It appears as though the entrenched Republican (rhino) leadership is setting the stage for another GOP defeat in 2016.  At the moment their favorites are Christi and Romney.  Christi is so toxic to the GOP base he is unelectable.  Christi has proven to be nothing more than a Democrat in an elephant suite.  They way he romances Obama combined with the influx of Democrat money going to his campaign fund make it quite obvious where his true loyalty is.  As far as Romney goes, even with fewer voters voting for Obama Romney couldn't draw enough of his base to  make a good showing.  Therefore, if the choice offered the GOP base is between these two, Democrats would have little problem getting any misfit they run elected.  


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  • Regardless of what the media, the liberals and other know it alls say about the ability of the Republicans to win the next election it is clear as crystal that only a CONSERVATIVE can will the White House.  Republicans are buying into the BS that a MODERATE can only win.  WRONG!  A strong and unflinching CONSERVATIVE is a surefire way to offer the vast majority of voters a real and clear choice.  Most Americans are CONSERVATIVE and SILENT.  If the Republicans want to win they had better support and real CONSERVATIVE and not a conservative who is really a closet liberal.

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