observation James told me recently. The collectivist progressive gun-control lobby funds Michael Moore's anti-gun films with a couple million dollars or more. But James Jaeger is making Constitutional films of the highest quality for just over a hundred thousand dollars each, and he's doing it as a work of love. Like Oath Keepers, James' Constitutional film collection (Molon Labe! is his sixth in a series) is funded by "we little people" instead of having corporate sponsors like Michael Moore enjoys. All of his Constitution-oriented films are funded in part by a few producers and many grassroots contributions. Grassroots funding allows James to script and direct and produce his films without catering to any special interest. His first Constitutional film, Fiat Empire, got more than five million downloads and was passed around at Tea Party rallies all over the country. Molon Labe! is hitting right on the mark where timing is concerned, for this year has seen a renewed attempt by the gun control lobby to take away our guns, and that has awakened millions of Americans to the government's intent. This film will be like new ammo for our ongoing war to keep our guns. And - it will be viewed very widely.
So here is how you can share in this project personally. Go
<here> and make your donation, and then spread this article around to family and friends and let them know that this is hope for America and that by donating whatever they can, they will help produce a movie which will be viewed by millions of Americans this year - just in time to be a hot item during the 2014 election cycle. Do it now, right? You can be part of the good news for the Second Amendment. That should get your week off to a great start! Thank You!
Elias Alias, editor
End notes:
Movie website:
For slow connections:
Donation Page:
Movie trailer:
Nelson Hultberg's review:
Edwin Vieira's book, The Sword And Sovereignty, on CD-ROM at Amzaon:
Online link for this article: