I’ve been listening to this Healthcare garbage since the courts said it was a TAX. Tax the people who don’t have health insurance but have the money to buy it. Maybe this is fine for some people.
Now if the people in Corrupt DC would open their PEA brain and listen, theirs 46% of American people who do not pay any taxes, and who know just how many have not paid their Taxes at all. Those are the one that have money coming out their ears. Now if theirs 54% of the people paying taxes but have health insurance, who do you think is going to pay for these folks that don’t pay taxes but they want healthcare?
This dummy in the Outhouse and also these Nut cases in Corrupt DC. Why is it that when the people elect these nut cases that they have to make a stop at the hospital to get common sense removed from their brain.
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Sure you have a point but the bigger point is this.
Small business does not create enough profits to pay for health insurance for their owners much less their employees, most are just staying afloat .
So this tax will be the proverbial straw on that camels back for one thing.
I am a Provider of health care and right now 1/3 of my day is paperwork to satisfy those government goons and they will want even more documentation for less money !
My plan !
I may move outside the USA and to hell with the stupid voters that want a hand out!
Health care is s service and it costs money and some one will pay for it or you will not have it.
Think socialized medical care is great try getting sick in UK or Canada and need an MRI, you will wait at least a month and by then the government people hope you die so they won't have to pay.