We are governed by consent , but how do we as individuals withdraw such consent ?
Perhaps we need to think about this and act as individuals as well as collectively ?
A list of possible ways to impact the government at what ever level you believe is overreaching
their authority.
Stop paying taxes
Stop Buying/using things that fund the government through use taxes
Make demands for services from the government Freedom of information requests on everything you can think of which is your right under the law.
Think of all the ways to slow down and jam up the machine in lawful ways
Go to city hall and ask questions and waste the staffs time , do the same at the state capital
go visit your congressman and waste his/her time too
Request a copy of your tax return form 2009 and 2010
Send them a check for 20 cents every week for and as that they apply it to your withholding
File a w2 for your cat and dog. "LOL"
well you get the idea
Go buy a gun
The FBI must check you out and either say yes or no or wait