Can someone research this part of the Health Care Bill In it it shows that 2 Military Groups under the guise of National Emergency will be Commissioned under the President and Senate's control.We have the National Guard & they could always open a new division if needed.Next what branch will these troops be under how many troops will be hired and how much will they be paid as well as how much more will this add to the Health Bill that is already 111 million above what the Obama Administration said it would be!!! Here is the Bill and if you know anything about Histroy Mussollini under the guise of National security created the Black Shirts.We also have the SS under Hitler and also under the Most recent POL POT Cambodia kymer Rouge who killed 2 million
Thank you
I have worked with an Old Phone Guy who came from Hitlers Youth Camp and he spoke to me very worried saying this is how there Country was taken 1st the Media then the Schools curriculum the Students who then turned in there parents they also used the Racist card and Hate crimes to imprision the people If they did not believe in Hitlers Naziism.
The children were taken and put in youth camps.It did not happen over night but was planned and it took years a little at a time.
Does this remind you of what is happening now !!
The Nazi state idolized Hitler as its Führer ("Leader"), centralizing all power in his hands. Nazi propaganda was quite effective in creating what historians call the "Hitler Myth" – that Hitler was all-wise and all-powerful, so that any mistakes or failures by others would be corrected when brought to his attention. In reality, Hitler had a narrow range of interests and decision-making was diffused among overlapping, feuding power centers; on some issues he was passive, simply assenting to pressures from whoever had his ear. All top officials still reported to Hitler and followed his basic policies, but they had considerable autonomy on a daily basis.[4] All expressions of public opinion were controlled by propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, who made effective use of film, mass rallies, and Hitler's skillful oratory.[5]