Greek Anarchy Carries a Message





The graphic is a logarithmic image of a hologram. Einstein proved that the universe can be reduced to vibrations. Vibrations can be reduced to numbers.

Marcos Rodin, a follower of Islam, the Bahai’i, a movement originating among Shia Muslims in Iran in the ninetieth century, emphasizing the spiritual unity of mankind, Rodin, a mathematician, a nuclear physicist, far beyond the present in his thinking, produced this graphic.  


Glenn Beck came back from a visit to Greece telling us it sent cold shivers up his spine. The camera shows Greek Graffiti on a wall. Glenn tells us it says anarchy brings freedom.  This idea is explained under anarchy in my Webster’s College Dictionary as “theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.”  This definition dovetails with free enterprise, Greek anarchy with socialist dictatorship.

What do we know? A hologram can be cut into two pieces and you get the complete picture on each piece. Cut it into as many pieces as you like and you get the full picture on each piece.Photons, once connected, even if separated light years, communicating instantly, the universe is self-organizing from chaos—a hologram. The picture is the same everywhere. The universe begins with information.

From the Lord’s Prayer: “in earth as it is in heaven… But seek ye first the kingdom of God,” Jesus’s words, what do we know? We are at odds with nature’s “Higher Law.” Jesus was predicted by Persian astrologers referred to as the “three wise men.” America was born under the sign of Aquarius, the water-bearer—our brother’s keeper. Jesus said he would return, Jesus, a prophet of the Age of Aquarius.

How did we get to this sorry state of affairs? We’ve been following the dictates of tradition, applying the brakes while technology races ahead—failing to realize that we are here with increasing purpose.  One man can now do the work of a hundred.  It gives us time to think. Instead, we’ve been preoccupied with things—things without thought.

Five hundred years ago, western Europe was under the control of the Holy Catholic Empire, hardly an image of Jesus.  Heretics were tortured into acceptance of the Holy Father’s decrees.  Galileo came along. He proved that this planet was not the center of the universe. He was prosecuted as a heretic.  Jesus was crucified for the same reason. We do as we are told, or else. 

The Holy Catholic Empire was replaced with the Age of Enlightenment, and a better understanding of the makeup of the universe, which gave us materialism. Anarchy brings freedom?  Well, not necessarily. We hold to the outdated notion that by looking to the past we plan our future.  The future is going to be nothing like the past. We’ve learned enough about the makeup of the universe to make everything in the past something to forget.  We will look back at the present like we now look at the stone age.

 The Age of Pisces is ending, whose symbol is two attached fish swimming in opposite directions, replaced by the Age of Aquarius, whose symbol is the water-bearer.  This idea comes from the ancients.  Glenn says the biblical battle of Armageddon is now taking place. What does Glenn know? He knows religious doctrine, the very thing that hides the underlying truth.  

In the Age of Aquarius we become our brother’s keeper.  Jesus came at the beginning of the Age of Pisces preaching that. He said he would be back.  No way are we our brother’s keeper.  He has not returned. We are still living in the past.

We Americans celebrate July 4th as the day America became independent.  America, born under the sign of Aquarius, assumed the role of individual opportunity and freedom. The American people in 1776 were self-governed. The aging process has left America without Jesus’s message, victims of dependence.

This idea comes from way back: the Aquarian, above all else, is independent. The change of ages doesn’t happen overnight. The change could easily begin with the world under the control of a socialist dictatorship.

An understanding of the makeup of the universe tells us that down the smallest excitation movement is directed.  What else but consciousness? From the Physics of Consciousness:

"As T. H. Huxley put it, 'Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science as the strangled snakes beside [the cradle of] Hercules.' Materialism has served us well. It has enlightened us. It has brought us closer to many truths. But science’s investment in materialism has itself turned into a creed, with its own high priests ready to torment the unorthodox. Many phenomena have been ignored in the name of this materialism. The obvious—such as consciousness—has been shut out, exactly as if such ideas were the teachings of a heretic. Phenomena that would not fit materialistic concepts have been made anathema and estranged."

Sorry Glenn, you are living in the past. Obama praises Middle-East anarchy as democracy at work.  In praising the Muslim Brotherhood, he praises Sharia law—cutting off the heads of infidels. Clearly, Obama is an advocate of that Greek graffiti—anarchy bringing freedom.  What do we know?  If the election were held today Obama would win.  Glen is like the guy who wrote the St. Louis Greens. It didn’t sell.

The American people have a choice in the presidential election of 2012 of electing Obama, a self-appointed socialist dictator, or a representative of free enterprise. It proves that as we fast approach the future, we are missing a lot.  In Earth as It Is in Heaven 2012, book I’m finishing, fills the gaps.  

P.S. I forgot to mention that those Bahai'i utilizing the concealed mathematics of the unapproachable Most Great Name of God, as it applies to particle physics and medicine, are blessed as knowing God.  Come to think of it, would God bless those who call God unapproachable and cut heads off?  Mohammad, in one instance, cut off the heads of 700 infidels. Too often, religion is used as an excuse to control people.  Say I, look within for your answers. Your intuition will guide you.  


PPS Rev. Franklin Graham: “Most Christians would not recognize Mormons as part of the Christian faith.  I’m just saying that most Christians would not recognize Mormonism. Of course they believe in Jesus Christ. They believe in a lot of other things, too, that we don't accept theologically.”  Christians believe a lot that Jesus didn't teach.  That's why I'm not a Christian.





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